January 23, 2024
The Lake of The Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room.
Chair Cody Hasbargen called the meeting to order at 9:00a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Ed Arnesen, Cody Hasbargen, Jon Waibel, Buck Nordlof, and Joe Grund. Also Present was Auditor-Treasurer Lorene Hanson.
Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously approve the agenda with the following changes: Add: NWA Post Office Correspondence, Safeboat Donation, IT Issues.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the official minutes of January 9, 2024.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to approve the following claims: Commissioners Warrants $5,268.98; Commissioners Warrants $785.96; Commissioners Warrants $14,814.29.
Transfer of Homeless Funds
Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to approve the transfer of $50,000.00 from the social services fund monies received from a state funded homeless prevention grant to the Baudette Housing Authority to increase capacity of local housing through infrastructure/building.
Approval of Child Crisis Response Contract
Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the Child Crisis Response Contract between Stellher Human Services and Lake of the Woods County Social Services.
Mobile Children’s Dental Clinic
Social Services Director Amy Ballard informed the board that Children’s Dental Services has agreed to provide 3 mobile clinics in Lake of the Woods County in 2024. The mobile clinic will be held in the County Commissioner’s Room in the Government Center until an alternative site is found. The mobile dental clinic will be open to all ages.
Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the claims against the County as follows: Revenue $100,612.27; Road & Bridge $93,982.50; Solid Waste $20,969.02; EDA $1,572.18.
Warrants Approved On 1/23/2024 For Payment 1/26/2024
Vendor Name Amount
Cenex Co-Op Services, Inc. 14,005.47
Compass Minerals America 13,955.57
Farmers Union Oil Co. 2,625.23
Integris LLC 2,159.90
John Deere Financial 3,245.60
Joy Brandt Painting 28,800.00
Larkin Hoffman Attorneys 28,819.00
Lavalla Sand & Gravel Inc 57,690.50
LOW Soil & Water Cons. Dist. 20,000.00
Northern Light Region 3,715.25
Quadient Finance USA Inc. 3,000.00
Rainy Lake Oil, Inc 2,513.50
Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc 8,727.60
U.S. Bank Equipment Finance 6,268.50 35
Payments less than 2000 21,609.85
Final Total: 217,135.97
Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants: January 10,2024 for $77,105.89; January 17, 2024 for $111,110.95; January 16, 2024 for $324,392.49; January 16, 2024 for ($1,853.50).
Human Resources
Case Aid I to Case Aid II
Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve Sheri Stebakken to move from Case Aid I at Grade 8, Step 10, $23.27 per hour to Case aid II at Grade 9, Step 10, $24.50 per hour at 224 points effective next full pay period.
Mayor Rick Rone discussed the City of Baudette’s involvement with and support of the splashpad project.
Public Works
County Engineer Anthony Pirkl gave an update on various projects for highway and solid waste departments.
The board reviewed correspondence about the Northwest Angle Post Office.
County Road Discussion
Yulia Bogdanova and Alex Butler came to the board to discuss the road access to their property. No action was taken by the board at this time.
Deputy Ben Duick informed the board that the State of Minnesota DNR has offered to donate a 2013 Safeboat that may require some repairs.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to accept the donation of a 2013 Safeboat from the State of Minnesota DNR.
Remove From Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to remove IT issues from the agenda.
Closed Session
The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to approve the following:
Resolution Closing Board Meeting
Resolution No. 2024-01-04
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Open Meeting Law, Minn. Stat. § 13D.05, subd. 3(b) states that “meetings may be closed if the closure is expressly authorized by statute or permitted by the attorney-client privilege;” and
WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners wishes to meet with its attorney to discuss an ongoing investigation pertaining to sensitive data, which data could be construed as confidential/private pursuant to the Minnesota Data Practices Act; and
WHEREAS, it would be detrimental to the interests of the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners to hold a public discussion with its attorney regarding the ongoing investigation and its legal position; and
WHEREAS, there is an absolute need for the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners to obtain confidential legal advice regarding the ongoing investigation and potential legal options in order to maintain the attorney-client privilege.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners as follows:
- The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners hereby closes this meeting based upon the attorney-client privilege pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13D.05, subd. 3(b);
The specific subjects to be discussed, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13D.05, subd. 3(b), are the legal strategy of the Board regarding the ongoing sensitive data investigation.
Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to close the closed session and open the regular meeting.
Closed Session
The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to approve the following:
Resolution Closing Board Meeting
Resolution No. 2024-01-05
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Open Meeting Law, Minn. Stat. § 13D.05, subd. 3(b) states that “meetings may be closed if the closure is expressly authorized by statute or permitted by the attorney-client privilege”; and
WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County, while not yet served, has received a copy of a Summons and Complaint dated January 3, 2024 signed by Plaintiffs William E. Fischer and Cathy Fischer, requesting, inter alia, that the court quiet title and declare that a disputed roadway be considered private property. Lake of the Woods County is named as one of the Defendants in the action; and
WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County Board seeks to meet with its attorney, to discuss the pending lawsuit; and
WHEREAS, it would be detrimental to the interests of the Lake of the Woods County Board to hold a public discussion with its attorney regarding the strengths and weaknesses of its legal position(s), strategy, and potential settlement position regarding the pending lawsuit where an opposing party or opposing attorney could listen to or be made aware of Lake of the Woods County’s positions; and
WHEREAS, there is an absolute need for the Lake of the Woods County Board to obtain confidential legal advice regarding the potential settlement modifications in order to maintain the attorney-client privilege.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Lake of the Woods County Board as follows:
- The Lake of the Woods County Board hereby closes this meeting based upon the attorney-client privilege pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13D.05, subd. 3(b); and
- The specific subjects to be discussed, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13D.01, subd. 3, are the legal strategy regarding the pending Quiet Title Action signed by Plaintiffs William E. Fischer and Cathy Fisher, and received by the County from another named defendant.
Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to close the closed session and open the regular meeting
The board reviewed correspondence from Arrowhead Library.
Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 11:00a.m.
Attest: February 13, 2024
______________________________ _________________________________
County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson Chair Cody Hasbargen