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November, 2007

Commissioner Proceedings

November 13, 2007

The Lake of the Woods County Board met in regular session on Tuesday, November 13, 2007, in the Commissioners’ Room in the Lake of the Woods County Government Center with the following members present:  Commissioners Bredeson, Patty Beckel, Todd Beckel, Arnesen and Moorman.  Also present were: County Auditor John W. Hoscheid, Deputy Auditor Janet Rudd and Penny Mio Hirst. Chairman Todd Beckel called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Motion by Commissioner Arnesen to approve the agenda with the following additions:  authorize Social Service Director to advertise for Financial Officer, City of Baudette Law Enforcement letter, Northwest Angle Power Line, December 18, 2007 board meeting time change and ANI discussion.  Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to approve the consent agenda as follows: travel for Monique Arnesen to Detroit Lakes on November 14-16, December 12-14 and January 8-10 for Social Worker Core Training. Seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Motion by Commissioner Patty Beckel to approve the minutes of October 23 and 30, 2007.  Seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Social Services Director, Nancy Wendler met with the board requesting approval of claims.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to approve the claims against the county as follows:

Commissioners’ Warrants       $31,255.83

Seconded by Commissioner Arnesen and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Social Services Director, Nancy Wendler introduced Monique Arnesen, newly hired social worker to the board.

Social Services Director, Nancy Wendler informed the board that Robyn Sonstegard resigned her position with the county and requested approval to advertise for a Financial Officer for her department.

The board discussed the possibility of job share of the position of the Financial Officer.  County Auditor John W. Hoscheid, County Treasurer Mark Hall, Social Service Director Nancy Wendler and Commissioners Todd Beckel and Patty Beckel will meet to discuss the possibility of job share of this position.

Motion by Commissioner Arnesen to authorize Social Service Director Nancy Wendler and Human Resource Director Wade Johannesen to advertise for a Financial Officer.  Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried

Lake of the Woods Drifters Snowmobile Club secretary, Don Powell met with the board requesting the Board of Commissioners to enact an ordinance under Minnesota Statute 84.87, Subd. 4, to increase the speed limit to 65 miles per hour on marked trails on Lake of the Woods.

Motion by Commissioner Moorman to hold a public hearing on December 11, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. for consideration of the adoption of an ordinance to increase the speed limit on marked trails on Lake of the Woods.  Seconded by Commissioner Arnesen and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

 County Auditor, John W. Hoscheid met with the board requesting approval of claims.

Motion by Commissioner Patty Beckel to approve the claims against the county as follows: 

                                                Revenue                      $          54,570.22

                                                Road & Bridge           $           29,574.79

                                                County Development  $                200.00

                                                Taxes & Penalties        $                200.00

                                               Solid Waste                 $           28,446.09

                                                                                    $         112,991.10



       AMOUNT   VENDOR NAME                                                  AMOUNT   VENDOR NAME

          478.33 AMERI PRIDE LINEN & APPAREL SE                 29430.99 ARROWHEAD LIBRARY SYSTEM

        3262.82 ASSET RECOVERY CORPORATION                         690.00 ASSN OF MN COUNTIES

          967.16 AUTO VALUE                                                          2078.22 RUSS BARRETT

          400.00 BAUDETTE-LOW CHAMBER OF COMMER             331.40 TODD BECKEL

          411.01 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES                              1461.94 CERES EQUIPMENT INC

        6407.77 CO-OP SERVICES, INC.                                           2237.76 GCR TIRE CENTER

          660.00 JOHN HAGLUND                                                       505.00 HELGESON FUNERAL CHAPEL

        1520.00 PAUL HILDEBRANDT                                             1743.64 HOLEN ELECTRIC

        1194.97 HOLTE IMPLEMENT, INC                                      3868.48 HOWARD’S OIL COMPANY

          837.50 JAKE’S QUALITY TIRE INC                                      962.69 LAKE OF THE WOODS FOODS

          416.05 LAKES GAS CO.                                                       2808.38 LOW HIGHWAY DEPT

          310.00 LOW SOLID WASTE                                              11319.75 MAR-KIT LANDFILL

          795.39 JIMMY MCCOURT                                                   2761.77 MN COUNTIES COMPUTER CO-OP

          300.00 MN OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNO                    665.19 JEROME MOLINE

          698.00 KENNETH MOORMAN                                            5355.02 LAW MOREN

        3955.44 MORT’S HEATING INC                                              366.25 GREG MORTENSON

          832.50 NORTH EAST TECHNICAL SERVICE,I                    410.26 THE NORTHERN LIGHT

          416.93 POWERPLAN                                                            2649.72 R & Q TRUCKING, INC

          750.74 ROAD MACHINERY & SUPPLIES CO                     1079.44 RODERICK RONE JR

        1750.00 SJOBERG’S INC                                                        4989.66 TRUCK BODIES & EQUIP INTL INC

        1162.13 WALKER PIPE & SUPPLY                                         625.00 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING&ASST INC

        1102.14 WOODY’S SERVICE

57 PAYMENTS LESS THAN  $300       8,021.66

****                  FINAL TOTAL…….    $112,991.10  ****

Further moved to authorize the payment of auditor’s warrants as follows:

                                                October 23,  2007          415,117.58

                                                October 25,  2007            54,562.30

                                                October 30,  2007          362,893.00

                                                October 30,  2007                  656.50

                                                November 6, 2007            80,421.85

                                                November 6, 2007            43,806.29       

Seconded by Commissioner Bredeson and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to allow all county employees to receive a flu shot, at the expense of the county, with LakeWood Nursing Service at the Lake of the Woods County Government Center.  Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Motion by Commissioner Arnesen to approve the exempt gambling permit for the Northwest Angle Edge Riders to conduct a lawful gambling for a raffle on February 23, 2008, at North Point Bar & Grill and authorize County Auditor to sign the permit. Seconded by Commissioner Bredeson and the same put to a vote

The following Resolution was proposed by Commissioner Patty Beckel and moved for adoption:

A Resolution Approving a Premises Permit Lawful Gambling Activity

Resolution No. 2007-11-01

Whereasthe Lake of the Woods Drifters has submitted premises permit for lawful gambling activity for Minnesota lawful gambling to be conducted at the following establishment known as: Sportsman’s Lodge, 3244 Bur Oak Rd NW, unorganized township in Lake of the Woods County.

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners hereby approve said application for submission to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board.

Seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.

The following Resolution was proposed by Commissioner Arnesen and moved for adoption:

A Resolution Approving the Northern Connection Trail

Permit Number 144-17-1302

Resolution No.  2007-11-02

Be It Resolved, that Lake of the Woods County hereby applies for a grant-in-aid trail permit from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for the Northern Connection Trail, permit number 144-17-1302 for the period October 1, 2007 through September 30, 2012. 

Be It Further Resolved, that the Chairman and Auditor are authorized to sign said permit on behalf of Lake of the Woods County.

Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to vote, was unanimously carried. 

The meeting was called to recess at 9:45 a.m. and reconvened at 9:50 a.m. as follows:

MIS Director, Brent Birkeland met with the board requesting approval to purchase a GPS upgrade and to enter into an agreement (contract) for professional GIS consulting service.

Motion by Commissioner Arnesen to approve the purchase of a Trimble Pathfinder ProXH Receiver, Ranger Data Collector and GeoBeacon Receiver with applicable trade-ins as quoted by Frontier Precision, Inc., with funding from the Enhanced 911.  Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to enter into the Professional GIS Consultant Services Agreement (contract) with Pro-West & Associates, Inc. to provide all services and deliver all finished products within the terms provided on the agreement, from November 12, 2007 – December 30, 2007.  Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Chairman Todd Beckel excused himself from the meeting. Vice-Chairman Bredeson resumed the meeting as follows:

Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund met with the board and informed them that he has been unofficially appointed to the Wetland Committee, which the name of committee is still unofficial. This committee is to establish language in the permanent rule making process. Josh also told the board that the Lake of the Woods Sustainability Foundation will be holding a meeting on November 29, 2007 at 2:30 p.m. at the Public Safety Building in Warroad.

Chairman Todd Beckel returned to the meeting and resumed the position as Chairman.

County Auditor, John W Hoscheid discussed the draft copies of commissioner proceedings.  In the past, draft copies have been sent out prior to board approval.  It is Interim County Attorney, Michelle Moren’s opinion that unless you have questions relating to a specific department, the proceedings are not for the public until they have been approved.  It was the consensus of the board that the draft proceedings, prior to board approval, are to be sent to commissioners and department heads only.

Commissioner Todd Beckel requested a resolution of support for the Federal Clean Water Act requesting support from Association of Minnesota Counties.

The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Arnesen and moved for adoption:

Federal Clean Water Act Resolution

Resolution No. 07-11-03

Whereas, The Congress of the United States has taken up measures to broaden the scope of the jurisdiction of the nation’s Clean Water Act (CWA); and

Whereas, one change being sought through federal legislation will remove from the act the term “navigable waters’ and replace it with the term “waters of the United States”; and

Whereas, said change in language will negatively impact local units of government in that the US Army Corps of Engineers will be forced to review projects and applications for permits in greater numbers, which may also cause delay of permitting to local agencies; it is noted that the Corps already faces a national backlog of 30,000 permits under present definition of waters; and

Whereas, the National Association of Counties (NACo) opposes any federal efforts to change the definition in the CWA from “navigable waters,” to “waters of the United States”;

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that Lake of the Woods County is in support of the NACo opposition to federal efforts to change the definition in the CWA from “navigable waters” to “Waters of the United States” and requests that Association of Minnesota Counties to support NACo in their opposition.

Seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Public Works Director, Bruce Hasbargen met with the board requesting approval for final payment on the contract for bituminous resurfacing projects.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to accept the County Public Works Director’s Certificate of Performance for SAP 39-601-26, SAP 39-623-03, SAP 39-626-04, SAP 39-639-02, School District #390 Access Road and County Public Works Parking Lot for Northstar Materials, Inc. of Bemidji MN in the total amount of $1,394,286.59 and hereby authorize final payment of $69,714.33. Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried. 

The meeting was called to recess at 10:50 a.m. and reconvened at 10:55 a.m.

Northwest Minnesota Housing and Redevelopment Authority Executive Director, Lee Meier met with the board to give a brief overview of how the Fund Advisory Committee would work for the Lake of the Woods Down Payment Assistance Program, known as “Community Seconds”.  He explained the committee would consists of at least five (5) members but no more than nine (9).  The members of the committee could be county commissioners or two commissioners and others who may be interested in housing development or any combination. The committee would meet at least once a year or more depending on the activity and the desire of the committee having input on approval of the loan requests for down payment/closing costs made by each.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to appoint Commissioner Arnesen and Bredeson, County Auditor John W. Hoscheid, County Assessor, Wayne Bendickson and Public Works Director, Bruce Hasbargen to the Fund Advisory Committee. Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Motion by Commissioner Patty Beckel to enter into the contract for services between Lake of the Woods County and the Northwest Minnesota Multi County Housing and Redevelopment Authority for administering the Down Payment Assistance Program.  Seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

University of Minnesota Extension Regional Director/Area Program Leader, Nathan Johnson met with the board requesting approval of an agreement between the University of Minnesota and Lake of the Woods County to provide extension programs locally and employing extension staff and the Memorandum of Intent for Federal Fiscal Year 2008.

Motion by Commissioner Arnesen to enter into agreement between Lake of the Woods County and the University of Minnesota for providing extension programs locally and employing extension staff.  The term of this agreement shall be three (3) years, beginning on January 1, 2008 and ending on December 31, 2010, contingent upon the approval of the County Attorney and to authorize County Chairman and County Auditor to sign the agreement.  Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to authorize Chairman Todd Beckel to sign the Federal Fiscal Year 2008 Memorandum of Intent between Lake of the Woods County and the University of Minnesota Extension Nutrition Education Program.  Seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Commissioner Bredeson reported on the department head meeting held on November 9, 2007, in which the department heads decided that the Minnesota Government Plan for county cell phones was a good chose. The board requested Human Resource Director, Wade Johannesen to draft a “Cell Phone Policy” and bring back to the board for their review and approval.

Motion by Commissioner Patty Beckel to put all county cell phones on the Minnesota Government Plan and appoint MIS/GIS Director, Brent Birkeland as the administrator.  Seconded by Commissioner Bredeson and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Economic Development Director, Wyatt Johnson gave the board the latest update from ANI Pharmaceuticals.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to change the Memorandum of Understanding with ANI to a $200,000 loan at 0% interest from the Reserve Fund; $100,000 cash grant for the first year and $50,000 cash grant for the second year, with funding from the Economic Development fund; along with all criteria, due diligence performed by HRDC and subject to claw back provisions and county standards in case of non-performance and authorize the Chairman to sign. Seconded by Commissioner Moorman and vote carried as follows: In favor: Commissioners Patty Beckel, Todd Beckel, Bredeson and Moorman; Against: Commissioner Arnesen.

The meeting was called to recess at 12:22 p.m. and reconvened at 1:15 p.m.

Emergency Management Director, Holly House met with the board requesting an appointment of an alternate to the Northwest Minnesota Regional Advisory Committee and a resolution to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with the Northwest Minnesota Regional Radio Board.

Motion by Commissioner Todd Beckel to appoint Alternate Representative Commissioner Bredeson to the Northwest Minnesota Regional Advisory committee.  Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Arnesen and moved for adoption:

Joint Powers Agreement to the Northwest Minnesota Regional Radio Board

Resolution No. 07-11-04

Whereas, This agreement is entered into by the parties to this agreement, pursuant to the authority conferred upon the parties by Minnesota Statues 471.59 and 403.39.

Whereas, The parties to this Agreement wish to formulate a regional radio board to provide for regional administration of enhancements to the Statewide Public Safety Radio and Communication System (ARMER) owned and operated by the State of Minnesota. The Parties to this Agreement wish to collectively prepare and administer a plan which provides for the installation, operation and maintenance of local and regional enhancements to the statewide Public Safety Radio and Communication System (ARMER).

Whereas, Lake of the Woods County is aware that said Agreement as proposed does not contain specific provisions addressing insurance requirements;

Whereas, Lake of the Woods County understands that the Joint Powers Board shall forthwith procure insurance as required for Minnesota Counties by Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust (MCIT).  With that understanding, Lake of the Woods County shall enter into this Agreement contingent upon the Joint Powers Board established in this Agreement procuring the necessary insurance as expeditiously as possible, with said process being addressed at the first Joint Powers Board meeting.

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, That Lake of the Woods County enters into a Joint Powers Agreement with “The Northwest Minnesota Regional Radio Board” and authorizes the Board Chair and County Auditor to sign.  Lake of the Woods County’s participation in the Joint Powers Agreement is contingent upon the Joint Powers Board commencing the process of obtaining insurance as recommended for counties by MCIT at the Joint Power Board’s first meeting.

Seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

County Sheriff, Dallas Block and Interim County Attorney, Michelle Moren met with the board to discuss the contract with the City of Baudette and the Law Enforcement formula.  After discussion, Interim County Attorney, Michelle Moren suggested that Dallas and her write up a new contract and summit to the board for final approval.

County Sheriff Dallas Block and Interim County Attorney, Michelle Moren met with the board to discuss the Administrative Offenses Tickets. 

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to hold a public hearing for consideration of adoption an ordinance for “Administrative Offenses Tickets” on December 11, 2007 at 1:30 p.m.   Seconded by Commissioner Arnesen and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

County Sheriff, Dallas Block informed the board that he will be purchasing the new squad car this year that is budgeted for 2008, and the county will not be billed for the car until 2008

Commissioner Arnesen requested that the County Board meeting on December 18, 2007 start at 8:00 a.m.

Motion by Commissioner Arnesen to change the published time for the County Board meeting on December 18, 2007, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.  Seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Commissioner Arnesen requested authorization from the board to send a thank-you to Congressman Peterson for his help with the Northwest Angle power line issues.  The board granted him authorization to do so.

Commissioner Bredeson informed the board that the County Christmas Party will be held on December 14, 2007, at the Moose Lodge and information will be sent to all employees.

With no further business before the board, Chairman Todd Beckel called the meeting to recess at 2:45 p.m.

Attest:                                                                         Approved:       November 27, 2007

____________________________                            _____________________________

John W. Hoscheid, County Auditor                           Todd Beckel, Chairman

Commissioner Proceedings

November 27, 2007

The Lake of the Woods County Board met in regular session on Tuesday, November 27, 2007, in the Commissioners’ Room in the Lake of the Woods County Government Center with the following members present:  Commissioners Bredeson, Patty Beckel, Todd Beckel, Arnesen and Moorman.  Also present were: County Auditor John W. Hoscheid, Deputy Auditor Janet Rudd, Wade Johannesen and Penny Mio Hirst. Chairman Todd Beckel called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to approve the agenda with the following additions:  Bruce Hasbargen and Pete Hovland travel, affidavit of lost warrant, advertise for two vacant dispatch positions, set date for committee of the whole and remove Social Services contracts from agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Motion by Commissioner Arnesen to approve the consent agenda as follows: travel for Lorene Hanson to St. Cloud on December 4-6 for IFS & Paymate Year End Training and to St. Cloud on December 9-13 for Auditor’s Training; John W. Hoscheid to Minneapolis on December 3-5 for AMC Annual Conference and to St. Cloud on December 9-13 for Auditor’s Training; Bruce Hasbargen to St. Paul on November 15-17 to meet Governor Pawlenty’s staff; Pete Hovland to St. Paul on December 11-13 for MN Government IT Training.. Seconded by Commissioner Bredeson and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to approve the minutes of November 13, 2007.  Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Social Services Director, Nancy Wendler met with the board requesting approval of claims.

Motion by Commissioner Patty Beckel to approve the claims against the county as follows:

Commissioners’ Warrants       $35,228.51

Seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Social Services Director, Nancy Wendler discussed the vacant Social Services Financial Officer position with the board.  She explained that in the transition between hiring and learning, she would prefer to contract out this position rather than a temporary position.

Motion by Commissioner Arnesen to approve the Social Services Financial Officer’s contract for a maximum of six (6) months with Robyn Sonstegard at a rate of pay of $30.00 per hour contingent upon the approval of the Interim County Attorney, Michelle Moren and Human Resource Director, Wade Johannesen and authorize the Chairman to sign.  Seconded by Commissioner Bredeson and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Social Services Director, Nancy Wendler thanked Robyn Sonstegard for her years of service with the county.

County Auditor, John W. Hoscheid met with the board requesting approval of claims.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to approve the claims against the county except claim numbers 1034 and 1582: 

                                                Revenue                      $          17,353.72

                                                Road & Bridge           $           74,904.89

                                                Solid Waste                 $             1,727.0693,985.67



      AMOUNT   VENDOR NAME                                                     AMOUNT   VENDOR NAME

        1720.81 ANDY’S GARAGE, INC.                                             382.83 RUSS BARRETT

      66852.00 BOWMAN CONSTRUCTION CO. INC                     2051.85 CO-OP SERVICES, INC.

        1011.15 CUTLER-MAGNER COMPANY                                 489.90 DELL MARKETING, LP

          665.14 GLOBALSTAR LLC                                                    366.85 GRAINGER, INC

        1125.00 HELGESON FUNERAL CHAPEL                             4302.58 HEPPNER CONSULTING, INC

        1404.17 WADE JOHANNESEN                                              1841.73 MN DEPT OF TRANSP

          375.00 MN OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNO                  1635.00 NEW HORIZONS MINNESOTA

          772.13 RODERICK RONE JR                                                  587.88 SIMPLEX

          661.65 STRATA CORP, INC                                                 2846.08 WOODY’S SERVICE

          515.25 3M

32 PAYMENTS LESS THAN  $300       4,378.67

****                  FINAL TOTAL…….     $93,985.67  ****

Further moved to authorize the payment of auditor’s warrants as follows:

                                                November 13, 2007    $  84,892.13

                                                November 14, 2007    $    2,808.34

                                                November 20, 2007    $    9,869.21

                                                November 26, 2007    $  55,244.40

Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

County Auditor, John W. Hoscheid informed the board Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust Board of Directors selected Lake of the Woods County as the 2007 Most Improved County in the Property and Casualty Division.

Motion by Commissioner Patty Beckel to approve the application and affidavit for lost warrant for OSI Education Services Inc. dated December 5, 2006 for $91.05 without furnishing indemnifying bond.  Seconded by Commissioner Arnesen and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Commissioner Moorman reported that Public Works Director, Bruce Hasbargen and himself met with Governor Pawlenty’s Chief of Staff, Matt Kramer in regards to Highway 11 and presented facts and figures on the concerns of Highway 11 and the urgent need of improvements.

Commissioner Bredeson informed the board that his road inventory in his district is now complete. Commissioner Moorman informed the board that he is still working on his road inventory in his district.

SharRay Feickert representing the Baudette Community Foundation/ Grand Theater met with the board and presented a five year historical analysis report showing the declining revenues and requested that the county make the CHI loan payment in the amount of $11,000. No board action was taken and requested them to return on December 11, 2007 meeting.

The meeting was called to recess at 10:33 a.m. and reconvened at 10:36 a.m. as follows:

Headwaters Regional Development Commission (HRDC), Development Specialists, Laurie Kramka and Matthew Dyrdahl met with the board for approval of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy that is required by the Federal Economic Development Administration (EDA), every five years.

The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Bredeson and moved for adoption:

Resolution No. 07-11-05

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County is recognized by the Economic Development Administration as a redevelopment area with special needs for economic development assistance; and

WHEREAS, the Headwaters Regional Development Commission is an Economic Development District by the Economic Development Administration to provide planning and economic development assistance; and

WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners actively supports and currently participates in the economic development district activities of the Headwaters Regional Development Commission; and

WHEREAS, the Headwaters Regional Development Commission has prepared a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy in cooperation with businesses, communities, and economic development organizations in lieu of a separate county Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners approves of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy as submitted on this date.

Seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Headwaters Regional Development Commission (HRDC), Development Specialists, Laurie Kramka and Matthew Dyrdahl, met with the board to discuss the JOBZ application for the expansion of ANI Pharmaceuticals.  Laurie explained that all JOBZ land available is not in the City of Baudette limits, but in the county surrounding the City. Therefore, the County will have to decide whether they wish to donate JOBZ square footage to the City, so they can move forward in processing a JOBZ application. She explained that if the County decides to donate the JOBZ footage, she would need a letter from the County Board, verifying their willingness to donate. The Commissioners requested that County Auditor, John W. Hoscheid write a letter of support on their behalf for donating JOBZ footage to the City of Baudette.

Public Works Director, Bruce Hasbargen met with the board requesting approval for final payment on the contract for box culverts.

Motion by Commissioner Arnesen to accept the County Public Works Director’s Certificate of Performance for SAP 39-598-54, SAP 39-598-56 and SAP 39-598-63 for Olson Construction TRF, Inc. in the total amount of $137,821.70 and hereby authorize final payment of $6,891.09.  Seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

The board requested an explanation of claim no. 1034 from the Highway Department. Bruce explained that the claim was payment for a gravel crushing project that was advertised as per County Policy.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to pay claim no. 1034.  Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried. (Commissioner Moorman was not present for vote.)

Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund met with the board requesting appointment of Reed McFarlane to the Board of Adjustments, filling Greg Johnson’s vacant position.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to appoint Reed McFarlane to the Board of Adjustments.  Seconded by Commissioner Arnesen and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund requesting approval for the repair of the 1999 Ford pickup and approval for the 2008 Natural Resource Block Grant.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to authorize Josh Stromlund to get the truck repaired with a cap of $2,000.  Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Motion by Commissioner Moorman to authorize the Chairman to sign the 2008 Natural Resource Block Grant.  Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund and Rick Amundson met with the board requesting approval to Plat Brooks Farm Outlots A & B.

Motion by Commissioner Patty Beckel to accept the application to Plat Brooks Farm Outlots A & B from Rick Amundson and Scott Olmsted.  Seconded by Commissioner Arnesen and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

County Sheriff, Dallas Block and Human Resource Director, Wade Johannesen met with the board and  requested establishment of an Administrative Secretary Position, which according to MN Stat. § 387.14  allows the Sheriff to appoint employees, for whose acts the Sheriff shall be responsible and whom the Sheriff may remove at pleasure. Wade informed the board that they would look into all the legal aspects before they would appoint. The consensus of the board was to allow County Sheriff, Dallas Block to appoint an Administrative Secretary to his department if all the legal aspects were acceptable. Dallas and Wade also requested permission to advertise and hire two vacant dispatch positions.

Motion by Commissioner Bredeson to authorize County Sheriff, Dallas Block and Human Resource Director, Wade Johannesen to advertise and hire two vacant dispatch positions.  Seconded by Commissioner Arnesen and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

County Sheriff, Dallas Block requested approval for the Snowmobile Enforcement Grant.

The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Patty Beckel and moved for adoption:

Resolution No. 07-11-06

  Snowmobile Enforcement Grant

WHEREAS, under the Minnesota Laws of 2007 Chapter 57, Article 1, Section 4, subdivision 9 is authorized to provide reimbursement grants to counties to cover costs related to labor and equipment dedicated to snowmobile enforcement.

WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County Sheriff’s Office represents that it is duly qualified and agrees to perform all services described in this grant agreement to the satisfaction of the State.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Sheriff are hereby authorized to sign the snowmobile enforcement grant, for the period of November 30, 2007 through June 30, 2009 in the amount of $6,341.00.

Seconded by Commissioner Bredeson and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried. (Commissioner Arnesen was not present for vote.)

The board requested an explanation of claim no. 1582 from the Sheriff’s Office.  Dallas explained that this claim was paid by the County as the victim was brought to LakeWood Health Center, which is located within Lake of the Woods County.

Motion by Commissioner Patty Beckel to pay claim 1582.  Seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

Motion by Commissioner Moorman to hold a committee of the whole work group along with department heads to decide on five goals for the County to accomplish in 2008 and to meet on December 7, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. Seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

With no further business before the board, Chairman Todd Beckel called the meeting to recess at 12:46 p.m.

Attest:                                                                         Approved:       December 11, 2007

____________________________                            _____________________________

John W. Hoscheid, County Auditor                           Todd Beckel, Chairman