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  • February 2025

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    February 15, 2025

    February 16, 2025

    February 17, 2025

    February 18, 2025

    February 19, 2025

    February 20, 2025

    February 21, 2025

    February 22, 2025

    February 23, 2025

    February 24, 2025

    February 25, 2025

    February 26, 2025

    February 27, 2025

    February 28, 2025

  • By signing the following agreement, you are acknowledging that you have read and will follow the following conditions: Alcoholic beverages will be allowed, provided all laws pertaining to the possession, consumption, and distribution thereof are adhered to and the park is left in a clean and orderly condition, free of all cans, bottles and other debris. This permit is issued with the understanding that the persons and/or organizations receiving the permit are solely responsible for the conduct of the persons attending the function.

    Over flow parking will be limited to the North side of County Road No 4 at the County Boy Scout Park.

    Any problems will be reported to the Lake of the Woods County Sheriff's Department at 218-634-1143 or 911.

    Unless otherwise noted above, all rules and regulations promulgated by Lake of the Woods County Park Board shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of this permit.

    Terms of Use - This use Agreement will be valid for the above dates provided.

    Liability - The use of the Premises and the adjacent grounds shall be entirely at User's risk.

    Indemnification - The User shall agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Lake of the Woods County, its employees and officials harmless from any claims, demands, actions or causes of action, including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses arising out of any act or omission on the part of the User or its guests, invitees or any and all other attendees in the use of the Premises by the User or its guests, invitees or any and all other attendees.

    General Liability Insurance - The User shall procure and maintain risk coverage that will protect it from claims set forth above which may arise out of or result from its use of the Premises under this Agreement, whether such use be by the User or its guests, invitees and any and all other attendees or by anyone for whose acts the User may be liable. All policies shall remain in force and effect through the end of the use of the Premises.

    A certificate of general liability insurance covering the use and location of the Premises shall be submitted to the County prior to use. A minimum of $250,000 general liability insurance coverage shall be required. The County reserves the right to require more than $250,000 of general liability coverage at any time for any use.

    Liquor Liability - As part of the liability, indemnification and insurance requirements herein, User shall be required to comply with all local, state and federal liquor laws and regulations including but not limited to requirements that the User be insured against any and all liquor liability risks. The User may serve alcohol on the Premises but no person, including the User, may directly or indirectly, on any pretense or by any devise sell, barter, keep for sale, charge for possession or otherwise dispose of alcohol beverages as part of a commercial transaction except as described in the paragraph below. A User serving alcohol under this paragraph shall be required to provide a certificate of liquor liability insurance coverage to the County prior to use of the Premises. A minimum of $1,500,000 of liquor liability coverage shall be required.

    No alcohol may be sold on the Premises except for alcohol that is sold or furnished on the Premises by a vendor with the appropriate license and insurance to sell alcohol on the Premises. If alcohol is sold on the Premises, the licensed vendor serving the alcohol must have a minimum of $1,500,000 of liquor liability insurance. The designated vendor is required to provide proof of an appropriate license authorizing the vendor to sell liquor on the Premises and proof of liquor liability insurance to the County prior to the date upon which the User intends to use the Premises. The County shall bear no liability for injury arising out of the sale or consumption of alcohol on the Premises.

    Authorization Permit - After required proofs of insurance(s) and liquor license have been received by the County, User will be given an authorization permit which must be posted during the event.

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