April, 2015
Commissioner Proceedings
April 14, 2015
The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, April 14, 2015, in the Commissioners’ Room at the Government Center.
Call to Order
Chairman Arnesen called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners Patty Beckel, Thomas Hanson, Ed Arnesen, Buck Nordlof, and Ken Moorman. Also present were: County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson, Deputy Auditor /Treasurer Janet Rudd and Woody Fiala.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the agenda with the following additions: Mighty Ducks Grant, MN Department of Human Services, Human Resources, Land and Water Planning.
Approval of Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Beckel and carried unanimously to approve the official and summarized minutes of March 24, 2015.
County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson met with the board requesting approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman, seconded by Commissioner Beckel and carried unanimously to approve the claims against the county as follows:
Revenue $ 46,622.52
Road & Bridge $ 19,737.82
Co. Develop $ 2,200.00
Natl Recs Enhance $ 10,193.50
Solid Waste $ 31,812.08
EDA $ 4,525.85
Warrants Approved On 4/14/2015 For Payment 4/17/2015
Vendor Name Amount
Cenex Co-Op Services, Inc. 5,481.60
Computer Professionals Unlimited Inc 3,071.00
Howard’s Oil Company 2,086.90
Jake’s Quality Tire Inc 2,400.00
Mar-Kit Landfill 13,251.15
Mn Counties Information System 2,375.25
Northwest Community Action, Inc 2,210.00
R & Q Trucking, Inc 3,155.10
RFCC, LLC 9,750.00
Rinke-Noonan 10,393.50
Shi Corp 2,324.00
Sjoberg’s Inc 2,238.08
St. Louis County Auditor 2,000.00
Swanston Equipment Corp 6,464.11
University Of Mn 8,441.25
Woody’s Service 3,633.73
Ziegler, Inc 6,605.51
83 Payments less than $2000 31,210.59
Final Total: $117,091.77
Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants:
April 2, 2015 $ 10,750.37
April 2, 2015 $ 99,553.06
April 6, 2015 $113,046.34
April 9, 2015 $ 918.93
April 9, 2015 $ 3,130.38
Rinke Noonan
County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson met with the board requesting the board to enter into the 2015 retainer agreement with Rinke Noonan Law Office.
Motion was made by Commissioners Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and carried unanimously to enter into the 2015 retainer agreement with Rinke Noonan Law firm in the amount of $200 per month and authorize Chairman Arnesen to sign.
Social Security for Elected Officials on the Defined Contribution Plan
County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson met with the board and presented the Resolution for Social Security for Elected Officials holding position covered by the Defined Contribution Plan per their request.
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Hanson and moved for adoption:
Resolution Number 2015 – 04-01
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 355, as amended, establishes procedures that allow a governmental subdivision to extend Social Security coverage to certain local elected officials who are members of, or are eligible for membership in, the Defined Contribution Plan administered by the Public Employees Retirement Association; and
WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners desires to offer Social Security coverage to its eligible elected officials.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners does hereby adopt the following resolution:
Section 1. It is hereby declared to be the policy of this governing body to extend the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 355.02 that provides Social Security coverage to eligible elected officials of the Lake of the Woods County.
Section 2. In pursuance of said policy, this governing body hereby requests and authorizes the execution of a divided vote referendum under Section 218(d)(6) of the Social Security Act for the purpose of allowing current eligible elected officials the option of paying the Social Security tax. The coverage of current local elected officials shall be effective as of January 1, 2016, for those eligible officials who vote “Yes” in the Social Security referendum. The referendum will be conducted pursuant to applicable state and federal laws and regulations by County Auditor-Treasurer Lorene Hanson, a designee of the governmental subdivision under the supervision of a representative of the Public Employees Retirement Association acting as the designated State Social Security Administrator.
Section 3. The Public Employees Retirement Association is hereby directed to execute a modification to the section 218 Agreement between the State of Minnesota and the Secretary of Health and Human Services to secure Social Security coverage of the eligible elected officials who vote “Yes” in the referendum and all local newly-elected officials of this governmental subdivision.
Section 4. Withholdings from the salaries of elected officials for the purposes provided in this resolution are hereby authorized to be made in the amounts and at such times as may be required by applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
Section 5. Employer contributions shall be paid from amounts appropriated for such purposes and payment of employee and employer contributions shall be paid to the Internal Revenue Service in such amounts and at such times as are designated in Internal Revenue Code.
Section 6. Employees of this governmental subdivision shall maintain such records and submit such reports as may be required by the Public Employees Retirement Association, the Social Security Administration or the Internal Revenue Service.
Section 7. This resolution shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Take-A- Kid Fishing
County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson met with the board requesting authorization to pay the Take-A-Kid Fishing $600 from the con-con fund as budgeted.
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman, seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and carried unanimously to authorize County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson to pay the Take-A-Kid Fishing $600 as budgeted from the con-con fund.
Snowmobile Trails Resolutions
County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson met with the board and presented resolutions for legal sponsorship for funding from the State of Minnesota for maintenance of snowmobile trails managed by Northwest Angle Edge Riders Club, Border Trails/TJ Grooming and Lake of the Woods Drifters.
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Beckel and moved for adoption:
Resolution No. 15-04-02
Sponsorship of Snowmobile Trails Assistance Program
BE IT RESOLVED, that Lake of the Woods County will act as the legal sponsor for an application for funding to the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resource for NW Angle Islands maintenance of snowmobile trails managed by Northwest Angle Edge Riders Club.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approval of its application by the state, the Lake of the Woods County may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above referenced project and that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that County Auditor-Treasurer, Lorene G Hanson is hereby authorized to serve as the fiscal agent for the above referenced project.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Hanson and moved for adoption:
Resolution No. 15-04-03
Sponsorship of Snowmobile Trails Assistance Program
BE IT RESOLVED, that Lake of the Woods County will act as the legal sponsor for an application for funding to the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resource for Border Trails maintenance of snowmobile trails managed by Border Trails/TJ Grooming.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approval of its application by the state, the Lake of the Woods County may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above referenced project and that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that County Auditor-Treasurer, Lorene G Hanson is hereby authorized to serve as the fiscal agent for the above referenced project.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Moorman and moved for adoption:
Resolution No. 15-04-04
Sponsorship of Snowmobile Trails Assistance Program
BE IT RESOLVED, that Lake of the Woods County will act as the legal sponsor for an application for funding to the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resource for Big Traverse maintenance of snowmobile trail managed by Lake of the Woods Drifters.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approval of its application by the state, the Lake of the Woods County may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above referenced project and that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that County Auditor-Treasurer, Lorene Hanson is hereby authorized to serve as the fiscal agent for the above referenced project.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.
Social Services
Social Services Director, Nancy Wendler met with the board requesting approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Beckel, seconded by Commissioner Hanson and carried unanimously to approve the following claims against the county.
Commissioners’ Warrants $ 30,596.10
Commissioners’ Warrants $ 46,308.75
Commissioners; Warrants $ 40.35
MN Department Of Human Services
Chairman Arnesen reviewed the Human Service financial reporting requirements and the timely reports requirements that they received from the Department of Human Services with Social Service Director, Nancy Wendler. The board commended her and her staff on their excellent review.
County Assessor, Mary Jo Otten met with the board requesting approval to hire Assessment Specialist/Office Manager.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Beckel and carried unanimously to authorize County Assessor, Mary Jo Otten to hire Assessment Specialist/Office Manager/ at grade 10, points 246, step 1, at $17.34 per hour.
Human Resource Director, Karen Ose met with the board requesting approval to purchase a digital recorder and software for her office.
Motion was made by Commissioner Beckel, seconded by Commissioner Moorman and carried unanimously to authorize Human Resource Director, Karen Ose to purchase a digital recorder and software in the amount of $150.
Website Changes
Human Resource Director, Karen Ose met with the board to discuss website changes for a tab for employment opportunities. The board requested that she discuss this with MIS department.
Additional Hours
Human Resource Director, Karen Ose requested authorization to work additional hours when needed, but would not be over the maximum hours per year for a Permanent Part-time employee. The board approved her request.
Public Works Director, Tim Erickson met with the board and presented a resolution for the Clementson Way Side Rest Area. Tim explained that this resolution needs to be passed before the conveyance of the land can be completed.
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Nordlof and moved for adoption:
A Resolution Agreeing that Lake of the Woods County will reserve, perpetuate and maintain any future and/or inplace Trail/Sidewalk on the area known as the Clementson Way Side Rest Area.
WHEREAS, on December 31, 2013 Lake of the Woods County Commissioners approved a letter requesting conveyance of property from the Minnesota Department of Transportation (“MnDOT”) on said parcel: C.S. 3902 (11=011) 73A Parcel 2; and,
WHEREAS, MnDOT is requesting at the time of purchase, an approved resolution agreeing that the County will reserve, perpetuate and maintain any future and/or inplace trail/sidewalk on this property currently and in the future; and,
WHEREAS, under M. S. 161.44, Subd. 1a of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities-Suitability Checklist, MnDOT is able to satisfy their requirements of selling this site to the County; and,
WHEREAS, the County intends to construct a park within the area known as the Clementson Way Side Rest Area.
- The County will reserve, perpetuate and maintain any future and/or inplace trail/sidewalk on the area known as the Clementson Way Side Rest Area, now and in the future.
Adopted in April 14, 2015 session of the County Commissioners of County of Lake of the Woods, Minnesota, held this 14th day of April, 2015.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Hanson and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
HRDC Executive Director, Tim Flathers, Emergency Management Director Jill Olson and DNR Region Staff Fire Management & Enforcement, William J “BJ” Glesener met with the board to review the Northwest Angle Community Wildfire Protection Plan and requesting approval of the plan.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Moorman and carried unanimously to approve the Northwest Angle Community Wildfire Protection Plan and authorize Chairman Arnesen to sign.
Chairman Arnesen presented a letter of support for the Mighty Ducks legislation SF2002 to support $5 million dollars in the general fund budget for community ice arenas.
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman, seconded by Commissioner Beckel and carried unanimously to authorize Chairman Arnesen to sign the letter of support for the Mighty Ducks legislation SF 2002,
The meeting was called to recess at 10:19 a.m. and reconvened at 10:30 a.m. as follows:
Permanent Part-time Deputy Sheriff
County Sheriff, Gary Fish met with the board requesting authorization to hire a Permanent Part-time Deputy Sheriff.
Motion was made by Commissioner Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Beckel and carried unanimously to authorize County Sheriff, Gary Fish to hire a Permanent Part-time Deputy Sheriff at grade 12, points 28112, step 1, at 19.45 hour.
Credit Cards
County Sheriff, Gary Fish met with the board requesting authorization to issue county credit cards to Deputy Sheriffs and Emergency Management Director.
Motion was made by Commissioner Beckel, seconded by Commissioner Norldof and unanimously carried to authorize Deputy Sheriffs Brad Abby, Joe Morish, Ben Duick, and Emergency Management Director Jill Olson County issued credit cards.
Boat and Water Safety Grant
County Sheriff, Gary Fish met with the board requesting approval to enter into a Water Safety Grant agreement.
The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner Moorman and moved for adoption:
Resolution No. 2015-04-06
WHEREAS, under the provisions of M.S.86B.105, the Sheriff of each county is required to carry out the provisions of Chapter 86B, and the boat and water safety rules promulgated by the Commissioner of Natural Resources; and,
WHEREAS, M.S. Section 86b.701 and the MN Rules provided for the allocation of funds by the Commissioner to assist in the funding of the Sheriff’s duties.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman, Auditor and Sheriff are hereby authorized to execute the annual county boat and water safety agreement, for the period of January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 in the amount of $6,235.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Hanson, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Lake of the Woods Community Arena
Lake of the Woods Community Arena Committee met with the board and presented the plan for the possible construction of a new arena. Member Mike Schulz informed the board of the 5 million dollar gift to construct a new Arena and the projected cost of the project at 7.5 million. Ten (10) acres of land has been purchased from the School in the amount of $1; committee is fund raising for the remaining balance and In- kind services.
Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund met with the board and presented a resolution for support the International Joint Commission to create a sustainability plan for Lake of the Woods. The board placed this on the April 28, 2015 board agenda.
Count Attorney, James Austad met with the board to discuss a HF 1935 relating to religious objection to autopsies in certain cases and the cost associated with the coroner to appear in person at court hearing. The board requested County Attorney to act on this on behalf of the County Board.
Motion was made by Commissioner Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Hanson and unanimously carried to close the regular meeting at 12:20 p.m. and open the closed session pursuant to §MN Stat. 13D.05 subd. 3(b) Attorney-Client Privilege- Wetlands Litigation.
Motion was made by Commissioner Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Hanson and unanimously carried to close the closed session and open the regular meeting at 1:09 p.m.
With no further business before the board, Chairman Arnesen called the meeting to recess at 1:09 p.m.
Attest: Approved: April 28, 2015
_______________________ _________________________________
Lorene Hanson, Chairman of the Board, Edward Arnesen
County Auditor/Treasurer
Commissioner Proceedings
April 28, 2015
The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, April 28, 2015, in the Commissioners’ Room at the Government Center.
Call to Order
Chairman Arnesen called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners Patty Beckel, Ed Arnesen, Buck Nordlof, Ken Moorman, absent Thomas Hanson. Also present were: County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson, Deputy Auditor /Treasurer Janet Rudd and Woody Fiala.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman, seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the agenda with the following additions: grant Agreement, letter of resignation and interim appointment, correction of Main Street in Williams area.
Approval of Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Beckel, seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the consent agenda, travel for Mary JO Ottento St. Cloud for MAAO Summer Seminars on May 20-21 and to Morris for CPU Computer Meeting (CAMA & LC) on May 28th;
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made by Commissioner Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Beckel and carried unanimously to approve the official and summarized minutes of April 14, 2015.
County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson met with the board requesting approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman, seconded by Commissioner Beckel and carried unanimously to approve the claims against the county as follows:
Revenue $ 11,505.56
Road & Bridge $ 8,950.12
Co. Develop $ 1,600.00
Solid Waste $ 993.61
EDA $ 80.00
Warrants Approved On 4/28/2015 For Payment 5/1/2015
Vendor Name Amount
Goulet/Roxanne B 2,653.60
Hasler 4,000.00
Northern Light Region 2,213.25
42 Payments less than $2000 14,262.44
Final Total: $ 23,129.29
Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants:
April 17, 2015 $ 81,841.92
April 17, 2015 $ 5,339.99
County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson met with the board requesting the board to enter into a grant agreement with the State of MN, Commissioner of Transportation for airport improvement project for the Preliminary Engineering for the NWA airport.
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Moorman and moved for adoption:
Resolution No. 2015-04-07
Authorization to Execute Minnesota Department of
Transportation Grant Agreement for Airport Improvement
Excluding Land Acquisition
It is resolved by the County of Lake of the Woods as follows:
- That the state of Minnesota Agreement No. 1000365 “Grant Agreement for Airport Improvement Excluding Land Acquisition for State Project No. A3902-02 at the North West Angle Airport is accepted.
- That Chairman, Edward Arnesen and County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson is authorized to execute this Agreement and any amendments on behalf of the County of Lake of the Woods.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Social Services
Social Services Director, Nancy Wendler met with the board requesting approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Beckel, seconded by Commissioner Moorman and carried unanimously to approve the following claims against the county.
Commissioners’ Warrants $ 10,889.36
Commissioners’ Warrants $ 33,439.46
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Nordlof and moved for adoption:
Resolution No. 15-04-08
Request for Proposals for Health Care Services
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Human Services has published a Request For Proposals to provide health care services to recipients of Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare in 87 Minnesota counties including Lake of the Woods and
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Human Services has requested County evaluations and recommendations regarding the RFP proposals from each respective county; and
WHEREAS, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Medica, and UCare submitted proposals to provide managed health care services in Lake of the Woods County and
WHEREAS, representatives of Lake of the Woods County Social Services have reviewed and evaluated the proposals; and
WHEREAS, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Medica, and UCare have submitted proposals suitable to meet our needs
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners supports the recommendation of Lake of the Woods County Social Services approving BlueCross/Blue Shield, Medica, and UCare as Managed Care Organization(s) (MCO(s)) providing managed health care services in Lake of the Woods County.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Child Abuse and neglect Prevention Month
Social Service Director, Nancy Wendler met with the board and informed the board that the Commissioner of the Minnesota, Department of Human Services, proclaims the month of April, 2015 as Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month.
Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund met with the board and presented a resolution for support the International Joint Commission to create a sustainability plan for Lake of the Woods.
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Moorman and moved for adoption:
Resolution No. 15-04-09
Support for a Comprehensive Plan to Create a Sustainability Plan for Lake of the Woods
WHEREAS, the health and sustainability of Lake of the Woods is of vital importance to the social and economic sustainable development of Lake of the Woods County;
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has placed Lake of the Woods on its list of impaired waters (2008 303[d] list);
WHEREAS, due to concerns about water quality of the Lake of the Woods Basin and the economic, recreational and human health threats posed by the widespread blue-green algal blooms and associated toxins and the threats of invasive species, U.S. and Canadian federal governments requested an action plan from the International Joint Commission (IJC).
WHEREAS, the IJC responded with a comprehensive Plan of Study outlining 32 projects necessary to create a sustainability plan for Lake of the Woods, including reducing nutrient pollution and harmful algal blooms, managing aquatic invasive species, and establishing a coordinated bi-national monitoring approach; said Plan of Study was submitted by the IJC to the U.S. State Department and to the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development in January 2015;
WHEREAS, the IJC is awaiting response and direction from the U.S. State Department and the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development about the Plan of Study and how it would be executed and funded;
WHEREAS, agencies engaged in water quality research and resource management (at the federal, provincial, state, local and non-governmental levels), are waiting for a response; the summer research season is approaching and a timely response could permit the projects to begin, without another year’s delay;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED : that, the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners hereby supports the IJC’s recommendation that governments undertake all thirty-two projects in the Plan of Study;
That, a copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the State of Minnesota, the U.S. Department of State, and the Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Public Works Director, Tim Erickson met with the board and reviewed the 911 Policy and requesting approval.
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman, seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the 911 Policy for Uniform Addressing System as presented,
Main Street Williams Area
The board discussed the two main street addresses; one in the City of Williams and one on the outskirt of the city and the need for a change in the street name outside the city limits due to 911 concerns. The 911 committee will research and come up with a resolution.
Easement Vacation
Public Works Director, Tim Erickson and Pat LaValla discussed an easement vacation with the board and the process of the vacation.
Public Works director informed the Board the Jeff Pelland, Maintenance Supervisor resigned from his position effective May 8, 2015; and that he appointed Mike Anderson, as the interim maintenance supervisor until the position is filled and requested $250 per pay period for his additional duties.
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman, seconded by Commissioner Beckel and carried unanimously to authorize payment of $250 per pay period to interim Maintenance Supervisor Mike Anderson effective April 27, 2015 until position is filled.
Letter from Representative Hancock on Mighty Ducks legislation; Great Northern Transmission line meeting.
Commissioner Beckel- Airport Meeting, Legacy Funding Meeting
Commissioner Moorman- NC Board of Health
With no further business before the board, Chairman Arnesen called the meeting to recess at 10:55 a.m.
Attest: Approved: May 12, 2015
_______________________ _________________________________
Lorene Hanson, Chairman of the Board, Edward Arnesen
County Auditor/Treasurer