April 14, 2020
AGENDA – Tuesday, April 14, 2020
9:00 a.m. #1 Pledge to the Flag
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes of March 24, 2020
Approve Minutes of March 31, 2020
Approve Minutes of April 3, 2020
Approve Minutes of April 7, 2020
9:05 a.m. #2 Social Services
- Claims
9:10 a.m. #3 County Auditor/Treasurer
- Claims
- Property Tax
9:25 a.m. #4 County Highway/Landfill
- Update
9:35 a.m. #5 Sheriff
- Office Furniture
9:40 a.m. #6 COVID-19
- Update
- Accesses
Old/New Business
- Lessard –Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund
- Land Trade
- Township Road Inventory
- CR 33
- Home Health Care Task Force
- Proposed Law Enforcement Center
Below is the information to attend either by the web or by phone
or Dial in: 1-408-418-9388 Access Code 627433446