December 29, 2020

Commissioner Proceedings

December 29, 2020

The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room. 


Chair Jon Waibel called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Cody Hasbargen, Joe Grund, Ed Arnesen and Jon Waibel.  Commissioner Buck Nordlof attended the meeting by phone conference. Also present: County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson.



Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the agenda with the following additions: Auditor-Treasurer/Motion to Pay off Ditch 28 Loan; EDA/Update on lineworkers school building.



Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the official and summarized minutes of December 15, 2020.




Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the following claims: Commissioners Warrant’s $15,470.01, Commissioners Warrant’s $1,942.61, Commissioners Warrant’s $7,011.61.




Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the claims against the County as follows: Revenue $12,358.76; Road & Bridge $7,510.72; County Development $6,496.00; Natural Resources Enhancement $5,050.00; Solid Waste $6,745.36; EDA $1,720.46.


Warrants Approved On 12/29/2020 For Payment 12/31/2020

Vendor Name Amount

American Solutions For Business 2,385.29

First State Tire Recycling 4,628.89

KRIS Engineering Inc 4,765.00

WIDSETH 11,624.33

32 Payments less than 2000 16,477.79

Final Total: 39,881.30

Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants: December 16, 2020 for $374,168.39, December 23, 2020 for $90,085.21.

IRS Mileage Rate


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the 2021 Standard IRS Mileage rate for business miles at 56 cents per mile. 

Motion to Pay Year End Bills


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the payment of year end bills on the Auditors list on December 31, 2020.

Resolution for Year End Commitment of Funds


The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call:




WHEREAS, per Lake of the Woods County Fund Balance Policy, the County Board will annually or as deemed necessary commit specific revenue sources for specified purposed by resolution;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Lake of the Woods County hereby commits the following reserves with the amounts to be determined at a later date: Building; Community Health; Elections; Health/Medical; Housing Rehabilitation; Land & Building Acquisitions; Sheriff’s Posse; Sheriff’s Vending Commission; Technology; Transit; Drainage Maintenance; Future Equipment, and Future Budget Expenditures. 

Transfer of Funds to Ditch Funds


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously by roll call to authorize a temporary loan to Ditch Fund 26; to mitigate a temporary negative cash balance.

Ditch Loan


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the transfer of funds from Ditch 28 Fund to the Revenue Fund for payoff of Loan 2 at $10,000 and applicable interest. 


Employee Recognition

The 2020 Steven R. Sindelir Memorial Award for Excellence was awarded to Erik Tange. The Award for Excellence honorable mentions and years of service awards were also recognized.



Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously by roll call to appoint Alan Thompson and Marshall Monk to the Wheeler’s Point Sanitary District Board for a three-year term beginning January 2, 2021 thru January 2, 2024.


Highway Update – County Engineer AJ Pirkl provided a highway update.

Permission to Hire Heavy Equipment Operator


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously by roll call to hire the heavy equipment operator as a seasonal employee until their college program is completed in May and then as a full-time employee.  The employee will be hired at grade 11, step 1, $20.33 per hour.  Also approved Chair Jon Waibel to sign the memorandum of understanding.

Landfill Update – County Engineer AJ Pirkl provided a landfill update.  A response was received from the MPCA and there is a new representative on the account.  Pirkl will be meeting with the MPCA the second week of January.



Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and unanimously carried by roll call to close the regular meeting and open Ditch Authority.

The Ditch Authority discussed a ditch petition from Daniel Pieper.  The petition was submitted just as the county was brushing JD 22.  The area in question has been surveyed and Lake of the Woods County will work with Roseau County to look for grant availability for erosion control. Also discussed running a bulldozer on the bottom of the ditch to flatten out any possible high areas.  

The Ditch Authority also discussed a JD 28 project and billing for work done on JD 22.  Ditch assessments for 2021 were also reviewed.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and unanimously carried by roll call to close the Ditch Authority meeting and open the regular meeting.


MN Counties Business Assistance


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and unanimously carried by roll call for County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson to sign the County Relief Grants Certification form on behalf of the County for Business COVID Relief Funds in the amount of $256,250.  It was also the consensus of the Board for the Economic Development Authority to coordinate the administration of the funds. Economic Development Director, Ryan Zemek, will create an application, policy and a press release regarding how businesses can apply. 

EDA Board Appointment

The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously by roll call to adopt the following resolution:

Re-Appointment of Terms of the economic development authority

Resolution Number 20-12-04

Whereas Lake of the Woods County Board, pursuant to MN Statute §469.093, Subd.1 has provided a public notice and conducted a public hearing on September 14, 2010 to consider the creation of an Economic Development Authority and adopted the Enabling Resolution creating the same; and

Whereas the County Board of Commissioners of the County of Lake of the Woods adopted the following:

The EDA shall consist of a governing body of nine (9) members, as per the adopted Enabling Resolution, of which: Five (5) Sitting Commissioners, Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners

Four (4) Members shall be nominated by the following organizations and appointed by the County Board:

Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) to recommend appointment

Chamber of Commerce to recommend appointment

Lake of the Woods Tourism to recommend appointment

City of Baudette to recommend appointment

The Board Members and 6-year terms are established as follows:

Board Member Term Expires Representing

Brock Stebackken 12/31/2023 City of Baudette

James “Buck” Nordlof 12/31/2023 County Board District 1

Jeff Bauers 12/31/2024 IDC

Mike Kinsella 12/31/2024 Tourism Board

Ed Arnesen 12/31/2025 County Board District 5

Jon Waibel 12/31/2025 County Board District 4

Brad Nylander 12/31/2020 Chamber of Commerce

Cody Hasbargen 12/31/2021 County Board District 2 

Joe Grund 12/31/2022 County Board District 3

Whereas one board members term expiring on December 31, 2020;

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Board of Commissioners of the County of Lake of the Woods hereby appoints the following board member for a 6-year term;

Board Member Term Expires Representing

Brad Nylander 12/31/2026 Chamber of Commerce

Lineworker School Building

The Board discussed the building formerly used for the lineworker school.


Chamber Building

Erica Anderson, representing the Baudette-Lake of the Woods Chamber of Commerce, met with the Board regarding the chamber building.  The tourism bureau is in the final stages of moving out of the building. The Chamber is unable to keep the building, due to the cost. They are looking to the city and the county, who originally contributed the money for the building, on what to do next.  It was the consensus of the Board to take no action until after the City of Baudette has had an opportunity to discuss the topic. The county will add the Chamber Building to the 1/12/2021 meeting agenda.


Remove Old/New Business


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the removal of the following old/new business agenda items: CR 33.


CHI LakeWood Health Public Health Manager, Kay M. Schell, said that the Moderna vaccine has started to arrive.  CHI LakeWood Health is focusing on vaccinating long-term care residents and staff right now.  More than 70 CHI LakeWood Health employees have received their first round of vaccine.

Savanna Slick, Human Resources Director for Lake of the Woods County, explained that The Families First Coronavirus Response Act expires as of December 31st, 2020.  With this expiring, county employees, who must be out due to COVID related issues, must use sick time.  Employees can reach out to their department head if a unique situation occurs.


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to call the meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m. 

Attest: January 5, 2021

______________________________ _________________________________

County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson Chair Joe Grund

December 15, 2020

AGENDA Tuesday, December 15, 2020


9:00 a.m. #1 Pledge to the Flag

Approve Agenda

Approve the Minutes of November 24, 2020

9:05 a.m. #2 Social Services

  • Claims
  • Approval of Waiver Management Contract with Meridian Services
  • Approval of Northland Counseling Contract for Children’s Mental Health Services

9:15 a.m. #3 County Auditor/Treasurer

  • Claims
  • Salaries
  • Health Insurance/Health Care Savings Plan
  • Lake of the Woods County Extension Office Lease
  • Rinke Noonan Legal Services Agreement
  • 2021 Meeting Dates

9:35 a.m. #4 County Assessor

  • Appraiser Trainee/Appraiser Pay Schedule

9:45 a.m. #5 County Sheriff

  • PERA Resolution
  • I-Mobile Contract

10:00 a.m. #6 Central Square Presentation

10:30 a.m. #7 Public Hearing

  • Proposed closure of that portion of Township Road #167 crossing the CN Railroad at US/DOT #312192G located on 34th Ave NW, Pitt, MN

11:00 a.m. #8 County Highway/Landfill 

  • County Highway
  • Smart phone for employee 
  • Write of an IRS-US Treasury fuel tax refund 
  • Final approval of SAP 039-631-005
  • Update
  • Solid Waste
  • Solid Waste Assessments and Budgets 

11:15 a.m. #9 AirMedCare

  • Municipal Site Membership

11:30 a.m. #10 Arrowhead Library

11:45 a.m. #11 Lake of the Woods County Fair Board

  • Lake of the Woods Grandstand Project

12:00 p.m. #12 Public Health Contract with CHI LakeWood Health

12:15 p.m. #13 COVID-19 Update

6:00 p.m. #14 TNT Meeting

Old/New Business

  • Lessard–Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund
  • Land Trade
  • Township Road Inventory
  • CR 33
  • Home Health Care Task Force
  • Proposed Law Enforcement Center

December 15, 2020

Commissioner Proceedings

December 15, 2020

The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room. 


Vice-Chair Ed Arnesen called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Cody Hasbargen, Joe Grund, Buck Nordlof, Ed Arnesen. Absent members: Commissioner Jon Waibel. Also present: County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson.



Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the agenda with the following additions: Baudette Fire Department/Funding Request.



Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to approve the official and summarized minutes of November 24, 2020.




Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the following claims: Commissioners Warrant’s $22,009.54, Commissioners Warrant’s $2,431.52, Commissioners Warrant’s $13,926.03.

Approval of Waiver Management Contract with Meridian Services 


Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the Purchase of Service Agreement – Host County Contract for Waiver Case Management with Meridian Services, Inc. and for Social Services Director Amy Ballard and County Attorney James Austad to sign the same.

Approval of Northland Counseling Contract for Children’s Mental Health Services 


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried, with Commissioner Cody Hasbargen abstaining, to approve the Purchase of Service Agreement with Northland Counseling Center and for Social Services Director Amy Ballard, County Board Chair Jon Waibel and County Attorney James Austad to sign the same.




Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the claims against the County as follows: Revenue $456,626.63; Road & Bridge $103,854.93; County Development $435.72; Joint Ditch $360; Solid Waste $24,451.23, Economic Development $89.12.


Warrants Approved On 12/15/2020 For Payment 12/18/2020

Vendor Name Amount

Agassiz Asphalt LLC 54,000.00

Beltrami County Highway Dept 3,341.41

Cenex Co-Op Services, Inc. 3,681.89

Code 4 Services,Inc 14,593.31

Compudyne, Inc 3,907.00

Counties Providing Technology 3,751.00

DSC Communications 3,885.00

Election Systems & Software, Inc 2,768.06

Freeberg & Grund, Inc 24,633.10

Hoffman, Philipp & Knutson, PLLC 6,225.00

LOW Highway Dept 2,014.66

Malwarebytes Inc 3,135.00

Mar-Kit Landfill 10,563.75

Marco Technologies LLC 2,845.88

MN Counties Intergovernmental Trust 6,476.00

Motorola Solutions, Inc 360,005.00

University Of Mn 9,587.01

WIDSETH 8,107.78

Widseth Smith Nolting&Asst Inc 3,583.33

Wood Interiors 16,733.32

70 Payments less than 2000   41,980.13

Final Total: 585,817.63

Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants: November 30, 2020 for $136,413.06, December 2, 2020 for $621,300.81, December 4, 2020 for $232,120.84, December 4, 2020 for ($90.90) and December 9, 2020 for $33,235.88.


2021 Elected Officials & Non-Elected Department Heads Salaries


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund to adopt the following County Commissioners salaries schedule and County Board Chair salary schedule for the year 2021; and to adopt a committee meeting per diem of $125.00 for the year 2021.  The motion was seconded by Buck Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.

Elected Officials – Commissioners:

Commissioners                 $21,500.00                          

Board Chair                      $22,500.00          

Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund to adopt a Technology Fee of $50.00 per month for County Commissioners for the year 2021. (Technology fee reimbursement for county related phone, internet, computer and copy expenses.)  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.

Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and unanimously carried to adopt the following Elected Officials salary schedule for the year 2021.  

Elected Officials – Department Heads:

County Sheriff                      $91,162.08

County Aud/Treas                $89,470.80

County Recorder                  $75,606.48

County Attorney                   $112,125.60

Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund to adopt the following Non-Elected Department Heads salary schedule for the year 2021.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.  

Non-Elected – Department Heads:

Assessor                              Mary Jo Otten            $86,213.52       

MIS Director                       Peder Hovland           $79,991.28

Public Works                      Anthony Pirkl             $101,915.28     

Land/Water                         Josh Stromlund           $86,046.48

Social Service                     Amy Ballard               $86,025.60      

Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund to adopt the following Non-Elected Department Heads salary schedule for the year 2021.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.  

Non-Elected – Department Heads:

Veterans Service              Rick Rone                        $25,671.96

Human Resources           Savanna Slick                   $31,278.24          

Salary Adjustment, as agreed upon per Union Contract

Motion- Highway Union

Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund to adjust all full time Highway Union employees’ salary by a .60 cents per hour general adjustment and by 1 merit step, if applicable (not maxed), effective January 1, 2021.  Motion was seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.

Salary Adjustment, as agreed upon per Union Contract

Motion- Solid Waste Union

Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund to adjust all full time Solid Waste Union employees’ salary by a .60 cents per hour general adjustment and by 1 merit step, if applicable (not maxed), effective January 1, 2021.  Motion was seconded by Buck Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.

All County Employees (Full time/Permanent Part Time/Part Time/Seasonal Employees) Salary Adjustment (Excluding Elected and Non-Elected Department Heads) 

Motion- Non-Union

Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund to adjust all non-union employees: full time, permanent part time, part time and seasonal (excluding elected and non-elected department heads) salaries by a .60 cents per hour general adjustment and by 1 merit step, if applicable (not maxed), effective January 1, 2021.  Motion was seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.

Health Insurance/Health Care Savings Plan

Motion (motion made 10/27/2020)

Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to set the 2021 county contribution for family health insurance up to $1,310 per month and single health insurance up to $960 per month.  The Public Employees Insurance Program “Advantage Plan” consists of “High”, “Value” and “HSA” plans.  For the HSA plans only, any excess county contribution will be deposited directly into the employee’s health savings account, up to the IRS caps.  


Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve that all PERA eligible Lake of the Woods County employees contribute one percent (1%) of their regular pay (no overtime) into their Health Care Savings Plan (HCSP); in addition, Lake of the Woods County, as employer, will contribute one percent (1%) of the employee’s regular pay (no overtime) to the same all PERA eligible Lake of the Woods County employees.

Lake of the Woods County Extension Office Lease


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the Lease Agreement with Independent School District #390 for the Lake of the Woods County Extension Office space and for Board Chair Jon Waibel to sign the same.

Rinke Noonan Legal Services Agreement


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the 2021 Legal Services Agreement, Proposal Option 1, with Rinke Noonan and for Board Chair Jon Waibel and County Attorney James Austad to sign the same.


Commissioner Jon Waibel arrived to the meeting at 9:30 a.m.

2021 Meeting Dates


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the following 2021 County Board Meeting Dates:



Tuesday, January 5 (Organizational Meeting) 9:00 a.m. Government Center, Commissioners Room 

Tuesday, January 12 9:00 a.m. Government Center, Commissioners Room 

Tuesday, January 26 9:00 a.m. Government Center, Commissioners Room                                          


Tuesday, February 9 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room

Tuesday, February 23 9:00 a.m.  Lake of the Woods School


Tuesday, March 9 9:00 a.m. Government Center, Commissioners Room 

Tuesday, March 23 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room


Tuesday, April 13 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room

Tuesday, April 27 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room


Tuesday, May 11 9:00 a.m. Government Center, Commissioners Room 

Tuesday, May 25 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room 


Tuesday, June 8 9:00 a.m. Government Center, Commissioners Room

Monday, June 14 6:00 p.m. Board of Equalization

Tuesday, June 15 10:00 a.m. NWA

Tuesday, June 22 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room


Tuesday, July 13 9:00 a.m. Government Center, Commissioners Room 

Tuesday, July 27 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room


Tuesday, August 10 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room

Tuesday, August 24 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room


Tuesday, September 14 9:00 a.m. Government Center, Commissioners Room 

Tuesday, September 28 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room 


Tuesday, October 12 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room

Tuesday, October 26 9:00 a.m. Government Center, Commissioners Room


Tuesday, November 9 9:00 a.m. Government Center, Commissioners Room

Tuesday, November 23 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room


Tuesday, December 14 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room

Tuesday, December 14 6:00 p.m. TNT Meeting

Tuesday, December 28 9:00 a.m.  Government Center, Commissioners Room



AMC LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE: March 31- April 2 in Nisswa

AMC DISTRICT 2 MEETING: June 16 and October 27

AMC POLICY COMMITTEE: September 16-17 in Alexandria

AMC ANNUAL CONFERENCE: December 6-8 in Bloomington


Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners will be attending these meetings on the 3rd Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Room at the Government Center


Appraiser Trainee/Appraiser Pay Schedule


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve a change in pay scale for Tyler Swanson from Appraiser Trainee to Appraiser effective 10/5/2020 to grade 13, step 1, points 289, $22.72 per hour.


The Board took a brief recess at 9:36 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:45 a.m.


PERA Resolution

The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and moved for adoption:

Resolution No. 20-12-01

Public Employees Police and Fire Plan

WHEREAS, the policy of the State of Minnesota as declared in Minnesota Statutes 353.63 is to give special consideration to employees who perform hazardous work and devote their time and skills to protecting the property and personal safety of others; and

WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 353.64 permits governmental subdivisions to request coverage in the Public Employees Police and Fire plan for eligible employees of police departments whose position duties meet the requirements stated therein and listed below.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Commissioners of Lake of the Woods County hereby declare that the position titled Part Time Deputy Sheriff, currently held by Andrew Jespersen meets all of the following Police and Fire membership requirements:                        

  1. Said position requires a license by the Minnesota peace officer standards and training board under sections 626.84 to 626.863 and this employee is so licensed;
  1. Said position’s primary (over 50%) duty is to enforce the general criminal laws of the state;
  1. Said position charges this employee with the prevention and detection of crime;
  1. Said position gives this employee the full power of arrest, and 
  1. Said position is assigned to a designated police or sheriff’s department.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this governing body hereby requests that the above-named employee be accepted as a member of the Public Employees Police and Fire Plan effective the date of this employee’s initial Police and Fire salary deduction by the governmental subdivision.

The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.

I-Mobile State Patrol Contract


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the I-Mobile State Patrol Contract and for Chair Jon Waibel and County Sheriff Gary Fish to sign the same. 


Blakelyn Bailey from CentralSquare Technologies provided a presentation on the managed services that they provide for law enforcement organizations.


Proposed closure of that portion of Township Road #167 crossing the CN Railroad at US/DOT #312192G located on 34th Ave NW, Pitt, MN


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to close the regular meeting and open the Public Hearing at 10:30 a.m.

County Engineer, AJ Pirkl provided an update on the proposed project and several community members provided information to the Board.

Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to close the Public Hearing and open the regular meeting at 11:15 a.m.

After hearing overwhelming opposition from the public, it was the consensus of the Board to take no action on the proposed closure of that portion of Township Road #167 crossing the CN Railroad at US/DOT #312192G located on 34th Ave NW, Pitt, MN.


The Board took a brief recess at 11:20 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 11:25 a.m.



Smart Phone for Employee


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve a County owned smart phone and email address for employee Keith Grund.

Write off an IRS-US Treasury Fuel Tax Refund


Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to write off $2,322.39 from accounts receivable for an IRS-US Treasury Fuel Tax Refund that has not been received.



Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to add to the agenda: Northwest Angle Drifters Request for Donation.

Northwest Angle Edge Riders Request for Donation


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve a donation to the Northwest Angle Edge Riders for two culverts at a cost of $1,200 from the reserve fund.

Final approval of SAP 039-631-005


Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the final payment for SAP 039-631-005 for KGM Contractors, Inc. of Angora, MN in the total amount of $672,864.65 and hereby authorize final payment of $74,682.57.

Solid Waste

Solid Waste Assessments and Budget


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to approve the 2021 solid waste assessments and budget as recommended by the solid waste committee.  The solid waste assessments will include a cap of 999 units.


AirMedCare Membership Agreement

Tami Evavold, from Guardian Flight, provided an update on the services included in the AirMedCare Network Municipal Site Membership.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the AirMedCare Network Municipal Site Membership Agreement for medical necessity within Lake of the Woods County or Roseau County in the amount of $16,803.00 for 2021 from the revenue fund and authorize Chair Jon Waibel to sign the same.


Jim Weikum, Executive Director of the Arrowhead Library System, provided an update to the Board.  Weikum talked about the increased use of the mail book service and online library card application during the COVID-19 pandemic. He also shared information about new services, such as, eMagazines being added to the Libby App and online children’s picture books available through the TumbleBookLibrary. Weikum encourages area residents to go to the Arrowhead Library System’s website and participate in the Minnesota Speed Test Initiative, a project to collect data about broadband speed to help in efforts to improve broadband services in the area.


Lake of the Woods Grandstand Project

Members of the Lake of the Woods County Fair Board met with the County Board to discuss replacing the grandstands at the Lake of the Woods County Fairgrounds.  It was the consensus of the County Board to have the Fair Board continue to get bids for the project.  The County Board will reach out to the Economic Development Authority and request their assistance in researching funding opportunities.  The project will be placed on the County Board meeting agenda for January 12, 2021.


Funding Request


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to contribute $20,000 from the reserve fund to the Baudette Fire Department to be used towards the purchase of 800 mhz radios for the volunteer firefighters.  The Baudette Fire Department will send an invoice to the county.


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the 2021 Purchase of Service Agreement between Lake of the Woods County and CHI LakeWood Health to coordinate Community Health Services, pending approval by the County Attorney, and for Chair Jon Waibel, County Attorney James Austad and Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson to sign the same.


Kay M. Schell, Public Health Manager at CHI LakeWood Health, provided an update regarding the COVID-19 cases and vaccine.


The meeting was called to recess at 1:10 p.m. and reconvened at 6:00 p.m.



Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously by roll call to close the regular meeting and open the Public Hearing for Truth In Taxation meeting at 6:00 p.m. Members present, Commissioners Cody Hasbargen, Jon Waibel, Ed Arnesen (by phone), Buck Nordlof and Joe Grund (by phone).  Others present, County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson, County Assessor Mary Jo Otten, and Public Works Director Anthony Pirkl. 

County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson reviewed the 2021 Proposed County Levy at the Truth In Taxation Public Hearing.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously by roll call to close the public hearing and open the regular meeting at 6:20 p.m.


The following Resolution was proposed and moved for adoption by Commissioner Buck Nordlof:

Resolution Adopting

Certified 2021 Budget and Tax Levy

Resolution   2020-12-02

WHEREAS, the Proposed County Budget for the year 2021 has been reviewed by the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners; and 

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following Proposed Budget and Tax Levy is hereby adopted for the Lake of the Woods County for 2021:

Revenue Fund $ 1,768,300

Road & Bridge Fund $    449,580

Social Services Fund $    603,935

Economic Development Authority Fund $      60,000

2021 Proposed Budget and Tax Levy $ 2,881,815   

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following amounts be levied against the unorganized townships of Lake of the Woods County for 2021:

Twp Road & Bridge $   451,470* 

Twp Fire – Baudette $     25,000

Twp Fire – Williams $     14,872

Twp Fire – NW Angle $       6,500

Total $   497,842


* $451,470 for Township Road & Bridge includes $12,765 for Admin of Township Roads (438,705+12,765=451,470)

A public meeting to discuss the 2021 Proposed Budget and Tax Levy was held on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. in the Lake of the Woods County Commissioners’ Room. 

The motion was seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried by roll call. 


With no further business before the Board, Chairman Jon Waibel called the meeting to recess at 6:25 p.m. 

Attest: December 29, 2020

______________________________ _________________________________County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson Chairman Jon Waibel

November 24, 2020

AGENDA – Tuesday, November 24, 2020


9:00 a.m. #1 Pledge to the Flag

Approve Agenda

Approve the Minutes of November 10, 2020

9:05 a.m. #2 Social Services

  • Claims
  • Approval of Contract with Tri-Valley for Volunteer Driver Services
  • Approval of Children’s Mental Health Grant Contract

9:15 a.m. #3 County Auditor/Treasurer

  • Claims
  • Affidavit of Lost Warrant
  • Resolution for Election Polling Places
  • MN Department of Revenue Lodging Tax Collection Agreement
  • Government Management Group Services Agreement
  • Con-Con Fund Application Review

9:45 a.m. #4 Friends Against Abuse – Jenell Feller

10:00 a.m. #5 Bollig

  • Resolution for Intention to be the Public Sponsor of a New Public Use General Aviation Municipal Airport

10:15 a.m. #6 Human Resources

  • Stipend Review

10:20 a.m. #7 County Surveyor Contract

10:30 a.m. #8 County Highway/Landfill 

  • Highway
    • Update 
  • Main Street Design Contract
  • Recognition of Years of Service Resolution – Mike Anderson
  • Landfill Update
  • Ditch Authority
    • County Ditch 1 Grant Acceptance from One Watershed One Plan   
  • Permission to Advertise RFP for County Ditch 1 Repair

10:45 a.m. #9 Emergency Management

  • 2020 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Adoption by Resolution
  • Adoption of the Emergency Operations Plan for 2021

11:00 a.m. #10 COVID-19 Update

  • Media Campaign
  • Government Center
  • County Employees
  • Public Health/Hospital Update

11:15 a.m. #11 Ryan Zemek, Economic Development Authority Director

  • CARES Grants

Old/New Business

  • Lessard–Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund
  • Land Trade
  • Township Road Inventory
  • CR 33
  • Home Health Care Task Force
  • Proposed Law Enforcement Center

November 24, 2020

Commissioner Proceedings

November 24, 2020

The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room. 


Chair Jon Waibel called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Cody Hasbargen, Joe Grund, Buck Nordlof, and Jon Waibel.  Commissioner Ed Arnesen attended the meeting by phone conference. Also present: County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson.



Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the agenda with the following additions: Sheriff/Jail Update, Auditor-Treasurer/Hoffman, Philipp & Knutson Multi-Year Audit Services Agreement, and Emergency Management/Credit Card Limit Increase.



Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the official and summarized minutes of November 10, 2020.




Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the following claims: Commissioners Warrant’s $19,862.03, Commissioners Warrant’s $1,289.88, Commissioners Warrant’s $7,795.37.

Approval of Contract with Tri-Valley for Volunteer Driver Services


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the Contract for Rural Transportation Collaborative Volunteer Driver Services with Tri-Valley and for Social Services Director Amy Ballard to sign the same.

Approval of Children’s Mental Health Grant Contract


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the Minnesota Department of Human Services County Grant Contract with the State of Minnesota’s Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Division and for Social Services Director Amy Ballard to sign the same.




Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the additional COVID-19 claims and warrants against the County to be paid by Auditor Warrants.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the claims against the County as follows: Revenue $49,069.26; Road & Bridge $19,968.54; County Development $200; Solid Waste $16,550.50.


Warrants Approved On 11/24/2020 For Payment 11/25/2020

Vendor Name Amount

Counties Providing Technology 3,751.00

DSC Communications 3,590.00

Element Materials Technology 18,670.00

Lakewood Health Center 11,250.00

North East Technical Service,Inc 3,628.74

R & Q Trucking, Inc 2,575.00

Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc 4,078.26

Titan Energy Systems, Inc 2,853.60

U.S. Bank Equipment Finance 6,268.50

Voice Products 6,714.58

WatchGuard Video 4,720.00

38 Payments less than 2000   17,688.62

                                  Final Total: 85,788.30

Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants: November 9, 2020 for $470,858.47, November 9, 2020 for ($60,000), November 12, 2020 for $179,353.82 and November 18, 2020 for $126,573.84.

Affidavit of Lost Warrant


Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the application and affidavit for lost warrant for Bobby J. Beggs, dated March 13, 2020 for $144.60 without furnishing indemnifying bond.

Resolution for Election Polling Places

The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Joe Grund and moved for adoption:

A Resolution Establishing County Precincts and Polling Places

Resolution 20-11-04

WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section §204B16, Subdivision 1 requires that by December 31st of each year, the County must designate by resolution a polling place for each election precinct; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners, State of Minnesota hereby establishes polling places of the following County precincts: Baudette City Hall – Precincts 1B and 2B; Lake of the Woods County Government Center – All Mail Precincts including: 1A, 2A, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C and 5D.  

The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried by roll call.

MN Department of Revenue Lodging Tax Collection Agreement


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously by roll call to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Revenue for collection of local lodging tax for Lake of the Woods County and for Chairman Jon Waibel and Auditor-Treasurer Lorene Hanson to sign the same.

Government Management Group Services Agreement 


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to enter into an agreement with Government Management Group for Services Cost Allocation Plans in the amount of $3,750 for fiscal years ending December 31, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 and authorize Chairman Jon Waibel to sign the same.

Con-Con Fund Application Review 

Lake of the Woods County Development Year 2021

Baudette Arena Association Inc: $12,500
Lake of the Woods International Ice Arena: $40,000

Williams Arena: $7,000

Economic Development Authority: $10,000

Depot Preservation Alliance: $5,000

Friends Against Abuse: $2,500

LOW Historical Society: $17,665

LOW Humane Society: $7,500

U of M Extension: $2,000

Williams Public Library: $650

Joint Powers Natural Resources Board: $1,000

LOW Rod and Gun Club: $1,500

LOW School Trap Team: $2,000

LOW Senior Fishing: $1,500

Rinke-Noonan-Retainer-Drainage: $2,400

St Louis County Auditor: $2,000

Take A Kid Fishing: $1,000

Williams Youth Recreation Assoc: $3,000

Widseth Smith Nolting: $16,000

Audit Fees: $900

Beaver Control Damage: $10,000

Drainage: $10,000

Total Approved Contributions for 2021: $156,115       


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously by roll call to make allocations to the above organizations from the Con-Con funds, payable 2021.

Hoffman, Philipp & Knutson Multi-Year Audit Services Agreement


Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously by roll call to authorize entering into the multi-year audit agreement with Hoffman, Philipp, and Knutson, PLLC for audit services of Lake of the Woods County for years ended December 31, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 at a fee of $29,000 per year and for Chair Jon Waibel and Auditor-Treasurer Lorene Hanson to sign the same.


Jenell Feller gave an update to the Board on the Friends Against Abuse program in Baudette.


The Board took a brief recess at 9:55 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 10:00 a.m.


Resolution for Intention to be the Public Sponsor of a New Public Use General Aviation Municipal Airport

The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and moved for adoption: 






RESOLUTION NO. 2020-11-05

WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County Board, and the surrounding community, recognizes the unique geographic and historic position of the detached portion of the county, state of Minnesota and the United States known as the Northwest Angle, and

WHEREAS, the County Board understands the perilous situation surrounding the welfare of the citizens that are suffering under the current quarantine and subsequent closure of the international border, and

WHEREAS, the County Board recognizes that a general aviation, public use airport is a critical, yet missing, transportation link that is vital to strengthening and supporting the regional and local transportation system, and

WHEREAS, the County and the residents of the Northwest Angle community recognizes that the lack of airport facilities places human health and safety in peril, and exacerbates community and economic isolation, and 

WHEREAS, the County Board acknowledges that public safety, health, nutrition and economic needs, and future economic growth potential will be greatly improved by the construction of a general aviation airport at an appropriate location on the Northwest Angle, and

WHEREAS, the County Board approves and supports the efforts to study the feasibility of constructing a new airport facility at an appropriate location that will accommodate current and future community and aviation needs while minimizing impacts to natural and cultural resources, and,

WHEREAS, the County Board authorizes the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) Aeronautics to undertake a primarily federally funded feasibility study and Master Planning Study primarily for an airport at or near the North West Angle of Minnesota, and

WHEREAS, the County Board acknowledges the FAA, as the Lead Federal Agency, will begin appropriate tribal consultation during airport planning with associated Native American governments including the Red Lake Nation.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lake of the Woods Board of Commissioners hereby declares its intent to be the Public Sponsor of an airport at the Northwest Angle, and urges support for the FAA and MnDOT Aeronautics to take the actions necessary to fulfill the spirit of Governor Walz’s Executive Order 19-24, to finalize site selection, and provide the grant funds necessary to accomplish this purpose.

The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried by roll call.


Stipend Review


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously by roll call to approve a $500 stipend for Sandy Peterson and Tami Maurer for the month of November 2020.  The stipend will end on November 30, 2020.



Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously by roll call to approve entering into a professional services contract with Widseth, Smith, Nolting and Associates Inc. for County Surveyor Services, the time period commencing January 1, 2021 and terminating December 31, 2024 at a cost of $15,000 per year and for Chair Jon Waibel, Auditor-Treasurer Lorene Hanson and County Attorney James Austad to sign the same.




County Engineer AJ Pirkl provided a highway update.  

Main Street Design Contract


Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve a contract with Freeburg and Grund in the amount of $47,200 for design of Main Street in Baudette from the Brink Center to the Grand Theater.

Recognition of Years of Service Resolution – Mike Anderson

The following resolution was offered by Chairman Jon Waibel and moved for adoption:



RESOLUTION NO. 2020-11-03

WHEREAS, Michael Anderson has served Lake of the Woods County as a Heavy Equipment Operator and Maintenance Supervisor since April 17, 1989;

WHEREAS, Michael will retire from Lake of the Woods County effective December 1, 2020 with thirty-one years of service;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That Lake of the Woods Board of County Commissioners extends its deepest appreciation to Michael for his dedicated service and wishes him well on his retirement.

The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried by roll call.

Landfill Update

County Engineer AJ Pirkl provided a landfill update.

Ditch Authority


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and unanimously carried by roll call to close the regular meeting and open Ditch Authority.

The Ditch Authority discussed maintenance work for JD 22 and County Ditch 1, which will be reviewed with Roseau County.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and unanimously carried by roll call to close the Ditch Authority meeting and open the regular meeting.

County Ditch 1 Grant Acceptance from One Watershed One Plan    


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and unanimously carried by roll call to accept a grant from One Watershed One Plan for project development to address erosion on County Ditch 1. The cost for project development will be $31,500 with a county required match of $3,500 to be paid with state-aid funds.

Permission to Advertise RFP for County Ditch 1 Repair


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and unanimously carried by roll call to approve permission to advertise RFP for County Ditch 1 repair.


Jail Update

Sheriff Gary Fish provided an update to the Board.  Fish received communication from the Department of Corrections that a two-year extension (through July 1, 2023) was granted on the sunset date for progress on the new jail, as long as benchmarks continue to be met.  Fish plans to work on a contract with Roseau County and will continue work on additional projects, including a camera system and records management system (RMS).  Commissioner Buck Nordlof agreed to meet with the Sheriff’s Department to review their RMS needs.  The Board would like a report prepared showing the cost savings from programs that would be replaced if the new RMS system was purchased. It was also requested that the RMS vendor provide a presentation to the Board.


The Board took a brief recess at 11:36 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 11:41 a.m.


2020 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Adoption by Resolution

The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the following: 




Resolution No.  20-11-06

WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County has participated in the hazard mitigation planning process as established under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, and

WHEREAS, the Act establishes a framework for the development of a County Hazard Mitigation Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Act as part of the planning process requires public involvement and local coordination among neighboring local units of government and businesses; and

WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County Plan includes a risk assessment including past hazards, hazards that threaten the County, an estimate of structures at risk, a general description of land uses and development trends; and

WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County Plan includes a mitigation strategy including goals and objectives and an action plan identifying specific mitigation projects and costs; and

WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County Plan includes a maintenance or implementation process including plan updates, integration of the plan into other planning documents and how Lake of the Woods County will maintain public participation and coordination; and

WHEREAS, the Plan has been shared with the Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for review and comment; and

WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan will make the county and participating jurisdictions eligible to receive FEMA hazard mitigation assistance grants; and 

WHEREAS, this is a multi-jurisdictional Plan and cities that participated in the planning process may choose to also adopt the County Plan.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Lake of the Woods County supports the hazard mitigation planning effort and wishes to adopt the Lake of the Woods County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Adoption of the Emergency Operations Plan for 2021


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the Lake of the Woods County Emergency Operations Plan for 2021.

Request for Credit Card Limit Increase


Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve a county credit card limit increase to $5,000 for Jill Hasbargen Olson, Lake of the Woods County Emergency Management Director. This is a temporary increase to be revisited after the pipeline protesting issues in neighboring counties cease or in June of 2021, whichever is sooner.


Media Campaign 

Jill Hasbargen Olson, Emergency Management Director, provided an update on a media campaign that was launched this week to encourage wearing masks to slow the spread of COVID-19. Some of the media materials will be available for local businesses to use as well.  Hasbargen Olson also mentioned the use of COVID-19 funds to sponsor a related coloring contest with the Northern Light Region.

Government Center

Jill Hasbargen Olson, Emergency Management Director, discussed what would initiate the Government Center to go to an appointment-only status.  It was agreed that this decision would be made when/if the Lake of the Woods School goes to distance learning.

County Employees

The Board encourages employees to consult with department heads about working remotely, after traveling out of the state.

Public Health/Hospital Update

Kay M. Schell, Public Health Manager at CHI LakeWood Health, provided an update. Positive cases of COVID-19 are rising in Lake of the Woods County.  The school is doing well, but because numbers are up in the county, if someone at the school has one of the less common symptoms they are asked to go home.  Surrounding counties have found that the distance learners have more positive cases compared to those who are attending school in the classroom.  ICU beds are very limited in the area.  CHI LakeWood Health long-term care residents and staff are tested for COVID-19 every week and all other staff are tested monthly.  COVID-19 testing is available at CHI LakeWood Health with doctor order.  There is also a no-cost, at-home COVID-19 saliva test that can be requested through the Minnesota Department of Health.  No timeline is available for the vaccine, but there is a prioritization for healthcare workers and long-term care.


CARES Grants

Ryan Zemek, Economic Development Authority Director, provided an update on the additional applications and award amounts for the CARES Grants. It was the consensus of the Board for Lake of the Woods Economic Development Authority to proceed with the awards as presented.


Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the CARES Grants as presented and to appropriate and transfer $8,100 to the Economic Development Authority Fund.


With no further business before the Board, Chairman Jon Waibel called the meeting to recess at 12:35 p.m. 

Attest: December 15, 2020

______________________________ _________________________________County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson Chairman Jon Waibel

November 10, 2020

AGENDA – Tuesday, November 10, 2020


9:00 a.m. #1 Pledge to the Flag

Approve Agenda

Approve the Minutes of October 27, 2020

9:05 a.m. #2 Social Services

  • Claims

9:10 a.m. #3 County Auditor/Treasurer

  • Claims
  • Motion to Hire
  • Motion for Wells Fargo Motor Vehicle Checking Account
  • Snowmobile Grant-In-Aid Program

9:15 a.m. #4 Human Resources

  • Convene Training Renewal for 2021

9:20 a.m. #5 Land and Water Planning

  • Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #20-07CU
    by Ryan Kerr, Dennis King, and Sunset Lodge, LLC
  • Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #20-08V
    by Kristine Hawkins

9:40 a.m. #6 County Highway/Landfill 

  • Highway Update
  • Landfill Update

9:50 a.m. #7 Baudette Depot – Depot Preservation Alliance

  • Funding Request

10:00 a.m. #8 Ryan Zemek, EDA Director

  • Update on CARES Applications

Correspondence:  Williams Senior Citizens

Old/New Business

  • Lessard–Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund
  • Land Trade
  • Township Road Inventory
  • CR 33
  • Home Health Care Task Force
  • Proposed Law Enforcement Center

November 10, 2020

Commissioner Proceedings

November 10, 2020

The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room. 


Chair Jon Waibel called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Cody Hasbargen, Joe Grund, and Jon Waibel.  The following members were present by phone: Commissioners: Ed Arnesen and Buck Nordlof. Also present: County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson.



Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the agenda with the following additions: Human Resources/Permission to advertise, interview and hire a heavy equipment operator; County Highway/Approve wage for supervisor position, EDA/Resolution for Minnesota Investment Fund Program and Auditor-Treasurer/ Northwest Minnesota Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #8 Gambling Permit.



Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the official and summarized minutes of October 27, 2020.




Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the following claims: Commissioners Warrant’s $9,494.83 Commissioners Warrant’s $1,606.69, Commissioners Warrant’s $6,541.30.




Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the claims against the County as follows: Revenue $105,253.09; Road & Bridge $52,288.17; County Development $5,851.50; Joint Ditch $287.50; Solid Waste $24,373.82, EDA $1,656.92.


Warrants Approved On 11/10/2020 For Payment 11/13/2020

Vendor Name Amount

Bollig Inc 9,000.00

Cenex Co-Op Services, Inc. 7,141.40

Cps Technology Solutions 8,742.97

Davidson Ready Mix & Construction Inc 7,545.00

DSC Communications 53,860.00

Freeberg & Grund, Inc 13,592.24

Government Management Group, Inc 3,600.00

Howard’s Oil Company 2,320.37

LOW Highway Dept 6,077.50

Mar-Kit Landfill 13,479.25

SeaChange Print Innovations 6,367.72

Titan Machinery – Roseau 13,268.74

Widseth Smith Nolting&Asst Inc 10,605.33

Woody’s Service 2,460.29

Wright Locksmith and Security Systems 7,560.00

63 Payments less than 2000   24,090.19

Final Total: 189,711.00

Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants: October 26, 2020 for $615,274.16, November 4, 2020 for $539,203.28.

Permission to Hire


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously by roll call to hire Anna Sanchez for the position of Deputy Auditor/Treasurer- License Clerk/Board Administration at Grade 11, Step 1, $20.33 per hour, Points 253, effective 11/2/2020.

Wells Fargo Motor Vehicle Checking Account


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously by roll call to authorize the following employees; County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson, Deputy Auditor/Treasurer Erik Tange, Deputy Auditor/Treasurer Jaime Boretski-LaValla, Deputy Auditor/Treasurer Connie Nesmith and Deputy Auditor/Treasurer Anna Sanchez, to sign for account number 5502 effective 11/2/2020.

Snowmobile Grant-In-Aid Program


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to authorize the FY 2021 Maintenance and Grooming Grants with the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Snowmobile Grant-In-Aid Program for Big Traverse (LOW Drifters) and NW Angle Edgeriders in the amount of $174,422.35 and authorize Chair Jon Waibel and County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson to sign the same.

Gambling Permit Resolution


The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call:





WHEREAS; the Northwest Minnesota Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #8 has submitted a Minnesota Lawful Gambling LG220 Application for Exempt Permit Gambling to be conducted at the following establishment, which is located in Lake of the Woods County: Sportsman’s Lodge 2/22/2021

 Sportsman’s Lodge 3244 Bur Oak Rd NW Baudette, MN 56623

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners hereby approves said application for submission to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board.


Convene Training Renewal for 2021


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the Convene Training renewal at $999 for 2021.

Advertise, Interview and Hire Heavy Equipment Operator


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously by roll call to advertise, interview and hire a heavy equipment operator at Grade 11, Step 1, Points 265, $20.33 per hour.


Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #20-07CU by Ryan Kerr, Dennis King, and Sunset Lodge, LLC

Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund met with the board and presented a Conditional Use Permit for tracts of land in Government Lot 3, Section Two (2), Township One Hundred Sixty-seven (167) North, and Range Thirty-Three (33) West, Parcel IDs#, and Applicants are requesting a Conditional Use Permit as required by Section 902 of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance to allow the movement of more than ten (10) cubic yards of material within the shore impact zone of Lake of the Woods for the purpose of repairing shoreline damage. Lake of the Woods is a General Development Lake. No comments were heard from the public. Stromlund reviewed the Findings of Fact of the Planning Commission and informed the Board that this application was approved by them as presented.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the following Findings of Fact/Conditional Use Permit for Ryan Kerr, Dennis King, and Sunset Lodge, LLC to allow the movement of more than ten (10) cubic yards of material within the shore impact zone of Lake of the Woods for the purpose of repairing shoreline damage, as presented.

Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners

Findings of Fact and Decision

Name of Applicant:  Ryan Kerr; Dennis King; Sunset Lodge LLC__________ Date:  _Nov. 10, 2020

Location/Legal Description: The North ½ of the South ½ of the South ½ of Government Lot 3; the North 115’ of the South 165’ of Government Lot 3; The South ½ of the North ½ of the South ½ of Government Lot 3, Section Two (2), Township One Hundred Sixty-seven (167) North, Range Thirty-three (33) West – Parcel IDs#;;

Project Proposal:  Place more than 10 cubic yards of material in the shore impact zone of Lake of the Woods for the purpose of rip-rap. Lake of the Woods is a General Development Lake.

  1. Is the project proposal consistent with the Lake of the Woods County Comprehensive Land Use Plan? YES (X) NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Shoreline repair and stabilization.

2. Is the project proposal consistent with maintaining the public health, safety, and welfare?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Is the project proposal consistent with the goal of preventing and controlling water pollution, including sedimentation and nutrient loading?                        YES (X) NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Saves shoreline.

  1. Will the project proposal not adversely affect the site’s existing topography, drainage features, and vegetative cover?                                            YES (X)  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Will not/stops erosion.

  1. Is the project proposal’s site location reasonable in relation to any floodplain and/or floodway of rivers or tributaries? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Has the erosion potential of the site based upon the degree and direction of slope, soil type and existing vegetative cover been adequately addressed for the project proposal?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Is the site in harmony with existing and proposed access roads?     YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Is the project proposal compatible with adjacent land uses? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

9. Does the project proposal have a reasonable need to be in a shoreland location?

YES (X)  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Saves shoreline.

  1. Is the amount of liquid waste to be generated reasonable and the proposed sewage disposal system adequate to accommodate the project proposal? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Will the visibility of structures and other facilities as viewed from public waters comply with Section 901 of the Zoning Ordinance?         YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Is the site adequate for water supply and on-site sewage treatment systems?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Are the affected public waters suited to and able to safely accommodate the types, uses, and numbers of watercraft that the project proposal will generate? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. If the project proposal includes above ground or below ground storage tanks for petroleum or other hazardous material that is subject to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements, has a permit been sought?                                                                                    YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Will there be fencing and/or other screening provided to buffer the project proposal from adjacent properties?                                                                                                      YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. If signage is associated with the project proposal, has the applicant demonstrated the need for the number and size requested, and minimized the visual appearance as viewed from adjacent properties to the extent possible?                                                                                               YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. If the project proposal will generate additional traffic to or from the site, has the applicant adequately demonstrated how the additional traffic and parking is to be addressed? 

                                                                                                               YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

If all answers to the Findings of Fact-Criteria are either “Yes” or are “Not Applicable” to the request, the criteria for granting the conditional use permit have been met. The conditional use permit will maintain the goals of safety, health, and general welfare of the public.  

The specific conditions of approval are as follows:  None

Approved  as Presented  (X ) Approved with Conditions  (  ) Denied  (  )

November 10, 2020 _____________________________________

Date Jon Waibel

        Chair, County Board

This is in accordance with Section 1204 of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance.

Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #20-08V by Kristine Hawkins

Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund met with the board and presented a Conditional Use Permit for Lot 2, Block 1, Harris Addition, Section Nineteen (19), Township One Hundred Sixty-two (162) North, Range Thirty-one (31) West, Parcel ID# Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit as required by Section 902 of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance to allow movement of more than ten (10) cubic yards of material within the shore impact zone of Lake of the Woods for the purpose of repairing shoreline damage. Lake of the Woods is a General Development Lake.  No comments were heard from the public. Stromlund reviewed the Findings of Fact of the Planning Commission and informed the Board that this application was approved by them as presented.


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the following Findings of Fact/Conditional Use Permit for Kristine Hawkins to allow movement of more than ten (10) cubic yards of material within the shore impact zone of Lake of the Woods for the purpose of repairing shoreline damage, as presented.

Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners

Findings of Fact and Decision

Name of Applicant:  __Kristine Hawkins______________________ Date:  _November 10, 2020_

Location/Legal Description: _Lot 2 Block 1 Harris Addition, Section Nineteen (19), Township One Hundred Sixty-two (162) North, Range Thirty-one (31) West – Parcel ID#

Project Proposal:  Place more than 10 cubic yards of material in the shore impact zone of Lake of the Woods for the purpose of rip-rap. Lake of the Woods is a General Development Lake.

  1. Is the project proposal consistent with the Lake of the Woods County Comprehensive Land Use Plan? YES (X) NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Shoreline stabilization.

2. Is the project proposal consistent with maintaining the public health, safety, and welfare?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

3. Is the project proposal consistent with the goal of preventing and controlling water pollution, including sedimentation and nutrient loading?                        YES (X) NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Saves shoreline.

4. Will the project proposal not adversely affect the site’s existing topography, drainage features, and vegetative cover?                                            YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

5. Is the project proposal’s site location reasonable in relation to any floodplain and/or floodway of rivers or tributaries? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

6. Has the erosion potential of the site based upon the degree and direction of slope, soil type and existing vegetative cover been adequately addressed for the project proposal?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

7. Is the site in harmony with existing and proposed access roads?     YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

8. Is the project proposal compatible with adjacent land uses? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

9. Does the project proposal have a reasonable need to be in a shoreland location?

YES (X)  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Shoreline stabilization.

10. Is the amount of liquid waste to be generated reasonable and the proposed sewage disposal system adequate to accommodate the project proposal? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

11. Will the visibility of structures and other facilities as viewed from public waters comply with Section 901 of the Zoning Ordinance?         YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

12. Is the site adequate for water supply and on-site sewage treatment systems?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

13. Are the affected public waters suited to and able to safely accommodate the types, uses, and numbers of watercraft that the project proposal will generate? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

14. If the project proposal includes above ground or below ground storage tanks for petroleum or other hazardous material that is subject to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements, has a permit been sought?                                                                                    YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

15. Will there be fencing and/or other screening provided to buffer the project proposal from adjacent properties?                                                                                                        YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

16. If signage is associated with the project proposal, has the applicant demonstrated the need for the number and size requested, and minimized the visual appearance as viewed from adjacent properties to the extent possible?                                                                                                YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

17. If the project proposal will generate additional traffic to or from the site, has the applicant adequately demonstrated how the additional traffic and parking is to be addressed? 

                                                                                                              YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

If all answers to the Findings of Fact-Criteria are either “Yes” or are “Not Applicable” to the request, the criteria for granting the conditional use permit have been met. The conditional use permit will maintain the goals of safety, health, and general welfare of the public.  

The specific conditions of approval are as follows:  None

Approved  as Presented  (X ) Approved with Conditions  (  ) Denied  (  )

November 10, 2020 _____________________________________

Date Jon Waibel

        Chair, County Board

This is in accordance with Section 1204 of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance.



County Engineer AJ Pirkl provided a highway update.  

Landfill Update

County Engineer AJ Pirkl provided a landfill update.

Approve Wage for Supervisor Position


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried by roll call, with Commissioner Joe Grund abstaining, to approve offering the wage for the maintenance supervisor at Grade 15, Step 5, $27.74 per hour effective 12/02/2020, pending acceptance of the offer.


Funding Request


Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve $10,000 from CARES Act Funds for the Depot Preservation Alliance. The full request from the Depot will be revisited at the next Board Meeting.


The Board took a brief recess at 9:45 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:52 a.m.


Resolution for Minnesota Investment Fund Program


The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and moved for adoption: 


Minnesota Investment Fund Program Application

Resolution No. 2020-11-02

Resolution regarding the approval of a Minnesota Investment Fund Application in connection with Lake of the Woods County and the Lake of the Woods County Economic Development Authority for the project entitled Lake of the Woods Distilling Company.

WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota (the “County”), desires to assist Lake of the Woods Distilling Company which is proposing a Distillery in the City of Baudette; and,

WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County understands that Lake of the Woods Distilling Company through and with the support of the Lake of the Woods Economic Development Authority wishes to apply or has applied to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development’s Minnesota Investment Fund Program for project financing; and,

WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners held a County Board meeting on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 to consider this matter.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that after due consideration, the Board of Commissioners of Lake of the Woods County, Baudette, Minnesota, hereby express their approval of the Minnesota Investment Fund application from the Lake of the Woods County Economic Development Authority to assist with this project.

The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried by roll call.

Update on CARES Applications

EDA Director, Ryan Zemek, provided an update to the Board regarding the request for funding from local businesses through the CARES Application, he has received some additional interest and will keep applications open through the 23rd of November.


The Board reviewed correspondence from the Williams Senior Citizens.


With no further business before the Board, Chairman Jon Waibel called the meeting to recess at 10:10 a.m. 

Attest: November 24, 2020

______________________________ _________________________________

County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson Chairman Jon Waibel

October 27, 2020

AGENDA – Tuesday, October 27, 2020


9:00 a.m. #1 Pledge to the Flag

Approve Agenda

Approve the Minutes of October 13, 2020

9:05 a.m. #2 Social Services

  • Claims

9:10 a.m. #3 County Auditor/Treasurer

  • Claims
  • Health Insurance Rates

9:20 a.m. #4 Human Resources

  • Union Negotiations

9:35 a.m. #5 County Highway/Landfill 

  • Highway Update
  • Landfill Update

10:00 a.m. #6 Hoffman, Philipp and Knutson

  • Audit Exit Review

Old/New Business

  • Lessard–Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund
  • Land Trade
  • Township Road Inventory
  • CR 33
  • Home Health Care Task Force
  • Proposed Law Enforcement Center

October 27, 2020

Commissioner Proceedings

October 27, 2020

The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room. 


Chair Jon Waibel called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Cody Hasbargen, Ed Arnesen and Jon Waibel.  The following members were absent: Commissioners: Joe Grund and Buck Nordlof. Also present: County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson.



Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the agenda with the following additions: Permission to hire temporary part-time help in the Auditor/Treasurer’s Department; Lease agreement and funding requests for Emergency Management; and Funding request for the Northwest Angle. 




Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the following claims: Commissioners Warrant’s $11,897.58 Commissioners Warrant’s $3,858.62, Commissioners Warrant’s $15,867.30.



Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the official and summarized minutes of October 13, 2020.


Commissioner Joe Grund arrived to the meeting.




Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the claims against the County as follows: Revenue $48,682.44; Road & Bridge $364,539.59; County Development $1,039; Joint Ditch $76,154.96; Solid Waste $13,895.95, EDA $12,835.51.


Warrants Approved On 10/27/2020 For Payment 10/30/2020

                       Vendor Name Amount

Cenex Co-Op Services, Inc. 3,671.69

Compass Minerals America 9,542.46

Earthworks Contracting Inc 76,154.96

Element Materials Technology 32,180.00

Headwaters Regional Development Commiss 12,700.53

Mn State Dept-Correction 21,992.73

Northern Light Region 2,480.47

Quadient Finance USA Inc. 2,000.00

Royal Tire Inc 4,977.62

Shi Corp 4,826.00

U.S. Bank Equipment Finance 6,268.50

University Of Mn 6,271.34

Widseth Smith Nolting&Asst Inc 5,438.00

Ziegler, Inc 310,691.15

36 Payments less than 2000     17,952.00

     Final Total: 517,147.45

Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants: October 14, 2020 for $37,311.44, October 21, 2020 for $12,759.05.

Health Insurance


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to set the 2021 county contribution for family health insurance up to $1,310 per month and single health insurance up to $960 per month.  The Public Employees Insurance Program “Advantage Plan” consists of “High”, “Value” and “HSA” plans.  For the HSA plans only, any excess county contribution will be deposited directly into the employee’s health savings account, up to the IRS caps.  

Permission to Hire Temporary, Part-Time  


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to authorize County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson to hire Janet Rudd to a temporary part-time position at $27.00 per hour.


Lease Agreement


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the Communications Facility Lease with the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation and for Chair Jon Waibel and Emergency Management Director Jill Olson to sign the same.

Funding Requests


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve $3,885 from the 911 Fund for a media convertor and equipment needed to create redundancy for communications.


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve up to $5,200 from CARES Act funding for items needed for inmate programming in the detention room.  Due to COVID-19 there is a need for alternative programming options for inmates.


Audit Exit Review

Colleen Hoffman from Hoffman, Philipp and Knutson provided an audit exit review to the Board of Commissioners.



Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the amendment of the agenda to allow for a closed session.


Union Negotiations


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen to close the regular meeting pursuant MN Statute §13D.03 at 10:30 a.m. for union discussion.  Motion was seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.

The following board members were present: Commissioners Cody Hasbargen, Ed Arnesen, Joe Grund, and Jon Waibel, others present were: County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson, Human Resources Director Savanna Slick and County Engineer AJ Pirkl.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen to close the closed session and open the regular meeting at 11:00 a.m.  Motion was seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to offer a one-step increase effective 11/1/2020 to four union employees.



County Engineer AJ Pirkl provided a highway update.  

  • The 1st Avenue project is not complete and work has stopped for the year, the project was scheduled to be finished September 2020.
  • The highway department will start work on culvert replacement near the golf course. 
  • The plows are ready for the snow season.
  • A public hearing for the railroad crossing closure near the Pitt Church will be held on Tuesday, December 15th at 10:30 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Room.

Landfill Update

County Engineer AJ Pirkl provided a landfill update.

  • A response was submitted to the MPCA.
  • A solid waste assessment meeting will be held on November 12.


Funding request


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve up to $10,000 in CARES Act funding for public safety at the Northwest Angle.  The funds will be used for the ice road between Flag Island, Oak Island and the mainland, upon submission of an invoice.


With no further business before the Board, Chairman Jon Waibel called the meeting to recess at 11:15 a.m. 

Attest: November 10, 2020

______________________________ _________________________________

County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson Chairman Jon Waibel

October 13, 2020

AGENDA – Tuesday, October 13, 2020


9:00 a.m. #1 Pledge to the Flag

Approve Agenda

Approve the amended Minutes of September 8, 2020

Approve the Minutes of September 22, 2020

9:05 a.m. #2 Social Services

  • Claims
  • Approval of MN DHS County Grant Contract

9:10 a.m. #3 County Auditor/Treasurer

  • Claims
  • Permission to Advertise/Interview/Hire
  • Appoint Election Judges
  • Approve Tobacco License
  • Operational Enhancement Grant Program
  • Williams Potato Day Donation Request
  • Flu Vaccine Clinic for County Employees

9:25 a.m. #4 County Assessor, Mary Jo Otten 

  • Reappointment

9:35 a.m. #5 Lake of the Woods Coalition, Tammie Doebler

  • Grant

9:50 a.m. #6 Human Resources

  • Permission to Hire Custodian II 
  • Approval of Public Information Request Fee Schedule

10:00 a.m. #7 Public Hearing: Abatement Request

  • Abatement Resolution

10:30 a.m. #8 Public Hearing: Amendment to Lodging Tax Ordinance  

  • Ordinance Resolution

11:00 a.m. #9 Land and Water Planning 

  • FY2021 State of MN Board of Water & Soil Resources MPCS SSTS Program Grant Agreement

11:10 a.m. #10 Maintenance

  • Cold Storage Building

11:15 a.m. #11 County Highway/Landfill 

  • Highway
    • Approval of Crushing Bids
    • Setup a date for Railroad Crossing by Pitt Church
    • Permission to Advertise, Interview and Hire Maintenance Supervisor
    • Final of SAP 039-030-003
  • Drainage Authority
    • JD 26 Update
    • Permission for riprap installation on Judicial Ditch 20
  • Landfill
    • MPCA Update

11:30 a.m.  #12 City of Baudette

  • Tourism Joint Powers Agreement

12:00 p.m.  #13 Budget Work Session

Old/New Business

  • Lessard–Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund
  • Land Trade
  • Township Road Inventory
  • CR 33
  • Home Health Care Task Force
  • Proposed Law Enforcement Center