March 8, 2022
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
9:00 a.m. #1 Pledge to the Flag
9:05 a.m. #2 Approval of Agenda
Approve Minutes of February 22, 2022
9:10 a.m. #3 Social Services
- Claims
- Approval for out of state travel for Conferences
9:15 a.m. #4 County Auditor/Treasurer
- Claims
- Resolution- Re-establishing precincts & polling places
- Resolution- Setting a public hearing for re-establishing commissioner districts
9:20 a.m. #5 Scott Laudenslager
- Carp Swamp Addition
9:40 a.m. #6 Public Works
- Approval of Bids
- SAP 039-608-025
- SAP 039-599-001
- Approval of gradation shaker for technician testing lab
9:55 a.m. #7 LOW Senior Citizens Council-Brink Center
- Request for additional Covid Relief Funds
10:10 a.m. #8 NWA-Northerly Park
- Joe Laurin
10:25 a.m. #9 Land & Water
- CUP #22-03CU- Lake Area Construction
- CUP #22-04CU- Weston Johnson
- CUP #22-05CU- Olson Construction, LLC
10:55 a.m. #10 Maintenance
- Boiler Repair
11:10 a.m. #11 Recess
11:15 a.m. #12 Work Session
- Solid Waste
Old/New Business
- Lessard – Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund
- Land Trade
- Township Road Inventory
- Home Health Care Task Force
- Law Enforcement Center
- Tourism/Lodging Tax
- Centennial
Information to attend by web or phone:
Dial in: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 627433446