October, 2010
Commissioner Proceedings
October 12, 2010
The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, October 12, 2010, in the Commissioners’ Room of the Lake of the Woods County Government Center.
Call to Order
Chair Arnesen called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Arnesen, Patty Beckel, Todd Beckel, Hanson and Moorman. Also present were: County Auditor John W Hoscheid, Deputy Auditor Lorene Hanson, John Oren and Penny Mio Hirst.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to approve the agenda for the meeting today with the following additions: EDA Appointments, EDA Setting a Committee Date and Correspondence from Baudette Arena. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to approve the consent agenda for travel for Lorene Hanson to St. Cloud on October 19-20, 2010 for a MCIT meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman to approve the minutes of September 9, 2010 Special Meeting, September 13, 2010 Special Meeting and September 28, 2010 Regular Board Meeting with changes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Social Services Department
Social Services Director, Nancy Wendler, met with the County Board requesting approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to approve the following claims against the County:
Commissioners’ Warrants $ 11,305.07
Commissioners’ Warrants $ 15,278.35
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Land & Water Planning Director
Land & Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund updated the County Board on the Zoning/Conditional Use Parameters. Dave Marhula and Mike Reed attended the meeting with questions and input regarding the ordinance. It was the consensus of the County Board to have a work session to review the ordinance updates and discuss in detail. Josh will contact the County Board with some available dates.
Hoffman, Dale, & Swenson, PLLC
Hoffman, Dale, & Swenson, PLLC Manager, Colleen Hoffman met with the County Board to review the 2009 Audit Report for Lake of the Woods County. She reported that Lake of the Woods County was in compliance in all material respects and met with all requirements for 2009.
The meeting was called to recess at 10:50 a.m. and reconvened at 10:55 a.m. as follows:
Arrowhead Library System
Arrowhead Library System Executive Director, Jim Weikum met with the County Board for an annual review and update of the activities over the last year and also new resources they have added.
DNR Fisheries
DNR Fisheries Area Supervisor, Phil Talmage met with the County Board. Phil presented a power point on the surveys that were done this past year and previous years.
Baudette Curling Club
Baudette Curling Club Officer, Roger Erickson met with the County Board and presented a proposed budget for the Baudette Curling Club and gave an update on their current status. The County Board reviewed the correspondence received from the Baudette Arena Association. It is still the consensus of the County Board to support the Curling Rink, however they would like the Curling Club to address this correspondence and report back to them.
The meeting was called to recess at 12:15 p.m. and reconvened at 1:20 p.m. as follows:
Rural Economic Development Loan/Grant
North Star Electric Cooperative Manager, Dan Hoskins and Northwest Community Action Representative Karl Frigaard met with the County Board to discuss the USDA REDLG. They informed the County Board that the loan had been approved and reviewed the steps needed to continue.
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Patty Beckel and moved for adoption:
USDA Rural Economic Development Loan & Grant (REDLG)
Potential Conflict of Interest
Resolution Number 10-10-01
WHEREAS; MN Statutes§ 469.098, (Conflict of Interest) requires that an organization with which a Commissioner is associated with financial interests of the organization shall prepare a written statement describing the matter requiring action or decision and the nature of the potential conflict of interest;
WHEREAS; Lake of the Woods County Board Chairman, Ed Arnesen may have a potential conflict of interest which relates with the USDA Rural Economic Development Loan & Grant (REDLG) program;
WHEREAS; Chairman Ed Arnesens affiliation with North Star President, Steve Arnesen may become a potential conflict of interest;
WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County Board, Vice-Chairman, Ken Moorman, will have authority to sign any documents related to the USDA REDLG program, as long as the signer has no conflict of interest with the borrower.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Commissioner Arnesen abstains from voting on this resolution.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Hanson, and the same being put to a vote, carried as follows: For: Commissioners: Patty Beckel, Todd Beckel, Hanson and Moorman; Against: None; Abstaining: Commissioner Arnesen.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to authorize Commissioner Moorman to sign required documents for the REDLG loan. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson and the same being put to a vote, carried as follows: For: Commissioners: Patty Beckel, Todd Beckel, Hanson and Moorman; Against: None; Abstaining: Commissioner Arnesen.
County Auditor
County Auditor, John W Hoscheid met with the County Board and requested approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to pay claim number 3203, which was pulled from the claims on the September 28, 2010 County Board Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to approve the following claims against the County as presented:
Revenue $ 86,897.52
Road & Bridge $ 50,680.62
County Development $ 203,200.00
Solid Waste $ 27,986.32
$ 368,764.46
Warrants Approved On 10/12/2010 For Payment 10/15/2010
Vendor Name Amount Vendor Name Amount
Cenex Co-Op Services, Inc. 2,547.06
Dynamic Imaging Systems, Inc 3,020.14
Government Management Group, Inc 3,400.00
Hoffman, Dale, & Swenson, Pllc 9,648.00
Insight Public Sector 23,690.17
Insight Technologies, Inc 5,347.16
Jake’s Quality Tire Inc 6,735.78
Low Highway Dept 3,477.50
Mar-Kit Landfill 11,163.60
Mn State Dept-Correction 12,475.90
Monitor Tire Disposal, Inc 3,899.75
Moren/Law Offices of Patrick D 5,427.00
Norling Construction, Inc/Adam 202,500.00
R & Q Trucking, Inc 3,012.32
Reserve Account 2,000.00
Solarwinds 4,994.00
Traffic Marking Service, Inc. 5,058.91
Trane Us Inc 2,295.00
Winkler of Wisconsin 9,000.00
Woody’s Service 4,665.10
Ziegler, Inc 16,010.71
66 Payments less than 2000 $28,396.36
Final Total: $368,764.46
Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants:
September 30, 2010 $ 5,117.44
October 7, 2010 $ 62,119.41
October 7, 2010 $ 59,619.75
October 7, 2010 $ 12,500.00
October 7, 2010 $ (25,000.00)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
NW MN Fraternal Order of Police
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman to approve the exempt gambling permit for the NW MN Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #8 to conduct a lawful gambling for a raffle on February 28, 2011 at Sportsman’s Lodge and to authorize the County Auditor to sign the same. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Chamber of Commerce Frost Fest 2010
County Auditor, John W Hoscheid met with County Board and presented a letter requesting funds for the Chamber of Commerce Frost Fest 2010.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to contribute $400 to the Chamber of Commerce Frost Fest 2010 with the funding from the Revenue Fund. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
RFP Life, Disability & Dental Insurance
County Auditor, John W Hoscheid updated the County Board on the request for proposals for Life Insurance, Short & Long Term Disability Insurance and Dental Insurance.
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to approve the following insurance proposals:
Life Insurance Prudential
Short Term Disability Assurant
Long Term Disability Hartford
Dental Insurance United Health Care
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Todd Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Health Insurance
County Auditor, John W Hoscheid informed the County Board that we had received notice from Public Employees Insurance Program (PEIP) that our 2011 renewal rates for health insurance will be an increase of 1.8% over 2010’s rates.
Revenue & Expenditure Guidelines
County Auditor, John W Hoscheid reviewed the September 2010, Revenue & Expenditure Guidelines with the County Board.
County Engineer
Summarization of Closed Session from 9/28/10 Board Meeting
Human Resources Director, Wade Johannesen met with the County Board and gave a summarization of the closed session on the September 28, 2010 regular County Board meeting. The County Board discussed the Public Works Director/County Engineer position and salary; and further authorized the Human Resource Director, Wade Johannesen to present a letter to Tim Erickson offering him the position.
Motion to Hire
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to hire Tim Erickson as the Lake of the Woods County Public Works Director/County Engineer beginning November 8, 2010, with a starting salary of $81,766.08, job grade 24, step 5; and after satisfactory completion of probationary period, a one (1) step increase. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Arnesen. During discussion, Commissioner Todd Beckel commented that being no one was willing to have a discussion about sharing an engineer, hiring an engineer was the only other alternative. However, going forward, the County Board should maybe consider sharing an assistant engineer. The motion was put to a vote and was unanimously carried.
Economic Development Authority (EDA)
EDA Participation, Appointments, Meeting Date
County Auditor, John Hoscheid presented to the County Board a “Resolution of Participation in the Lake of the Woods County EDA” he had received from the City of Baudette and it will be on file in the County Auditor’s office. He mentioned that nominations were received for the additional four members to be appointed to the EDA Board.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to appoint Chamber of Commerce Representative Mike Hovde as a member on the EDA Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson and the same being put to a vote carried as follows: For: Commissioners: Todd Beckel, Arnesen, Hanson and Moorman; Against: None; Abstaining: Commissioner Patty Beckel.
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to appoint the following Representatives as members to the EDA Board: LOW Tourism – Greg Hennum; City of Baudette – Rick Rone; Industrial Development Corporation – Chuck Tischart. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
EDA meeting dates were discussed and the County Board directed the County Auditor to contact Traci Ryan with David Drown Associates and schedule a meeting.
The meeting was called to recess at 3:00 p.m. and reconvened at 3:05 p.m. as follows:
Old/New Business
The County Board discussed the following old and new business:
- Lessard – Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund – Commissioner Todd Beckel mentioned that they are looking for appointments to the committee/board
- County TV – Commissioner Hanson has spoke with Sjobergs and waiting for an updated contract
- Land Acquisition – Commissioner Todd Beckel gave an update
- Red Lake Tribe – Commissioner Arnesen mentioned they are having another meeting
- Township Road Inventory – Waiting for the new engineer to start
- Line Workers School – The construction is in progress and moving forward
- Inventory – Reviewing the lists and making sure all items are included
- Zoning/Conditional Use Parameters – Previously discussed in the meeting and scheduling a Work Session
- Veterans Service Policy – Commissioner Hanson is meeting with the Veterans Service Officer
Committee Reports:
The following committee reports were heard and discussed:
- Commissioner Todd Beckel
- MN Public Radio
- Corp of Engineers
- Commissioner Moorman
- Rainy Rapid River
- Commissioner Hanson
- Commissioner Patty Beckel
- Economic Development Committee
- Commissioner Arnesen
- North Star Annual Meeting
Correspondence was read and acknowledged earlier in the meeting from the Baudette Area Arena.
With no further business before the County Board, Chairman Arnesen called the meeting to recess at 3:50 p.m.
Attest: Approved: October 26, 2010
____________________________ ____________________________
John W Hoscheid, County Auditor Ed Arnesen, County Board Chair
Commissioner Proceedings
October 26, 2010
The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, October 26, 2010, in the Commissioners’ Room of the Lake of the Woods County Government Center.
Call to Order
Chair Arnesen called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Arnesen, Patty Beckel, Todd Beckel, Hanson and Moorman. Also present were: County Auditor John W Hoscheid, Deputy Auditor Lorene Hanson, John Oren and Penny Mio Hirst.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to approve the agenda for the meeting today with the following additions: Bernard Property, LOW Historical Society, Clementson Property, Bike Paths, University of MN – MOA, Airport Joint Powers Agreement and Economic Development Authority. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to approve the consent agenda for travel for: Dan Crompton and Boyd Johnson to Plymouth for Trimble VRS/CORS training on October 27-28, 2010, and Boyd Johnson to Maplewood for Aggregate Production Training on November 29, 2010 through December 2, 2010. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson to approve the minutes of October 12, 2010 regular County Board meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Social Services Department
Social Services Director, Nancy Wendler, met with the County Board requesting approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to approve the following claims against the County:
Commissioners’ Warrants $ 26,794.46
Commissioners’ Warrants $ 8,418.08
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Prevention & Intervention Grant/Collaborative Partners
Social Services Director, Nancy Wendler discussed with the County Board a potential Prevention and Intervention Grant available through DHS with the Lake of the Woods County Children’s and Families Collaborative as the grant partners. If the grant is awarded, the County would be the Fiscal Agent for the pass through funding. It was the consensus of the County Board to proceed with the grant application.
County Auditor
County Auditor, John W Hoscheid met with the County Board and requested approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to pull claim number 922 and not pay. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
The County Board discussed a similar claim paid on October 14, 2010, to the same vendor, number 922. It was the consensus of the County Board that this claim was paid in error and to invoice for reimbursement.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson to approve the following claims against the County as presented:
Revenue $ 32,949.58
Road & Bridge $ 9,569.29
Solid Waste $ 3,371.53
$ 45,890.40
Warrants Approved On 10/26/2010 For Payment 10/29/2010
Vendor Name Amount
Achen/Brian 2,576.00
Black Box Corporation 5,028.44
Cenex Co-Op Services, Inc. 2,824.23
Election Systems & Software, Inc 3,058.60
Gcr Tire Center 2,662.03
Reserve Account 2,000.00
SECURE ITnet 2,500.00
55 Payments less than 2000 $25,241.10
Final Total: $45890.40
Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants:
October 14, 2010 $ 15,706.19
October 19, 2010 $ 87,264.23
October 25, 2010 $ 502,754.63
October 25, 2010 $ 13,793.32
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
University of MN/MOA
Commissioner Patty Beckel discussed the Memorandum of Agreement between the University of Minnesota Extension and Lake of the Woods County beginning January 1, 2011 and ending on December 31, 2013. It was the consensus to place this on the next regular board agenda.
Emergency Management Director
Emergency Management Director, Holly House updated the County Board on recent computer purchases through a grant and further requested authorization to purchase an air card to use the lap top when out of the office.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson to approve the purchase of a Verizon air card. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Holly presented the County Board with a CD reviewing the Emergency Operation Plan. It was the consensus to place this on the next regular board agenda.
The meeting was called to recess at 9:55 a.m. and reconvened at 10:00 a.m. as follows:
Land & Water Planning Director
Natural Resource Block Grant
Land & Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund met with the County Board to review the 2011 Board of Water and Soil Resources Natural Resources Block Grant Agreement.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to authorize Chair Ed Arnesen and Land and Water Planning Director Josh Stromlund to sign the 2011 Natural Resources Block Grant Agreement. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Work Session Dates
Land & Water Planning Director Josh Stromlund reviewed available dates for an Ordinance Work Session. The County Board will have a Work Session to review ordinance updates on Friday, October 29, 2010 at 8:00 a.m.
County Sheriff
County Sheriff Dallas Block presented an estimate for a new generator at the sheriff’s tower south of Williams.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to obtain another bid and to finish the project with funding from the 911 funds and not to exceed $7,900. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Acting Public Works Director
Baudette Depot Project
Acting Public Works Director Bill Sindelir met with the County Board to discuss the Baudette Depot Project.
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman to waive the requirement of submitting the entire proposal for SP 39-595-03, Minnesota Project No MUSM (014), Historic Baudette Depot Rehabilitation. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Todd Beckel, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson to award the bid for SP 39-595-03, Minnesota Project No MUSM (014), Historic Baudette Depot Rehabilitation, to the lowest responsible bidder, Anderson & Hammack Construction Company, in the amount of $428,350.16. The motion was second by Commissioner Patty Beckel, and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.
Technician/Administrative Assistant
Acting Public Works Director Bill Sindelir presented the County Board with a letter of recommendation of a salary adjustment, upon completion of probation, for the Engineering Technician/Office Assistant.
Motion was made by Commissioner Arnesen to certify the completion of probation for Engineering Technician/Office Assistant, Boyd Johnson effective October 29, 2010; and to approve the salary adjustment to $16.35, Grade 9, Step 4. Motion died for lack of a second.
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to certify the completion of probation for Engineering Technician/Office Assistant, Boyd Johnson effective October 29, 2010; and to approve the salary adjustment to $16.00, Grade 9, Step 3. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman, and the vote carried as follows: For: Commissioners: Arnesen, Patty Beckel, Hanson and Moorman; Against: Commissioner Todd Beckel.
Snow Removal Equipment
Acting Public Works Director Bill Sindelir and Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Pelland met with the County Board to discuss snow removal equipment.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to approve the purchase of a snow pusher up to $5,000. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Nuisance Beaver Policy
Acting Public Works Director Bill Sindelir, Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Pelland and Office Manager Marti Carlson met with the County Board to discuss the Nuisance Beaver Policy. Area representatives from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) also attended the meeting. It was the consensus of the County Board to research this further with the DNR and to place this item on the Old/New Business for future meetings.
Clementson Property:
Acting Public Works Director Bill Sindelir and Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Pelland updated the County Board on the Clementson Property. It was the consensus of the County Board to place this item on the Old/New Business for future meetings.
Bike Paths:
Acting Public Works Director Bill Sindelir updated the County Board on the bike path project.
LOW Historical Society
LOW Historical Society Executive Director Marlys Hirst met with the County Board to review the expansion and renovation project for the Lake of the Woods County Museum. The County Board confirmed they have encumbered $12,500 for the year 2010 and 2011; for a total of $25,000; for this project.
The meeting was called to recess at 11:45 a.m. and reconvened at 1:05 p.m. as follows:
Bernard Property
The County Board discussed the Bernard Property acquisition.
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to allow Commissioner Todd Beckel the ability to negotiate up to $10,000 to settle the contract on the Bernard Property and to have that come from the revenue fund. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Arnesen, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
The meeting was called to recess at 1:33 p.m. and reconvened at 1:36 p.m. as follows:
The County Board discussed the recent Economic Development Authority (EDA) meeting. The County Board requested assistance from the County Auditor to be the Treasurer and Secretary for the EDA. The County Auditor accepted the request as the EDA Treasurer. It was the consensus of the County Board to research other options for the EDA Secretary.
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to set meeting dates for Tax Increment Financing Informational Meetings and a Public Hearing; November 22, 2010, January 10, 2011 and tentatively January 25, 2011 respectively. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Old/New Business
The County Board discussed the following old and new business:
- Lessard – Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund – no new updates
- County TV – No new updates
- Land Acquisition – Previously discussed during the meeting
- Red Lake Tribe – Commissioner Arnesen updated the County Board on the recent meeting with the Red Lake Tribe
- Township Road Inventory – Waiting for the new engineer to start
- Line Workers School – The construction is in progress and moving forward
- Inventory – Reviewing the lists and making sure all items are included and will discuss further during the Work Session on October 29, 2010
- Zoning/Conditional Use Parameters – Previously discussed in the meeting and scheduling a Work Session
- Veterans Service Policy – Commissioner Hanson updated the County Board on the meeting with the Veterans Service Officer and policies in progress
- Airport Joint Powers Agreement – Commissioner Patty Beckel updated the County Board on the progress
Committee Reports:
The following committee reports were heard and discussed:
- Commissioner Todd Beckel
- Radio Board
- Collaborative
- Joint Powers – PILT
- Commissioner Moorman
- North Country Public Health Board
- Commissioner Arnesen
- Extension
- NW Community Action
- Commissioner Patty Beckel
- Solid Waste
- Airport
- Commissioner Hanson
Correspondence was read and acknowledged from Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation.
With no further business before the County Board, Chairman Arnesen called the meeting to recess at 2:40 p.m.
Attest: Approved: November 9, 2010
____________________________ ____________________________
John W Hoscheid, County Auditor Ed Arnesen, County Board Chair