September, 2010
Commissioner Proceedings
Special County Board Meeting
September 9, 2010
The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Thursday September 9, 2010 in the Commissioners’ Room of the Lake of the Woods County Government Center, with the following members present: Commissioners Todd Beckel, Patty Beckel, Hanson, Moorman and Arnesen. Also present was Human Resources Director, Wade Johannesen. Chairman Arnesen called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. AgendaChairman Arnesen stated that the agenda for today was to meet with the following Appointed Department Heads for their Annual Review. Social Services Director, Nancy WendlerNancy Wendler, Social Services Director was evaluated and received a favorable rating. Nancy will ensure a smooth integration and training for a 3rd financial worker and continue to provide excellent service to the community with budget issues in mind. She will explore online training opportunities for her staff. MIS Director, Brent BirkelandBrent Birkeland, Manager of Information Systems was evaluated and received a favorable rating. Brent will focus on staying current on web based security requirements, pursue additional on-line storage, test SAN hardware for implementation and continue with LIDAR implementation. Brent will attend GIS conference and attend VM training. Veteran’s Service officer, Rick RoneRick Rone, Veterans’ Service Officer was evaluated and received a favorable rating. Rick will focus on continuing to look for ways to improve services to County Veterans. He will provide quarterly written reports to the Board and maintain a log of vets transported to and from VA facilities. Rick will write a policy for his office. County Assessor, Wayne BendicksonWayne Bendickson, County Assessor, was evaluated and received a favorable rating. Wayne will focus on learning and implementing CAMA in the Assessor’s Office as well as implementing Manatron. Emergency Management Director, Holly House(Note- Holly was not available on September 9, 2010 so her evaluation was completed on September 13, 2010)(09/13/10) Holly House, Emergency Management Director was evaluated and received a favorable rating. Holly will focus on working with regional partners and develop a communications exercise, provide education for Commissioners on Emergency management, and work with local groups to improve radio usage skills. Holly will maintain her emergency management certification. Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund(Note- Josh was not available on September 9, 2010 so his evaluation was completed on September 28, 2010 board meeting date)(9/28/10) Josh Stromlund, Land and Water Planning Director, was evaluated by the Board and received a favorable rating. Josh will focus on completing the County-wide wetland drainage management effort, LIDAR status and implementation. He will monitor legislative changes that may impact the County and SWCD and relay that information to the respective boards. Recess With no further business before the board, Chairman Arnesen called the meeting to recess at 12:00 p.m. Attest: Approved: October 12, 2010 ____________________________________ _____________________________Wade Johannesen, Human Resource Director Edward Arnesen, Chairman
Commissioner Proceedings
September 14, 2010
The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, September 14, 2010, in the Commissioners’ Room of the Lake of the Woods County Government Center.
Call to Order
Chair Arnesen called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Arnesen, Patty Beckel, Todd Beckel, Hanson and Moorman. Also present were: County Auditor John W Hoscheid, Deputy Auditor Janet Rudd, John Oren and Penny Mio Hirst.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to approve the agenda for the meeting today with the following additions: Travel for Phil Johnson, AMC Policy Meeting, AMC Annual Conference and Appointed Department Head job evaluation. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson to approve the consent agenda for travel as follows: Rita Krause to St. Paul on September 15-16 for Child Support Committee Meeting; Boyd Johnson, Josh Stromlund and Brent Birkeland to Duluth on October 12-15 for 2010 MN GIS/LIS Conference & Workshops; Janet Rudd to St. Cloud on September 16-17 for MDRA Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to approve the minutes of August 24, 2010 regular board meeting with changes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Social Services Department
Social Services Director, Nancy Wendler, met with the County Board requesting approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to approve the following claims against the County:
Commissioners’ Warrants $ 30,553.89
Commissioners’ Warrants $ 3,898.91
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
County Auditor
County Auditor, John W Hoscheid met with the County Board and requested approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to approve the following claims against the County as presented:
Revenue $ 67,942.57
Road & Bridge $ 403,757.64
County Development $ 1,504.66
Solid Waste $ 28,456.56
$ 501,661.43
Warrants Approved On 9/14/2010 For Payment 9/17/2010
Vendor Name Amount
Vendor Name Amount
Arrowhead Library System 40,733.21
Bert’s Truck Equipment Of Moorhead, Inc 7,708.24
Burg Electronic Recovery 3,044.80
Cenex Co-Op Services, Inc. 8,842.04
Howard’s Oil Company 3,466.77
Lavalla Sand & Gravel Inc 30,440.00
Low Highway Dept , 5,193.75
Mar-Kit Landfill 10,252.80
Moren/Law Offices Of Patrick D 5,366.00
Nelson Leasing Inc 60,337.00
Northwest Mechanical Of Bemidji Inc 2,136.58
Powerplan 6,685.57
R & Q Trucking, Inc 2,601.28
Univar Usa,Inc 100,733.42
Widseth Smith Nolting&Asst Inc 2,483.63
Woody’s Service 7,899.51
Ziegler, Inc 167,300.56
91 Payments less than 2000 $36,436.27
Final Total: $501661.43
Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants:
August 25, 2010 $ 226,470.20
September 2, 2010 $ (867.63)
September 2, 2010 $ 121,280.42
September 9, 2010 $ 89,094.36
September 10,2010 $ 49,937.38
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Todd Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Proposed 2011 Budget and Levy
County Auditor, John W Hoscheid presented a resolution for adopting the proposed 2011 Budget and Tax Levy. (No increase in the 2011 Budget and Tax Levy)
Resolution Adopting
Proposed 2011 Budget and Tax Levy
Resolution 2010-09-01
The following Resolution was proposed and moved for adoption by Commissioner Todd Beckel.
WHEREAS, the Proposed County Budget for the year 2011 has been reviewed by the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners; and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following Proposed Budget and Tax Levy is hereby adopted for the Lake of the Woods County for 2011:
Revenue Fund $1,266,843
Road & Bridge $ 449,580
Social Service $ 558,437
Total $2,274,860
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following amounts be levied against the unorganized townships of Lake of the Woods County for 2011:
Twp Road & Bridge $ 402,905*
Twp Fire – Baudette $ 19,000
Williams $ 26,400
NW Angle $ 6,500
Total $ 454,805
* $402,905 for Township Road & Bridge includes $7,500 which is specifically levied to Northwest Angle residents for Calcium Chloride. ($395,405 + $7,500 = $402,905)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Amending Claim No. 189
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to amend the approval of claim No. 189 for further clarification on the grant status The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Baudette/Lake of the Woods Airport
Joint Powers Agreement/ Lake of the Woods Airport
Commissioner Patty Beckel informed the County Board that the “Joint Powers Agreement Creating Joint Powers Entity Baudette-Lake of the Woods Airport” has been reviewed by Interim County Attorney. She informed the board that section 8.2.6 “Real and Personal Property Acquisition” reads that personal property costing in excess of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) shall be required to be approved by the County and City. The consensus of the board was to change the amount to Ten Thousand dollars ($10,000.00). Commissioner Patty Beckel will check with the Baudette City Council for their thoughts on the change and report back to the County Board.
Baudette/Lake of the Woods Airport Manager, Emory Vaagen met with the board and updated them on the Instrument Landing System that they have been working on, and there are a few changes yet to be completed. Emory also informed the board that the number of flights has been down from past years.
The meeting was called to recess at 9:54 a.m. and reconvened at 10:00 a.m. as follows:
Economic Development Authority (EDA)-Public hearing
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson to close the regular meeting at 10:00 a.m. and open the Public Hearing for Consideration of Establishing an Economic Development Authority. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Todd Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
County Auditor, John W. Hoscheid and Commissioner Patty Beckel informed the public of the study that was done for the possibility of creating an EDA. A Task Force Committee was formed of fifteen (15) members that met several times discussing the creation of an EDA. After review, the Task Force Committee Recommended to the County Board on August 24, 2010 to establish a county wide EDA. The County Board then set a public hearing for today, September 14, 2010.
Chairman Arnesen distributed the Enabling Resolution for Establishing an Economic Development Authority to the public for review and comments. Comments and questions were heard from the public.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson to close the Public Hearing at 11:00 a.m. and open the regular meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Todd Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Consideration of adoption of Enabling Resolution for an EDA
Enabling Resolution Establishing an Economic Development Authority
Resolution No. 10-09-01
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Patty Beckel contingent upon the approval of Interim County Attorney Michelle Moren and moved for adoption:
Section 1. Background and Findings
WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County, as a county located outside of the metropolitan area, is authorized under MN Statutes, Chapter 469 (ACT) to establish an Economic Development Authority (EDA) to coordinate and administer economic development of the county,
WHEREAS, on June 8, 2010, in accordance with the Act and section 469.1082, the County created a committee to explore and recommend options for a county economic development service provider pursuant MN Statutes § 469.1082, subd. 2,
WHEREAS, the committee recommended to establish a county wide economic development authority on August 24, 2010;
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Lake of the Woods, Minnesota has determined that it is in its best interest to establish the Authority in order to preserve and create jobs, enhance its tax base, and to promote the general welfare of the people of the county;
WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County Board, pursuant to MN Statues 469.093, subd. 1 has provided a public notice and conducted a public hearing on September 14, 2010 to consider the creation of an Economic Development Authority;
Section 2.Enabling Resolution
WHEREAS, MN Statutes, § 469.1082 subd. 1(authority to create) authorizes the County of Lake of the Woods to establish an economic development authority (EDA), the EDA will not have the powers of MN Statutes, § 469.094 without the consent of an existing housing and redevelopment authority operating within the county, (469.1082, subd.4)
WHEREAS, for the purpose of a county EDA’s operation under MN Statutes, § 469.090 to§ 469.1081, the county is considered to be the city and the county board is considered to be the city council, (469.1082, subd. 4)
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Lake of the Woods:
- An economic development authority to be known as the Lake of the Woods Economic Development Authority with all of the powers, rights, duties, and obligations as set forth in MN Statutes, § 469.090 to 469.1081 with the exception of 469.094,469.101, and as described in Sec. 3.
- The EDA shall consist of a governing body of Nine (9) members.
- Five (5) commissioners, Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners
- Four (4) Members:
- Industrial Development Corporation to recommend one (1) appointment
- Chambers of Commerce to jointly recommend one (1) appointment
- Lake of the Woods Tourism to recommend one (1) appointment
- City of Baudette to recommended one (1) appointment
- Nothing shall prevent the county from modifying this enabling resolution to impose limits on the powers of the authority or for providing for other matters as authorized by MN Statutes, §469.090 to§ 469.1081.
Section 3. Powers
Lake of the Woods Economic Development Authority shall have the following Authority:
- TIF Districts
- Contracts
- Acquire Property
Section 4. Implementation
WHEREAS, the County Commissioners may from time to time and at the appropriate time adopt such ordinances and resolution as are required and permitted by the Act to give full effect to this Resolution.
WHEREAS, the County Board Chair, the County Auditor, and other appropriate County Officials are authorized and directed to take the actions and execute and deliver the documents necessary to give full effect to this Resolution.
WHEREAS, this enabling resolution may be modified to make any changes as authorized by the Act or deemed appropriate by the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried. (Note- Resolution No. 10-09-01 “Enabling Resolution Establishing an Economic Development Authority” was moved for adoption contingent upon the approval of Interim County Attorney, Michelle Moren. As of 09-28-10, the Attorney has not given approval)
Acting Public Works Director
NWA Barge Run
Acting Public Works Director, Bill Sindelir and Solid Waste Supervisor, Ed Spires met with the County Board to give an update on the NWA Barge Run. Acting Public Works Director, Bill Sindelir will send a letter to the NWA Chamber on future barge runs.
Landfill Dozer Quotes
Acting Public Works Director, Bill Sindelir and Solid Waste Supervisor, Ed Spires met with the County Board requesting authorization to look at four (4) possible Dozers that they received quotes from and requested authorization to inspect and purchase one (1) Dozer.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson to authorize Solid Waste Supervisor, Ed Spires to travel to inspect the Dozers and to purchase one (1) dozer up to the budgeted amount. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
NWA Gravel Crushing
Acting Public Works Director, Bill Sindelir met with the County Board requesting authorization to purchase gravel for the NWA.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to authorize Acting Public Works Director, Bill Sindelir to purchase gravel for the NWA up to $40,000. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
The meeting was called to recess at 11:45 p.m. and reconvened at 1:06 p.m. as follows:
Con-Con Funds
County Auditor, John W. Hoscheid met with the board and presented the request for Con-Con Funds for 2011.
Association of Mn Counties
AMC will be holding a policy committee meeting on September 15 & 16, 2010 in Alexandria and the AMC Annual Conference will be on December 5-8, 2010 at the Civic Center in St. Cloud.
Old/New Business
The County Board discussed the following old and new business:
- Lessard – Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund – Commissioner Todd Beckel mentioned that MRCC Annual Conference on October 4 in Alexandria., will be discussing this;
- County TV – no update
- Land Acquisition – no update
- Red Lake Tribe – no update
- Township Road Inventory –no update
- Team Building – a reminder of the dates scheduled for the Team Building Session on September 22nd, 2010, at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at the Ambulance Garage;
- Line Workers Facility – no update
- Inventory – County Board requested the list of County Inventory
- Zoning/Conditional Use Parameters – no update
- Boundary Commission – County Auditor, John W. Hoscheid will provide the County Board options for special assessments
Committee Reports:
The following committee reports were heard and discussed:
- Commissioner Todd Beckel reported on:
- County Land Use
- Radio Board
- Commissioner Moorman and Patty Beckel reported on:
- Economic Development Authority
- Commissioner Arnesen
- International Lake of the Woods and Rainy River Watershed Task Force meeting
Correspondence was acknowledged and discussed regarding:
- National Water & Conservation Alliance
- Richard and Marion Gross letter-
- RE: Tax Increment Financing District at Sportsman’s Lodge property
Closed session
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson to close the regular meeting at 2:21 p.m. pursuant MN Statutes § 13D.05, subd. 3 (a), Performance Evaluation, The motion was seconded by Commissioner Todd Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
The following members were present in closed session: Commissioners Todd Beckel, Patty Beckel, Hanson, Moorman and Arnesen.
Emergency Management, Holly House met with the board for her Job Evaluation. Chair Arnesen asked her if she wanted her evaluation open or closed pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13D.05, Subd. 2(b). She chose hers closed.
The board discussed the salary for Lake of the Woods County Engineer.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson to close the closed session and open the regular meeting at 3:29 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Todd Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
With no further business before the County Board, Chair Arnesen called the meeting to recess at 3:30 p.m.
Attest: Approved: September 28, 2010
____________________________ ____________________________
John W Hoscheid, County Auditor Ed Arnesen, County Board Chair
Commissioner Proceedings
September 28, 2010
The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, September 28, 2010, in the Commissioners’ Room of the Lake of the Woods County Government Center.
Call to Order
Chair Arnesen called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Arnesen, Patty Beckel, Todd Beckel, Hanson and Moorman. Also present were: County Auditor John W Hoscheid, Deputy Auditor Janet Rudd, John Oren and Penny Mio Hirst.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to approve the agenda for the meeting today with the following additions: MCIT, Stuart Noble, Bernard Property, Emergency Management, Closed Session (County Engineer’s Salary) and Kittson County’s letter. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson to approve the consent agenda for travel as follows: travel for Holly House to Ada on October 27-28 for Region 3 quarterly meeting and to St. Cloud on December 5-6 for quarterly AMEM meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to approve the minutes of September 14, 2010 regular board meeting with notation that Resolution No. 10-09-01 “ Enabling Resolution Establishing an Economic Development Authority” was moved for adoption contingent upon the approval of Interim County Attorney, Michelle Moren. As of 09-28-10, the Attorney had not given approval. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman, and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Social Services Department
Social Services Director, Nancy Wendler, met with the County Board requesting approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to approve the following claims against the County:
Commissioners’ Warrants $ 23,423.89
Commissioners’ Warrants $ 2,611.05
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
County Auditor
County Auditor, John W Hoscheid met with the County Board and requested approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to pull claim No. 3203 for further update on the MIS departments air conditioner unit and approve the rest of the claims against the County as presented:
Revenue $ 18,467.76
Road & Bridge $ 9,048.52
Solid Waste $ 14,264.94
Warrants Approved On 9/28/2010 For Payment 9/30/2010
Vendor Name Amount
Cenex Co-Op Services, Inc. 2,934.73
Hancock/Lee 2,180.00
Mollberg Masonry Inc 11,700.00
Synergy Graphics, Inc 3,074.07
Voyageurs Comtronics, Inc 2,640.00
51 Payments less than 2000 $19,252.42
Final Total: $41781.22
Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants:
September 16, 2010 $ 3,831.78
September 23, 2010 $ 19,638.06
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Todd Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
TNT Date/Budget
County Auditor, John W Hoscheid requested the board to set a Public Hearing date for the Truth in Taxation meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to set a Public Hearing for the 2011 Truth in Taxation meeting on December 14, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.in the Commissioners’ room at the Government Center. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Todd Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
DNR Lease # 144-012-0652
County Auditor, John W Hoscheid requested approval for Lease # 144-012-0652 with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and Lake of the Woods County for the US Customs and Immigration Video Phone Site.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to approve Lease # 144-012-0652 between the Minnesota Department of Natural Resource and Lake of the Woods County for the US Customs and Immigration Video Phone Site in the amount of $250 for five (5) years, effective January 1,
2010 and ending December 31, 2014; and to have County Board Chairman, Ed Arnesen and County Auditor, John W. Hoscheid sign the same. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Flu Shots
County Auditor, John W Hoscheid informed the board that LakeWood Nursing Service contacted him in regards to the administration of flu shots for county employees.
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to authorize LakeWood Nursing Service to administrate flu shots to county employees on October 26, 2010. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
County Auditor, John W Hoscheid reviewed the letter from MCIT on the decision that the Board of Directors’ made in regards to abolishing the Community Action Agencies (CAAs) from being covered under MCIT. The MCIT Board of Directors, pursuant to the MCIT Bylaws, exercised its discretion and determined that abolishing the CAAs classification was in the best interest of the MCIT members.
Baudette/Lake of the Woods Airport
Joint Powers Agreement/ Lake of the Woods Airport
Commissioner Patty Beckel updated the board on the Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Baudette for the Baudette/Lake of the Woods Airport. She informed them that the City of Baudette had the League of Minnesota Cities review the Airport JPA and went over the recommended changes with the board.
The meeting was called to recess at 9:55 a.m. and reconvened at 10:04 a.m. as follows:
County Auditor
County Auditor, John W. Hoscheid informed the board that Deputy Auditor, Stacy Novak passed her Tax Calculation Course certification from the Department of Revenue . The board congratulated Stacy on her accomplishment.
Economic Development Authority (EDA)-Public hearing
Assistance with the EDA
Commissioners Patty Beckel and Moorman discussed Consulting Services in connection with the EDA. They presented a proposal for services and consulting agreement from David Drown Associates.
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to enter into the consulting agreement with David Drown Associates for services to provide consulting in technical matters relating to the creation of an EDA in the amount up to $2,500 with the funding from the revenue fund for legal services, and authorize Chairman Arnesen to sign. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Con-Con Funds
Con-Con Funds
County Auditor, John W. Hoscheid met with the board and presented the budget for Con-Con Funds from the September 28, 2010 meeting.
Con-Con Funds | ||||||||
Lake of the Woods County | ||||||||
County Development | ||||||||
YEAR 2011 | ||||||||
Baudette Arena Assoc- | 15,000.00 | |||||||
Williams Arena Assoc- | 5,000.00 | |||||||
Anchor Marketing | 15,000.00 | |||||||
LOW Historical Society | 12,500.00 | |||||||
MN Small Business Development Center | 500.00 | |||||||
University of MN Extension | 2,000.00 | |||||||
Williams Public Library | 500.00 | |||||||
Joint Powers Natural Resources Board | 1,000.00 | |||||||
LOW Sr. Fishing (LOW Chapter) | 1,500.00 | |||||||
Rinke-Noonan-Retainer | 2.400.00 | |||||||
St. Louis County Aud- (NCLUCB) | 2,000.00 | |||||||
Take A Kid Fishing | 600.00 | |||||||
Widseth Smith Nolting | 16,000.00 | |||||||
Auditing Fees | 800.00 |
Motion was made by Commissioner Tom Hanson to make allocations to the above organizations from the ConCon funds, payable 2011. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Todd Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Stuart Noble
Curling Club
Stuart Noble met with the board to discuss the possibility of starting a Curling Club in Lake of the Woods County. He informed the board that he has a few more steps to move forward but wanted to request from the board if they would consider a loan to the future curling club to purchase curling equipment. The consensus of the board was that they supported the idea for funding for the future club as long as they qualify as a nonprofit organization.
Boundary commission plat #2
County Auditor, John W. Hoscheid met with the board as they requested and presented a Boundary Commission Plat #2 spreadsheet showing different options for payoff for the assessment due from each landowner accordingly.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson to approve the special assessment for Boundary Commission Plat #2 with a five (5) year assessment, 4% interest for both Part A and Part B with an early option pay off for both Part A and Part B. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
The meeting was called to recess at 10:50 a.m. and reconvened at 10:59 a.m. as follows:
Acting Public Works Director
Depot Bid Opening
Acting Public Works Director, Bill Sindelir and District Engineer Lou Tasa met with the board for bid opening for S.P. 39-595-03 MN Project No. MUSM (014) Historic Baudette Depot Rehabilitation.
Chairman Arnesen at 11:00 a.m., as advertised, called for the opening of the bids for the following projects: S.P.39-595-03.
District Engineer, Lou Tasa opened the bids.
Anderson & Hammack Construction Company $428,350.16
District Engineer Lou Tasa stated that the bid was over the Engineer’s Estimate, and bid is good for 30 days from date of bid opening. The Depot Preservation Alliance however, needs to come up with the additional funds.
Old/New Business
The County Board discussed the following old and new business:
- Lessard – Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund – no update
- County TV – waiting for correspondence from Sjoberg’s
- Land Acquisition – later in day
- Red Lake Tribe – working on letter
- Township Road Inventory –work schedule to be done when new engineer starts
- Team Building – went well, remove from Old/New Business
- Line Workers Facility – REDLG was approved for North Star Electric
- Inventory – no update
- Zoning/Conditional Use Parameters – next board meeting will discuss
- Boundary Commission – remove from Old/New Business
- Vets Service Policy- add to Old/New Business
Committee Reports:
The following committee reports were heard and discussed:
- Commissioner Patty Beckel reported on:
- Airport- ILS system
- NWJC- numbers are down, non- members are using the facility
- Commissioner Hanson reported on:
- HRDC- toured one of the homes that are being renovated
- Commissioner Arnesen
- Joint Powers Natural Resources- in favor of land exchanges with private individuals and counties
The meeting was called to recess at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m. as follows:
Emergency Management
Border Grant
Emergency Management Director Holly House, County Sheriff Dallas Block and MIS Director, Brent Birkeland met with the board to discuss the Emergency Management “Border Grant”. Holly explained to the board that there is a cutoff date of September 30, 2010 and she put in a change order to change from micro- wave to fiber optics, which Sjoberg’s agreed to do and have completed before spring. The State did not think they would approve that option because they wanted it completed before spring. Holly explained that there was another option to purchase fiber optic termination and networking equipment that is fiber compliant. The consensus of the board was to access as much of the grant money for equipment that will be fiber compliant.
County Sheriff, Dallas Block
2008 Stonegarden Grant
County Sheriff, Dallas Block met with the board and informed them that the 2008 Stonegarden Grant change order was approved for him to purchase a patrol car.
Human Resources
Human Resource Director, Wade Johannesen met with the board to discuss his renewal of the Human Resource Contract with the county.
Motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to enter into a Human Resource Contract with Wade Johannesen commencing on October 23, 2010 and terminating on April 23, 2011with the change of monthly rent to $200.00 per month; contingent upon the approval of Interim County Attorney, Michelle Moren and to further authorize County Auditor, John W. Hoscheid, Chairman Arnesen and Interim County Attorney, Michelle Moren to sign. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson and the vote carried as follows: Voting for: Commissioners Patty Beckel, Arnesen, Moorman and Hanson; Voting against: Commissioner Todd Beckel.
Closed Session, MN Statute §13D.05, Performance Evaluation
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to close the regular meeting at 1:40 p.m. for closed session pursuant to MN Statute §13D.05 for performance evaluation. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried. (see 2010 Appointed Department Heads Performance Evaluation minutes)
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to open the closed session at 2:22 p.m. and open the regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Bernard Property
Interim County Attorney, Michelle Moren met with the board to discuss the purchase agreement with Dean Bernard and property.
Closed Session, MN Statute §13D.03, labor negotiations Strategy
Motion was made by Commissioner Todd Beckel to close the regular meeting at 2:45 p.m. for closed session pursuant to MN Statute 13D.03, County Engineer Salary. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hanson and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hanson to close the closed session at 3:01 p.m. and open the regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Todd Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Red Lake Tribal Letter
The board discussed the draft letter to the Red Lake Tribal that was discussed on August 24, 2010 meeting. The Commissioners are in support of the process of the Northwest Angle Land Enhancement Management Plan (NWALEMP). The parties being included in this NWLEMP are: Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, State of Minnesota, Lake of the Woods County and area service providers.
Motion was made Commissioner Todd Beckel to authorize Chairman Arnesen to sign the letter to the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians in support of the process of the Northwest Angle Land Enhancement Management Plan. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
The following correspondence was acknowledged:
- LakeWood Regional HealthCare Foundation- Thank you letter for donation in support for the Type-2 Transport Rig
- Kittson County Commissioners- News release for Ditch No. 72
- Potato Day Committee- Thank you letter for donation to Potato Days
With no further business before the board, Chairman Arnesen called the meeting to recess at 3:14 p.m.
Attest: Approved: October 12, 2010
____________________________ ____________________________
John W Hoscheid, County Auditor Ed Arnesen, County Board Chair