April 12, 2022

 April 12, 2022

The Lake of The Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room.

Call To Order

Chair Buck Nordlof called the meeting to order at 9:00a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Joe Grund, Buck Nordlof, Jon Waibel and Ed Arnesen. Also present was County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson. Absent was: Commissioner Cody Hasbargen.

Approval of Agenda


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the agenda with the following changes: Move public hearing to 10:00 a.m. as was published in the newspaper and approved at the meeting on March 8th,2022. Add: Legislative update, Resolution for 911/Emergency Response Center.

Union Negotiations


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to close the regular meeting at 9:05 a.m. and open the closed session pursuant to MN Statute 13D.03 Union Negotiations. The following were present: Commissioners: Joe Grund, Buck Nordlof, Jon Waibel, Ed Arnesen, County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson, County Attorney James Austad, Sheriff Gary Fish, and Human Resources Director Savanna Slick. Joining by phone was: Kristi Hastings.


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to close the closed session at 9:15 a.m. and open the regular meeting.

Approval of Minutes


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to approve the minutes from March 22,2022.

Human Resources

Human Resources director Savannah Slick asked the board to approve a grade increase for Deputy Jason Goulet. He is currently Grade 11, 26.25 per hour, Step 11 at 262 points.


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to approve Jason Goulet at Grade 12, $27.70 per hour, Step 11 at 282 points.




Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to approve the claims against the County as follows: Revenue $127,912.00; Road & Bridge $35,565.92; Solid Waste $40,173.69; EDA $12,214.28.


Warrants Approved On 4/12/2022 For Payment 4/15/2022

Vendor Name Amount

Cenex Co-Op Services, Inc. 19,674.86 

Compass Minerals America 4,833.63

Happy Tree Productions 8,890.00 

Howard’s Oil Company 5,899.28 

KRIS Engineering Inc 3,478.06

Lake of the Woods Electric LLC 6,529.06

Larkin Hoffman Attorneys 14,040.50

LOW Highway Dept 3,710.00 

Mar-Kit Landfill 17,850.00 

Mn Counties Computer Co-Op 18,617.59

Mn State Dept-Correction 23,270.92 

Northern Sports & Machine – Dba 33,938.00 

R & Q Trucking, Inc 4,888.00 

Thortsen Trucking, Inc/Dale 3,992.52 

University Of Mn 9,618.63 

Voyageurs Comtronics, Inc 2,640.00 

Wex Bank 2,051.74 

74 Payments less than 2000 31,943.10

Final Total: 215,865.89

Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants: March 23,2022 for $16,354.69; March 30,2022 for $2,277.79; April 6, 2022 for $110,274.42.

Legislative Update

Commissioner Ed Arnesen updated the board on various topics that included: NWA funding, Federal Funding for Law Enforcement, and Tourism.

Social Services



Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to approve the following claims: Commissioners Warrants $14,233.85; Commissioners Warrants $4,496.42; Commissioners Warrants $16,563.35.


A letter recognizing the Lake of the Woods County Board and staff for a perfect performance in meeting the Department of Human Services (DHS) financial reporting requirements for calendar year 2021 was presented. 

911/Emergency Response Center


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to approve the support of federal funding for the 911 Emergency Response Center and for a resolution to be drafted by County Attorney James Austad and for Chair Buck Nordlof to sign the same. 

Emergency Management

Permission to Pay for Services


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $1,600.00 to DSC Communications for programming support services.

FirstNet by AT&T

Emergency Management director Jill Hasbargen Olson, and MIS Tech John Butenhoff came to the board to request approval to change Law Enforcement services from Verizon to FirstNet by AT&T and went over the benefits of this service. They also recommend switching the County to FirstNet by AT&T.


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to approve FirstNet by AT&T as the new provider. 

Public Hearing-Commissioner Districts


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to close the regular meeting and open the public hearing to re-establish Commissioner districts.


The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and moved for adoption:

A Resolution for Adoption of County Commissioner Districts

Resolution 22-04-01

WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 375 establishes the procedure and requires a process for redistricting County Commissioner districts based on population figures from the Federal Census; and,

WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute section 204B.135, subd. 2 requires that County Commissioner Districts be redistricted within 80 days of when the legislature has been redistricted or at least 15 weeks before the state primary election, whichever comes first; and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to these statutes the 2020 Federal Census population figures shall be used to redistrict the Lake of the Woods County Commissioner Districts by April 26, 2022, and that Commissioner Districts shall be bounded by town, municipal, ward, city district, or precinct lines; and,

WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners has considered the possibility or potential for maximizing minority representation on the board of commissioners; and,

WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County published a three week notice in the newspaper having the contract for publishing the commissioner’s proceedings for the county for 2022; and,

WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County conducted a public meeting on redistricting on April 12, 2022:

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners hereby redistricts the County of Lake of the Woods, following town, municipal, ward, city district, or precinct lines as reestablished in March, 2022, and reestablishes the length of terms as follows:

Commissioner District 1 (4-year term, 2022 election)

Lake of the Woods Commissioner District 1 consists of that portion of Baudette Township that lies East of the Winter Road River and East of County Road 75, south of where it intersects the Winter Road River; and that portion of the City of Baudette that lies West of the Baudette River, excluding the North ½ of the Southwest ¼

of Section 2, and the Northwest ¼ of the North ½ of Section 3, and the North ½ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 3, and the North ½ of the Northeast ¼ of Section 10 in Spooner Township.

Commissioner District 2 (4-year term, 2024 election)

Lake of the Woods Commissioner District 2 consists of Gudrid Township, Rapid River Township, Unorganized Township 157-30, Unorganized Township 158-30, Boone Township, Swiftwater Township, Kiel Township, and that portion of Baudette that lies East of the Baudette River, excluding the North ½ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 2 in Spooner Township.

Commissioner District 3 (4-year term, 2022 election)

Lake of the Woods Commissioner District 3 consists of the City of Williams, Walhalla Township, Potamo Township, Rulien Township, Victory Township, Forest Area, that portion of Spooner Township not already defined in Districts 1 and 2, and that portion of McDougald Township lying South of State Trunk Highway 11.

Commissioner District 4 (4-year term, 2024 election)

Lake of the Woods Commissioner District 4 consists of Wheeler Township, Wabanica Township, that portion of McDougald Township lying North of State Trunk Highway 11, and that portion of Baudette Township lying West of County Road 75, south of where it intersects the Winter Road River and West of the Winter Road River, north of where it intersects County Road 75.

Commissioner District 5 (4-year term, 2024 election)

Lake of the Woods Commissioner District 5 consists of Lakewood Township, Prosper Township, Zippel Township, Myhre Township, Chilgren Township, Northwest Angle and Islands, and that portion of the City of Roosevelt that lies in Lake of the Woods County.

BE IT RESOLVED that the County Auditor-Treasurer is directed to keep the redistricting plan on file by May 3, 2022, to be effective on June 3, 2022, for the 2022 primary and general election and publish in the Northern Light Region.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the districts are, for illustrative purposes, identified in a map of the county attached hereto and marked Exhibit A which by reference is hereby made a part hereof.

The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.

Public Works

Approval of SAP 039-649-005


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to approve project SAP 039-649-005, graveling of NWA, in the amount of $75,000.33 from state aid.

Approval of SAP 039-594-002


Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Joe Grund and carried unanimously to grant a conditional approval for the main street north block project SAP 039-594-002 in the amount of $1,398,904.00 and for City Council to approve. 

Approval of Bid for SAP 039-630-001


Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the bid for SAP 039-630-001, road to Wabanica, from Davidson Construction in the amount of $190,000.00.


A brief recess took place at 10:40 a.m. and reconvened at 11:00 a.m.

Land & Water

Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #22-06CU Twin Island Sleepers, LLC

Land and Water Director Josh Stromlund met with the board and presented a Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #22-06CU by Denton and Jennifer Rose (Twin Island Sleepers, LLC.): Government Lot Three (3) & Government Lot Four (4) in Section Three (3), Township One-Hundred Sixty-Two (162) North, Range Thirty-Four (34) West- Parcel ID# Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit as required by Section 401.C and Section 402.1 of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance, for the storage of more than five (5) fish houses and commercial winter ice fishing equipment, in a Rural Zoning District (R2).


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to approve the following Findings of Fact/Conditional Use Permit #22-06CU for Denton and Jennifer Rose (Twin Island Sleepers, LLC.) to allow storage of fish houses and ice fishing equipment in a Rural Zoning District (R2) with the following Conditions:

  1. Limited to one-hundred (100) Fish House Units- can include Wheel Houses
  2. No Habitation
  3. Must maintain fifty (50) foot natural vegetative buffer beyond the road right of way and on east side of the property.
  4. Conditional Use Permit expires on sale of property

Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners

Findings of Fact and Decision

Name of Applicant: Denton and Jennifer Rose (Twin Island Sleepers, LLC) Date:  April 12, 2022

Location/Legal Description:  Government Lot Three (3) & Government Lot Four (4) in Section Three (3), Township One-hundred Sixty-two (162) North, Range Thirty-four (34) West – Parcel ID#

Project Proposal:  Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit as required by Section 401.C and Section 402.1 of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance, for the storage of more than five (5) fish houses and commercial winter ice fishing equipment, in a Rural Residential Zoning District (R2).  

  1. Is the project proposal consistent with the Lake of the Woods County Comprehensive Land Use Plan? YES ( X ) NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? Out of view fish house storage

2. Is the project proposal consistent with maintaining the public health, safety, and welfare?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

  1. Is the project proposal consistent with the goal of preventing and controlling water pollution, including sedimentation and nutrient loading?                        YES (  ) NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

4. Will the project proposal not adversely affect the site’s existing topography, drainage features, and vegetative cover?                                            YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? Remove some vegetative cover only

5. Is the project proposal’s site location reasonable in relation to any floodplain and/or floodway of rivers or tributaries? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

6. Has the erosion potential of the site based upon the degree and direction of slope, soil type and existing vegetative cover been adequately addressed for the project proposal? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

7. Is the site in harmony with existing and proposed access roads?     YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? Adjacent to County Road 11

8. Is the project proposal compatible with adjacent land uses? YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? Rural Residential (R2) Zoning District

9. Does the project proposal have a reasonable need to be in a shoreland location?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

  1. Is the amount of liquid waste to be generated reasonable and the proposed sewage disposal system adequate to accommodate the project proposal? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

  1. Will the visibility of structures and other facilities as viewed from public waters comply with Section 901 of the Zoning Ordinance?         YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

  1. Is the site adequate for water supply and on-site sewage treatment systems? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

  1. Are the affected public waters suited to and able to safely accommodate the types, uses, and numbers of watercraft that the project proposal will generate? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

  1. If the project proposal includes above ground or below ground storage tanks for petroleum or other hazardous material that is subject to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements, has a permit been sought?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

  1. Will there be fencing and/or other screening provided to buffer the project proposal from adjacent properties?

Why or why not? Vegetative to road and to the east; Every access to be gated

16. If signage is associated with the project proposal, has the applicant demonstrated the need for the number and size requested, and minimized the visual appearance as viewed from adjacent properties to the extent possible? 

YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? Requesting 2 4’x8’ signs

17. If the project proposal will generate additional traffic to or from the site, has the applicant adequately demonstrated how the additional traffic and parking is to be addressed? YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? No parking on site needed

If all answers to the Findings of Fact-Criteria are either “Yes” or are “Not Applicable” to the request, the criteria for granting the conditional use permit have been met. The conditional use permit will maintain the goals of safety, health, and general welfare of the public.  

The specific conditions of approval are as follows:

  1. Limited to one-hundred (100) Fish house units – can include wheel houses.
  2. No habitation of fish houses or wheeled houses during storage.
  3. Must maintain fifty (50) foot natural vegetative buffer beyond the road right-of-way and on east side of the property in order to provide screening during summer leaf on conditions.
  4. Units to be stored must not be located within the fifty (50) foot buffer as indicated in item #3 above.
  5. The Conditional Use Permit terminates upon sale or transfer of the property.

Approved  as Presented  (   ) Approved with Conditions  (X) Denied  (  )

April 12, 2022 _____________________________________

Date James Nordlof

        Chair, County Board

This is in accordance with Section 1204 of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance.

Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #22-07CU The Guide Shack, LLC.

Land and Water Director Josh Stromlund met with the board and presented a Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #22-07CU by The Guide Shack, LLC: Part of Government Lot Five (5) being part of Outlot A of Brush Island according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the County Recorder. Parcel ID# in Section Twenty-nine (29), Township One-Hundred Sixty-eight (168) North, Range Thirty-three (33) West. Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit as required by Section 401.C of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance to allow commercial use of the property consisting of a short-term transient rental property, in a Rural Residential Zoning District (R2). Lake of the Woods is a General Development Lake.


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to approve the following Findings of Fact/Conditional Use Permit #22-07CU by The Guide Shack, LLC to allow commercial use of the property consisting of a short-term transient rental property, in a Rural Residential Zoning District (R2) with the following conditions:

  1. Quiet time from 10PM-8AM
  2. Occupancy to be based on septic size to a maximum of 12 people
  3. Rules to be posted: quiet time, capacity limits, stay on property, no tents for additional capacity
  4. Contact information must be provided for complaints, emergencies, and septic
  5. Conditional Use Permit expires on sale of property
  6. Meet all MDH guidelines
  7. Septic system As-built and/or site design to occur by July 31, 2022

Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners

Findings of Fact and Decision

Name of Applicant: The Guide Shack, LLC Date:  April 12, 2022

Location/Legal Description:  Part of Government Lot Five (5) being part of Outlot A of Brush Island according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the County Recorder. – Parcel ID# in Section Twenty-nine (29), Township One-Hundred Sixty-eight (168) North, Range Thirty-three (33) West

Project Proposal:  Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit as required by Section 401.C of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance to allow commercial use of the property consisting of a short-term transient rental property, in a Rural Residential Zoning District (R2). Lake of the Woods is a General Development Lake.

  1. Is the project proposal consistent with the Lake of the Woods County Comprehensive Land Use Plan? YES ( X ) NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? Recreational use

2. Is the project proposal consistent with maintaining the public health, safety, and welfare? YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? No change

  1. Is the project proposal consistent with the goal of preventing and controlling water pollution, including sedimentation and nutrient loading?                        YES (  ) NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

  1. Will the project proposal not adversely affect the site’s existing topography, drainage features, and vegetative cover?                                            YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

  1. Is the project proposal’s site location reasonable in relation to any floodplain and/or floodway of rivers or tributaries? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

  1. Has the erosion potential of the site based upon the degree and direction of slope, soil type and existing vegetative cover been adequately addressed for the project proposal? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

  1. Is the site in harmony with existing and proposed access roads?     YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? Lake access only

  1. Is the project proposal compatible with adjacent land uses? YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? Residential

9. Does the project proposal have a reasonable need to be in a shoreland location? YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? Vacation rental- water oriented

  1. Is the amount of liquid waste to be generated reasonable and the proposed sewage disposal system adequate to accommodate the project proposal? YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? Occupancy to be limited to septic inspection

  1. Will the visibility of structures and other facilities as viewed from public waters comply with Section 901 of the Zoning Ordinance?         YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? No change

  1. Is the site adequate for water supply and on-site sewage treatment systems? YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? See #10 for septic – new well adequate 

  1. Are the affected public waters suited to and able to safely accommodate the types, uses, and numbers of watercraft that the project proposal will generate? YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? Building a second dock

  1. If the project proposal includes above ground or below ground storage tanks for petroleum or other hazardous material that is subject to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements, has a permit been sought?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

  1. Will there be fencing and/or other screening provided to buffer the project proposal from adjacent properties?

YES (  )  NO ( X )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? Must mark property lines

  1. If signage is associated with the project proposal, has the applicant demonstrated the need for the number and size requested, and minimized the visual appearance as viewed from adjacent properties to the extent possible? 

YES ( X )  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not? One sign approximately 2’x3’

  1. If the project proposal will generate additional traffic to or from the site, has the applicant adequately demonstrated how the additional traffic and parking is to be addressed? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A ( X )

Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________

If all answers to the Findings of Fact-Criteria are either “Yes” or are “Not Applicable” to the request, the criteria for granting the conditional use permit have been met. The conditional use permit will maintain the goals of safety, health, and general welfare of the public.  

The specific conditions of approval are as follows:

  1. Quiet hours are from 10PM to 8AM.
  2. Occupancy to be based on septic size to a maximum of 12 people.
  3. Rules to be posted: quiet time, capacity limits, stay on property, no tents for additional capacity.
  4. Contact information must be provided for complaints, emergencies, and septic.
  5. Conditional Use Permit expires on sale or transfer of property.
  6. Meet all MDH guidelines.
  7. Septic system As-built and/or site design to occur by July 31, 2022.

Approved  as Presented  (   ) Approved with Conditions  (X) Denied  (  )

        April 12, 2022 _____________________________________

Date James Nordlof

        Chair, County Board

This is in accordance with Section 1204 of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance.


With no further business before the Board, Chair Buck Nordlof called the meeting to recess at 11:25 am.

Attest: April 26, 2022

______________________________ _________________________________

County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson Chair James “Buck” Nordlof

April 12, 2022


Tuesday, April 12, 2022


9:00 a.m. #1 Pledge to the Flag

Approval of Agenda

9:05 a.m. #2 Union Negotiations – Closed Session

  • Close Regular Meeting/Open Closed Session
    • Union Negotiations(Pursuant MN Statute 13D.03)
  • Close Closed Session/Open Regular Meeting

10:05 a.m. #3 Approve Minutes of March 22, 2022

10:10 a.m. #4 Social Services

  • Claims

10:15 a.m. #5 County Auditor/Treasurer

  • Claims

10:20 a.m. #6 Emergency Management- Jill Olson

  • Approval of Remote Radio Programming Annual Fee
  • FirstNet Sheriff’s Office-County

10:30 a.m. #7 Human Resources

  • Grade Adjustment- Jason Goulet

10:40 a.m. #8 Public Works

  • Highway
  • Approval of Bids SAP 039-630-001
  • Approval of SAP 039-594-002
  • Approval of SAP 039-649-005
  • Drainage Authority
  • Helicopter Spraying
  • Solid Waste
  • April 19th Meeting

11:00 a.m. #9 Land & Water

  • CUP 22-06CU- Twin Island Sleepers, LLC.
  • CUP 22-07CU- The Guide Shack, LLC.

11:30 a.m. #10 Public Hearing

  • Close Regular Meeting/Open Public Hearing
  • Re-Establish Commissioner Districts
  • Close Public Hearing/Open Regular Meeting

12:30 p.m. #11 Recess

Correspondence-Department of Human Services

Old/New Business

  • Lessard – Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund
  • Land Trade
  • Township Road Inventory
  • Home Health Care Task Force
  • Law Enforcement Center
  • Tourism/Lodging Tax
  • Centennial

Information to attend by web or phone:
Dial in: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 627433446

April 27th, 2021

Commissioner Proceedings

April 27, 2021

The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room. 


Vice-Chair Buck Nordlof called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Jon Waibel, Cody Hasbargen, Ed Arnesen and Buck Nordlof.  Absent: Commissioner Joe Grund. Also present: County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson and County Attorney James Austad. 



Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the agenda with the following additions: Public Health, MIS/Telephone Services and Wetlands.



Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the official and summarized minutes of April 13, 2021.




Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the following claims: Commissioners Warrants $3,334.41; Commissioners Warrants $1,396.40; Commissioners Warrants $31,584.56.

Contract with Sanford Behavioral Health for CBS Services


Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the purchase of service agreement with Sanford Health Network North dba Sanford Behavioral Health Center and for Vice-Chair, Buck Nordlof and Social Services Director, Amy Ballard to sign the same.

Contract with Stellher Human Services for Youth Crisis Response


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the purchase of service agreement with Stellher Human Services, Inc. and for Social Services Director, Amy Ballard to sign the same.




Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the claims against the County as follows: Revenue $47,550.35; Road & Bridge $18,423.57; Solid Waste $11,763.37; EDA $850.98. 


Warrants Approved On 4/27/2021 For Payment 4/30/2021

Vendor Name       Amount

Avenu Insights & Analytics 6,500.93

BAYCOM, INC. 2,150.00

Counties Providing Technology 3,910.00

DLT Solutions, LLC 6,952.44

LOW Fair Association 25,000.00

Northern Light Region 5,703.57

Remer Iron Works 3,450.00

Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc 2,511.07

U.S. Bank Equipment Finance 6,268.50

Ziegler, Inc 2,308.84

29 Payments less than 2000                                         13,832.92

Final Total:       78,588.27

Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants: April 14, 2021 for $11,010.31, April 21, 2021 for $13,091.29.

Liquor License – ICEHOLE Tavern

Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to approve On/Off Sale and Sunday Liquor for Balili Entertainment Group Inc. for ICEHOLE Tavern, as permitted by County Sheriff, Gary Fish and County Attorney, James Austad.

Set Cartway Hearing Date, Peter Jones

It was determined that more information is needed to verify if the petition for a cartway is valid as received.  County Attorney, James Austad will research the petition and the Board will put this item back on the agenda for May 25, 2021.

Land Sale, Date and Terms of Sale

County Attorney, James Austad, requested more time to look into the sale of county owned land, parcel 19-2531-119.  This item will be back on the agenda for May 11, 2021.

Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the following minimum sale bids for the tax forfeited land listings, these listings did not sell during the 2019 tax forfeited land sale:

Parcel Legal DescriptionPre & Post Forf. Spec. AsmtsTotal Delinq. Amount DueEstimated Market Value2019 Minimum Sale Bid2021 Minimum Sale Bid
62-5301-010Lot 1, Blk 1First Addition to Williams$6,285.83$9,451.25$4,700$4,000$1,000
62-5302-030Lot 3 & S33’ Lot 2, Blk 2  First Addition to Williams        $5,398.00$9,005.72$9,000$4,000$1,000

Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the terms of sale for the tax forfeited land as follows:


PUBLIC SALES: All tax forfeited land is offered at public auction and sold to the highest bidder. The minimum bid acceptable is the basic sale price that is shown on the list of tax forfeited land. The basic sale price is equal to or lesser than the assessed/appraised value and may include additional charges for unpaid special assessments or timber values as appraised by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

PARCELS NOT SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION: Parcels not sold at a public sale may be purchased after the public sale by paying the basic sale price of the parcel.  The basic sale price cannot be changed unless the parcel is re-appraised, republished, and again offered at a later public sale.

FEES: The following fees will be collected at the time of sale: State Assurance Surcharge, 3%; State Deed Fee, $25.00; Deed filing fee, $25.00; Deed Recording Fee, $46.00; Well Disclosure Certificate, $50.00 (if applicable); and State Deed Tax, equal to the greater of $1.65 or 0.33% of the basic sale price. 


Payment includes timber value and certified special assessments to county.

SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: Any special assessments certified to the county, prior to or after forfeiture, are included and must be paid by the purchaser as part of the basic sale price. It is the responsibility of the prospective buyer to contact the appropriate city to determine any special assessments not certified to the county and that may be subject to further assessment thereof. 

CONDITIONS: Sales are subject to the following restrictions on the use of the properties: existing leases, building codes and zoning laws, and easements obtained by any government subdivision or agency thereof for a public purpose. The assessed/appraised value does not represent a basis for future taxes. 

All property is sold “as is” and may not conform to current local building and zoning ordinances. Lake of the Woods County makes no warranty that the land is “buildable”. All sales are final, and no refunds or exchanges are permitted. Lake of the Woods County is not responsible for location or determining property lines or boundaries.  Access to the property is the responsibility of the buyer. 

*Lake of the Woods County is unaware of any known hazardous substances or petroleum products having been placed, stored, or released from or on the real property by any person in violation of any law, nor of any underground storage tanks having been located on the real property at any time.

Lead Warning Statement: Every purchaser of any interest in residential real property on which residential dwelling was built prior to 1978 is notified that such property may present exposure to lead from lead-based paint that may place young children at risk of developing lead poisoning. Lead poisoning in young children may produce permanent neurological damage, including learning disabilities, reduced intelligence quotient, behavioral problems, and impaired memory. Lead poisoning also poses a particular risk to pregnant women. 

*Lake of the Woods County is unaware of any known hazards or risk assessments on or available for applicable sale properties. 

Radon Warning Statement: The MN Dept. of Health strongly recommends that ALL homebuyers have an indoor radon test performed prior to purchase or taking occupancy and recommends having the radon levels mitigated if elevated concentrations are found. Elevated radon concentrations can easily be reduced by a qualified, certified, or licensed, if applicable, radon mitigator. Every buyer of an interest in residential real property is notified that the property may present exposure to dangerous levels of indoor radon gas that may place the occupants at risk of developing radon-induced lung cancer. Radon, a Class A human carcinogen, is the leading cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers and the second leading cause overall. The seller of any interest in residential real property is required to provide the buyer with any information on radon test results of the dwelling.

*Lake of the Woods County is unaware of any radon testing, records, concentration levels, or mitigation systems on or available for applicable sale properties.

TITLE: PROOF OF OWNERSHIP: The buyer will receive a receipt at the time of the sale. The Department of Revenue will issue a State quitclaim deed after full payment is made. A State deed has the characteristics of a patent from the State of Minnesota.

SETTLEMENT IS FINAL: No warranties as to physical condition of the property have been made by Seller, its Employees or Agents; any warranties of physical condition of the property are void. The Seller, its Employees or Agents, have no further responsibility or liability with respect to the condition or management of the property. 

FOR ALL LAND NOT IN A PLATTED SUBDIVISION: There are restrictive covenants required for marginal lands and wetlands including lands in Auditor’s Subdivisions (see Minnesota Statutes Section 103F.535, Subd. 2; and Section 282.018, Subd. 2.)

FORMER OWNERS: Must pay the purchase price or the amount of delinquency, whichever is more, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 282.01, Subd. 7; Section 282.012; and Section 282.241.


The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously.



WHEREAS; the County Board of Commissioners of the County of Lake of the Woods, State of Minnesota, desires to offer for sale certain parcels of land that have forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes, and

WHEREAS; said parcels of land have been viewed by the County Board of Commissioners and have been classified as non-conservation lands as provided for in Minnesota Statutes 282.01.

WHEREAS; that the basic sale price of each parcel on the List of Tax-Forfeited Land has been reset by the County Board of Commissioners and are on file with the County Auditor/Treasurer;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; that the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners hereby certify that the parcels of tax-forfeited land listed on the List of Tax-Forfeited Land be approved and the authorization for a public sale of this land be granted, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 282.01;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the sale of said Tax-Forfeited Land will be held in the Lake of the Woods County Commissioners Room, at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 8, 2021, by the Lake of the Woods County Auditor/Treasurer; for not less than the basic sale price and that all sales shall be in full payment at the time of the sale.

Grandstand Project
The Fair Board is looking to raise approximately $100,000 more for the grandstand project, to purchase and install a canopy over the grandstand. It was the consensus of the County Board to support the grandstand project at a minimum of $50,000.  The County Board will continue to research other funding resources with the help of the Economic Development Authority and would like to have a meeting with the City of Baudette to discuss the project.


2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Agreement 


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant at $13,817 and for Vice-Chair Buck Nordlof and Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson to sign the same.


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to approve the 2020 Emergency Management Performance COVID-19 Supplemental Grant at $7,211 and for Vice Chair Buck Nordlof and Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson to sign the same. 



Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to approve to hire for the Environmental Specialist Position at grade 9, step 7, points 232, $21.24 per hour.

Approval of SAP 039-633-003
County Engineer, AJ Pirkl, indicated that this request will be brought to the next Board meeting on May 11, 2021.

County Engineer, AJ Pirkl, provided an update on the ditch petition from Daniel Pieper, the petition has been satisfied.  Pirkl is looking at additional work on Judicial Ditch 24 and will provide a cost estimate at the next Board meeting.

Solid Waste/Landfill
County Engineer, AJ Pirkl, provided an update regarding conversations with the MPCA regarding the use of a clay or synthetic cap for the landfill.  Pirkl feels the clay cap will be a better option, as it can be installed and maintained by county staff.

Pirkl requested to set a public input session for Monday, June 21 at 6 p.m. in the Government Center Court Room to discuss solid waste policy for sleeper ice fishing houses and the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources grant proposal regarding human generated sludge on the lake.

CHI LakeWood Health Public Health Manager, Kay M. Schell and CHI LakeWood Health VP of Operations, Jeffry Stampohar provided an update to the Board regarding COVID-19 cases, vaccines, and testing in Lake of the Woods County.

Telephone Services


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve Wiktel as the telephone service provider for Lake of the Woods County, at a cost of $1,051 per month.


Commissioner Jon Waibel requested a work session on wetlands, to discuss ways to be more accommodating regarding wetland information to those interested in building in Lake of the Woods County. No work session date was set at the time.

With no further business before the Board, Vice-Chair Buck Nordlof called the meeting to recess at 12:25 p.m.

Attest: May 11, 2021

_________________________________ County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson _________________________________ Chair of the Board, Joe Grund

April 27, 2021


Tuesday, April 27, 2021


9:00 a.m.

Pledge to the Flag
Approve Agenda
Approve the Minutes of April 13, 2021

9:05 a.m. #2 Social Services 

  • Claims
  • Contract with Sanford Behavioral Health for CBS Services
  • Contract with Stellher Human Services for Youth Crisis Response

9:10 a.m. #3 Auditor/Treasurer

  • Claims
  • Liquor License, IceHole Tavern
  • Set Cartway Hearing Date, Peter Jones
  • Land Sale, Date and Terms of Sale

9:30 a.m. #4 Emergency Management

  • 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Agreement

9:35 a.m. #5 Human Resources

  • Environmental Specialist Position

9:40 a.m. #6 Public Works

  • Highway
    • Approval of SAP 039-633-008
  • Solid Waste
    • MPCA Update

9:50 a.m. #7 Lake of the Woods County Fair Board

  • Grandstand Project

Old/New Business

Lessard –Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund
Land Trade
Township Road Inventory
Home Health Care Task Force
Law Enforcement Center

Information to attend by web or phone:
Dial in: 1-408-418-9388 Access Code: 6274334466

April 13, 2021

April 13, 2021

The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room. 


Chair Joe Grund called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Joe Grund, Jon Waibel, Cody Hasbargen and Buck Nordlof.  Commissioner Ed Arnesen arrived to the meeting at 9:05 a.m. Also present: Jaime Boretski-LaValla.



Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the agenda with the following additions: Lake of the Woods Tourism.



Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the official and summarized minutes of March 16, 2021.


Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the official and summarized minutes of March 23, 2021.




Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the following claims: Commissioner Warrants $15,493.15; Commissioner Warrants $2,560.95; Commissioner Warrants $15,900.81.




Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the claims against the County as follows: Revenue $48,901.60; Road & Bridge $48,593.66; County Development $4,200.50; Solid Waste $38,734; EDA $6,294.56. 


Warrants Approved On 4/13/2021 For Payment 4/16/2021

Vendor Name Amount

ByteSpeed, LLC 3,940.00

Cenex Co-Op Services, Inc. 6,756.62

Deputy Registrar No.75 2,609.50

Freeberg & Grund, Inc 21,510.05

Headwaters Regional Development Commiss 6,250.00

Interstate Billing Service Inc 2,725.70

JMD Manufacturing Inc 2,496.00

Lakewood Health Center 5,256.00

LOW Highway Dept 10,573.75

Mar-Kit Landfill 16,120.50

Powerplan 5,192.60

Quadient Finance USA Inc. 4,000.00

R & Q Trucking, Inc 5,150.00

University Of Mn 9,407.00

Voyageurs Comtronics, Inc 2,995.20

WIDSETH 5,250.50

74 Payments less than 2000   36,490.90

Final Total: 146,724.32

Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants: March 24, 2021 for $24,982.53; March 31, 2021 for $2,165.13; April 1, 2021 for ($66); April 1, 2021 for ($121.40); April 3, 2021 for $233,831.28; April 7, 2021 for $68,668.03.

Tower Space User Agreement Amendment


Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the amendment of the Tower Space User Agreement with Minnkota Power Cooperative, Inc., adding an additional antenna, and for Chair Joe Grund and County Auditor-Treasurer Lorene Hanson to sign the same. The amended agreement will be for $8,500 per year. 



Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to provide a letter of support for the Resort and Tourism Economic Relief Program and for Chair Joe Grund to sign the same.



Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to donate $2,200 from Con Con Funds to Lake of the Woods School’s Class of 2021, for their class trip.


Sentencing to Service Joint Powers Agreement


Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the Joint Powers Agreement with the State of Minnesota for the Sentencing to Service Program; $2,778.52 for FY2022 and $2,872.99 for FY2023, and for Chair Joe Grund to sign the same.

Approval to purchase cameras


Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the purchase of cameras, through Marco, for the Sheriff’s Department.


Jail/TAC Administrator Position


Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve to hire for the Jail/TAC Administrator Position at grade 11, step 9, $24.60 per hour.

Permission to advertise, interview and hire for Night-Time E-911 Corrections Officer


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve to advertise, interview and hire for the Night-Time E-911 Corrections Officer position.

AJ Pirkl, County Engineer, provided a Highway Update.  The department is under budget and will plan to use remaining budget dollars for over-time hours on projects.  Ditching work started on April 5th and it is going well.  Pirkl is evaluating options to repair the County Road 80 drainage issues and plans to start the project in the spring or early summer.  

Solid Waste Landfill
MPCA Update
AJ Pirkl, County Engineer, provided an update on his last meetings with the MPCA regarding the landfill.  Conversations are ongoing regarding the use of a three-foot cap or a synthetic cover for the landfill.

Parks and Rec
Approval to purchase a roll-in dock
AJ Pirkl, County Engineer, discussed quotes received for a dock at Ship’s Wheel public access.  It was the consensus of the Board to go with a Hewitt roll-in dock.  The 30-foot-long and 5-foot-wide dock will cost $3,450.  The dock will be delivered in approximately two weeks.

Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #21-04CU by Devlin Reasy
Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund met with the Board and presented a Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #21-04CU by Devlin Reasy: Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Turgeon Estates, Section Twenty (20), Township One Hundred Sixty-one (161) North, Range Thirty-one (31) West, Parcel ID# Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit as required by Section 902 of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance to move more than ten (10) cubic yards of material within the shore impact zone and more than fifty (50) cubic yards of material outside of the shore impact zone of the Rainy River for the purposes of controlling erosion and sedimentation. The Rainy River is an Agricultural River segment.

Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the following Findings of Fact for Devlin Reasy to move more than ten (10) cubic yards of material within the shore impact zone and more than fifty (50) cubic yards of material outside of the shore impact zone of the Rainy River for the purposes of controlling erosion and sedimentation as presented: 

Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners
Findings of Fact and Decision

Name of Applicant: Devlin Reasy Date:  April 13, 2021

Location/Legal Description:  Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Turgeon Estates, Section Twenty (20), Township One Hundred Sixty-one (161) North, Range Thirty-one (31) West, Parcel ID#

Project Proposal: Applicant is requesting to move more than ten (10) cubic yards of material within the shore impact zone and more than fifty (50) cubic yards of material outside of the shore impact zone of the Rainy River for the purpose of controlling erosion and sedimentation.

  1. Is the project proposal consistent with the Lake of the Woods County Comprehensive Land Use Plan? YES (X) NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Control erosion.

2. Is the project proposal consistent with maintaining the public health, safety, and welfare?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Is the project proposal consistent with the goal of preventing and controlling water pollution, including sedimentation and nutrient loading?                        YES (X) NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Erosion control.

  1. Will the project proposal not adversely affect the site’s existing topography, drainage features, and vegetative cover?                                            YES (X)  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Will not adversely affect these.

  1. Is the project proposal’s site location reasonable in relation to any floodplain and/or floodway of rivers or tributaries? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Has the erosion potential of the site based upon the degree and direction of slope, soil type and existing vegetative cover been adequately addressed for the project proposal?

YES (X)  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Reason for project.

  1. Is the site in harmony with existing and proposed access roads?     YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Is the project proposal compatible with adjacent land uses? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

9. Does the project proposal have a reasonable need to be in a shoreland location?

YES (X)  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Reason for project.

  1. Is the amount of liquid waste to be generated reasonable and the proposed sewage disposal system adequate to accommodate the project proposal? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Will the visibility of structures and other facilities as viewed from public waters comply with Section 901 of the Zoning Ordinance?         YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Is the site adequate for water supply and on-site sewage treatment systems?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Are the affected public waters suited to and able to safely accommodate the types, uses, and numbers of watercraft that the project proposal will generate? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. If the project proposal includes above ground or below ground storage tanks for petroleum or other hazardous material that is subject to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements, has a permit been sought?                                                 YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Will there be fencing and/or other screening provided to buffer the project proposal from adjacent properties?                                                                                               YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. If signage is associated with the project proposal, has the applicant demonstrated the need for the number and size requested, and minimized the visual appearance as viewed from adjacent properties to the extent possible?                                                                                YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. If the project proposal will generate additional traffic to or from the site, has the applicant adequately demonstrated how the additional traffic and parking is to be addressed? 

                                                                                                       YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

If all answers to the Findings of Fact-Criteria are either “Yes” or are “Not Applicable” to the request, the criteria for granting the conditional use permit have been met. The conditional use permit will maintain the goals of safety, health, and general welfare of the public.  

The specific conditions of approval are as follows:  None

Approved as Presented (X) Approved with Conditions ( ) Denied  (  )

April 13, 2021 _____________________________________

Date Joseph Grund, Chair, County Board

This is in accordance with Section 1204 of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance.

Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #21-05CU by Knife River on behalf of The Welberg Family Trust
Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund met with the Board and presented a Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #21-05CU by Knife River on behalf of The Welberg Family Trust:  The SW¼NE ¼; SE¼NW¼; NE¼SW¼; NW¼SE¼; Section Thirty-six (36), Township One Hundred Sixty-two (162) North, Range Thirty-two (32) West, Parcel ID# Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit as required by Section 401.C of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance to allow the expansion and continue the extractive and commercial use of the property consisting of aggregate mining and washing and hot mix asphalt plant in a Rural Residential Zoning District (R2).

Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to approve the following Findings of Fact for Knife River on behalf of The Welberg Family Trust to allow the expansion and continue the extractive and commercial use of the property consisting of aggregate mining and washing and hot mix asphalt plant in a Rural Residential Zoning District (R2), the specific conditions of approval are as follows:
1. The Conditional Use Permit is valid for ten years and terminates on April 13, 2031.
2. Must meet all applicable Minnesota Pollution Control Agency rules and regulations.

Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners

Findings of Fact and Decision

Name of Applicant: Knife River on behalf of The Welberg Family Trust Date:  April 13, 2021

Location/Legal Description:  The SW¼NE ¼; SE¼NW¼; NE¼SW¼; NW¼SE¼; Section Thirty-six (36), Township One Hundred Sixty-two (162) North, Range Thirty-two (32) West, Parcel ID#

Project Proposal: Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit as required by Section 401.C of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance to allow the expansion and continue the extractive and commercial use of the property consisting of aggregate mining and washing and hot mix asphalt plant in a Rural Residential Zoning District (R2).

  1. Is the project proposal consistent with the Lake of the Woods County Comprehensive Land Use Plan? YES (X) NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Existing aggregate mining.

2. Is the project proposal consistent with maintaining the public health, safety, and welfare?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Is the project proposal consistent with the goal of preventing and controlling water pollution, including sedimentation and nutrient loading?                        YES (  ) NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Will the project proposal not adversely affect the site’s existing topography, drainage features, and vegetative cover?                                            YES (X)  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Aggregate mining proposal.

  1. Is the project proposal’s site location reasonable in relation to any floodplain and/or floodway of rivers or tributaries? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Has the erosion potential of the site based upon the degree and direction of slope, soil type and existing vegetative cover been adequately addressed for the project proposal?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not?  No change.

  1. Is the site in harmony with existing and proposed access roads?     YES (X)  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Same access as before expansion.

  1. Is the project proposal compatible with adjacent land uses? YES (X)  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  No change.

9)  Does the project proposal have a reasonable need to be in a shoreland location?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1.  Is the amount of liquid waste to be generated reasonable and the proposed sewage disposal system adequate to accommodate the project proposal? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Will the visibility of structures and other facilities as viewed from public waters comply with Section 901 of the Zoning Ordinance?         YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Is the site adequate for water supply and on-site sewage treatment systems?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Are the affected public waters suited to and able to safely accommodate the types, uses, and numbers of watercraft that the project proposal will generate? YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1.  If the project proposal includes above ground or below ground storage tanks for petroleum or other hazardous material that is subject to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements, has a permit been sought?                                                                                      YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Will there be fencing and/or other screening provided to buffer the project proposal from adjacent properties?                                                                                                YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. If signage is associated with the project proposal, has the applicant demonstrated the need for the number and size requested, and minimized the visual appearance as viewed from adjacent properties to the extent possible?                                                                               YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. If the project proposal will generate additional traffic to or from the site, has the applicant adequately demonstrated how the additional traffic and parking is to be addressed? 

                                                                                                       YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

If all answers to the Findings of Fact-Criteria are either “Yes” or are “Not Applicable” to the request, the criteria for granting the conditional use permit have been met. The conditional use permit will maintain the goals of safety, health, and general welfare of the public.  

The specific conditions of approval are as follows:

  1. The Conditional Use Permit is valid for ten (10) years and terminates on April 13, 2031.
  2. Must meet all applicable Minnesota Pollution Control Agency rules and regulations.

Approved  as Presented  (  ) Approved with Conditions  (X) Denied  (  )

April 13, 2021 _____________________________________

Date Joseph Grund, Chair, County Board

This is in accordance with Section 1204 of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance.

Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #21-06CU by Knife River on behalf of Michael Gamache
Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #21-06CU by Knife River on behalf of Michael Gamache:  The SW¼NW ¼, Section Three (3), Township One Hundred Sixty-one (161) North, Range Thirty-two (32) West, Parcel ID# Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit as required by Section 401.C of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance to allow extractive use of the property consisting of aggregate mining in a Rural Residential Zoning District (R2).

Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the following Findings of Fact for Knife River on behalf of Michael Gamache to allow extractive use of the property consisting of aggregate mining in a Rural Residential Zoning District (R2), the specific conditions of approval are as follows:
1. Conditional Use Permit terminates upon completion of the Lake of the Woods County CSAH #6 road       project.
2.  A dust control plan is to be submitted to and approved by the Lake of the Woods Public Works Director.

Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners

Findings of Fact and Decision

Name of Applicant: Knife River on behalf of Michael Gamache Date:  April 13, 2021

Location/Legal Description:  The SW¼NW ¼, Section Three (3), Township One Hundred Sixty-one (161) North, Range Thirty-two (32) West, Parcel ID#

Project Proposal:  Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit as required by Section 401.C of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance to allow extractive use of the property consisting of aggregate mining in a Rural Residential Zoning District (R2).

  1. Is the project proposal consistent with the Lake of the Woods County Comprehensive Land Use Plan? YES (X) NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Aggregate mining.

2. Is the project proposal consistent with maintaining the public health, safety, and welfare?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Is the project proposal consistent with the goal of preventing and controlling water pollution, including sedimentation and nutrient loading?                        YES (  ) NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Will the project proposal not adversely affect the site’s existing topography, drainage features, and vegetative cover?                                            YES (X)  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Aggregate mining to create a pond.

  1. Is the project proposal’s site location reasonable in relation to any floodplain and/or floodway of rivers or tributaries? YES (  ) NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Has the erosion potential of the site based upon the degree and direction of slope, soil type and existing vegetative cover been adequately addressed for the project proposal?

YES (  ) NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Is the site in harmony with existing and proposed access roads?     YES (X)  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Existing road.

  1. Is the project proposal compatible with adjacent land uses? YES (X)  NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Existing pit.

9. Does the project proposal have a reasonable need to be in a shoreland location?

YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Is the amount of liquid waste to be generated reasonable and the proposed sewage disposal system adequate to accommodate the project proposal? YES (  ) NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Will the visibility of structures and other facilities as viewed from public waters comply with Section 901 of the Zoning Ordinance?         YES (  ) NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Is the site adequate for water supply and on-site sewage treatment systems?

YES (  ) NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Are the affected public waters suited to and able to safely accommodate the types, uses, and numbers of watercraft that the project proposal will generate? YES (  ) NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. If the project proposal includes above ground or below ground storage tanks for petroleum or other hazardous material that is subject to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements, has a permit been sought?                                                YES (  ) NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. Will there be fencing and/or other screening provided to buffer the project proposal from adjacent properties?                                                                                                YES (  )  NO (X)  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Not needed – vegetative cover in place.

  1. If signage is associated with the project proposal, has the applicant demonstrated the need for the number and size requested, and minimized the visual appearance as viewed from adjacent properties to the extent possible?                                                                                 YES (  )  NO (  )  N/A (X)

Why or why not? ______________________________________________________

  1. If the project proposal will generate additional traffic to or from the site, has the applicant adequately demonstrated how the additional traffic and parking is to be addressed? 

                                                                                                         YES (X) NO (  )  N/A (  )

Why or why not?  Via 38th Ave NW.

If all answers to the Findings of Fact-Criteria are either “Yes” or are “Not Applicable” to the request, the criteria for granting the conditional use permit have been met. The conditional use permit will maintain the goals of safety, health, and general welfare of the public.  

The specific conditions of approval are as follows:

  1. The Conditional Use Permit terminates upon completion of the Lake of the Woods County CSAH #6 road project.
  2. A dust control plan is to be submitted to and approved by the Lake of the Woods Public Works Director.

Approved  as Presented  (  ) Approved with Conditions  (X) Denied  (  )

April 13, 2021 _____________________________________

Date Joseph Grund, Chair, County Board

This is in accordance with Section 1204 of the Lake of the Woods County Zoning Ordinance.

With no further business before the Board, Chair Joe Grund called the meeting to recess at 10:18 a.m.

Attest: April 27, 2021

_________________________________ _________________________________

County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson Chair of the Board, Joe Grund 

April 13, 2021


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

9:00 a.m. #1 Pledge to the Flag
Approve Agenda
Approve the Minutes of March 16, 2021
Approve the Minutes of March 23, 2021

9:05 a.m. #2 Social Services

  • Claims

9:10 a.m. #3 Auditor/Treasurer

  • Claims
  • Tower Space User Agreement Amendment

9:20 a.m. #4 Lake of the Woods Senior Class Trip
9:30 a.m. #5 Sheriff

  • Sentencing to Service Joint Powers Agreement
  • Approval to purchase cameras

9:40 a.m. #6 Human Resources

  • Jail/ TAC Administrator Position
  • Permission to advertise, interview and hire for Night-Time E-911 Corrections Officer

9:50 a.m. #7 Public Works

  • Highway
    • Update
  • Solid Waste/Landfill
    • MPCA Update
  • Parks and Rec
    • Approval to purchase roll-in dock

10:00 a.m. #8 Land and Water Planning

  • Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #21-04CU by Devlin Reasy
  • Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #21-05CU by Knife River on behalf of The Welberg Family Trust
  • Consideration of Conditional Use Permit #21-06CU by Knife River on behalf of Michael Gamache

An Equal Opportunity Employer

Old/New Business
Lessard –Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund
Land Trade
Township Road Inventory
Home Health Care Task Force
Law Enforcement Center

Information to attend by web or phone:
Dial in: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 627433446

April 28, 2020

AGENDA – Tuesday, April 28, 2020


9:00 a.m. #1 Pledge to the Flag

Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes of April 14. 2020
Approve Minutes of April 21, 2020

9:05 a.m. #2 Social Services

  • Claims

9:10 a.m. #3 County Auditor/Treasurer

  • Claims
  • Property Tax 
  • Snowmobile Trails Assistance Program Resolution

9:20 a.m. #4 Future County Spending

9:30 a.m. #5 MIS

  • Website Update

9:40 a.m. #6 Land and Water Planning

  • MCIT Sponsoring Entity Resolution

9:45 a.m. #7 County Highway/Landfill

  • Update
  • Approval of Bid for SAP 39-030-003 Bituminous Seal Coat Project

9:50 a.m. #8 Emergency Management

  • Approval of new radio console

9:55 a.m. #9 COVID-19

  • Update


Old/New Business

  • Lessard –Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund
  • Land Trade
  • Township Road Inventory
  • CR 33
  • Home Health Care Task Force
  • Proposed Law Enforcement Center

April 21, 2020

AGENDA – Special Meeting – COVID-19 – Tuesday, April 21, 2020


9:00 a.m. #1 Pledge to the Flag

Approve Agenda

9:05 a.m. #2 County Engineer

  • Quotes

9:10 a.m. #3 COVID-19 Update

  • County
    • Emergency Management Update
      • Public Health
    • Accesses
    • Property Taxes

10:00 a.m. #4 Other Areas of Concern

Below is the information to attend either by the web or by phone



Dial in: 1-408-418-9388

Access Code 627433446

April 14, 2020

AGENDA – Tuesday, April 14, 2020


9:00 a.m. #1 Pledge to the Flag

Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes of March 24, 2020
Approve Minutes of March 31, 2020

Approve Minutes of April 3, 2020

Approve Minutes of April 7, 2020

9:05 a.m. #2 Social Services

  • Claims

9:10 a.m. #3 County Auditor/Treasurer

  • Claims
  • Property Tax 

9:25 a.m. #4 County Highway/Landfill

  • Update

9:35 a.m. #5 Sheriff

  • Office Furniture

9:40 a.m. #6 COVID-19

  • Update
  • Accesses


Old/New Business

  • Lessard –Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund
  • Land Trade
  • Township Road Inventory
  • CR 33
  • Home Health Care Task Force
  • Proposed Law Enforcement Center

Below is the information to attend either by the web or by phone


or Dial in: 1-408-418-9388 Access Code 627433446

April, 2020

Commissioner Proceedings

April 3, 2020

The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met for a special meeting on Friday, April 3, 2020 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room.


Chair Jon Waibel called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Jon Waibel, Joe Grund, and Cody Hasbargen.  Present by phone were: Commissioners: Buck Nordlof and Ed Arnesen.  Also present were: County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson, County Attorney James Austad, and Mike Hovde.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the agenda. For: Commissioner: Ed Arnesen, Joe Grund, Cody Hasbargen, Buck Nordlof and Jon Waibel; Against:  None




The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried as follows:  For: Commissioner: Ed Arnesen, Joe Grund, Cody Hasbargen, Buck Nordlof and Jon Waibel; Against:  None.





WHEREAS; the COVID-19 Pandemic Virus is impacting the Lake of the Woods County and its’ businesses; and   

WHEREAS; Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s office has issued a reminder that the exemption to the Stay at Home order allowing outdoor recreation isn’t a blank check to travel; and

WHEREAS; MN State officials say the spirit of the “Stay-at-Home” order is that people not travel outside their communities for recreation, even if the letter of the law doesn’t state that.  That means don’t get on the highway and drive across the state or the country to go fishing; and

WHEREAS; Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR) officials have started using the term “community” to describe where people should be outdoors during the order, as in “only in your own community”. DNR conservation officers have been using the term and DNR Commissioner Sarah Strommen posted it on social media; and

WHEREAS; “The bottom line is this: Folks have to use common sense on what is close to home,’’ said Kim Pleticha, Assistant Communications Director for the DNR. “This is hard on everyone. All Minnesotans have cherished outdoor traditions, but those traditions are going to have to be on hold right now.”; and

WHEREAS; “To save lives, we need as many Minnesotans to stay at home as possible. The exemptions are meant to be narrow and allow for the continuation of critical health and safety functions. Although the executive order doesn’t prohibit traveling for outdoor recreation, the Governor strongly urges all Minnesotans to stay close to their primary residences,” the statement noted. “If people do go out, they are asked to maintain strict social distancing. Staying home helps protect your neighbors from spreading COVID-19 and also avoids crowding rural medical facilities. Avoiding this kind of travel makes us all safer and healthier.”

WHEREAS; Several Minnesota and Wisconsin counties have already taken action urging usually cherished tourists and part-time residents to stay away until COVID-19 passes, saying residents don’t want to be exposed and noting their small-town medical resources are ill-equipped to handle a major outbreak of disease.

WHEREAS; Lake of the Woods County of Commissioners requests all citizens to follow Governor Walz’s “Stay-at Home” order to keep our local citizens and the general public healthy; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners, in following Governor Walz’s order and Minnesota Administrative Rules No. 6110.3700, Subpart 9, are closing surface waters in front of all public accesses to Lake of the Woods and Rainy River including Wheelers Point (150’W x 30’D) and Wabanica (30’W x 20’D), effective Friday, April 3, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. until Tuesday, April 14, 2020, at 11:59 p.m., and will be addressed at weekly COVID-19 meetings.

Commissioners:  Ed Arnesen, Joe Grund, Cody Hasbargen, Buck Nordlof, Jon Waibel


With no further business before the board, Chairman Jon Waibel called the meeting to recess at 1:25 p.m.

Attest:                                                                          April 14, 2020

__________________________________                            _________________________________

County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson                                Chairman of the Board, Jon Waibel


Commissioner Proceedings

April 7, 2020

The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met for a special meeting on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room.


Chair Jon Waibel called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Jon Waibel, Buck Nordlof and Cody Hasbargen.  Present by phone were: Commissioners: Ed Arnesen and Joe Grund.  Also present were: County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson, County Attorney James Austad, County Sheriff Gary Fish, Emergency Management Director Jill Hasbargen-Olson, County Engineer AJ Pirkl, and Mike Hovde.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the agenda. For: Commissioner: Ed Arnesen, Joe Grund, Cody Hasbargen, Buck Nordlof and Jon Waibel; Against:  None


Approval of Bids

SAP 039-631-005 CSAH 31 to KGM $613,741.65

Bostic/JD 28 to Wright Construction $226,115.50


Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the bids for CSAH 31 to KGM with a bid of $613,741.65 and for Bostic/Judicial Ditch 28 to Wright Construction with a bid of $226,115.50. For: Commissioner: Ed Arnesen, Joe Grund, Cody Hasbargen, Buck Nordlof and Jon Waibel;
Against: None



Emergency Management Update

No new updates. County employees can continue to work on FEMA ICS classes.


No new updates.

Fishing/Guiding/Lodging Services

The Board is in communication with the Governor’s Office about questions from constituents regarding offering services during the stay-at-home order. Lodging facilities are asking if they can rent rooms to fisherman and some fishing guides would like to start their operations.

Property Taxes

The Board discussed property taxes and are waiting to see if the state will be addressing property taxes statewide. Add property taxes to next board meeting agenda.

Motor Vehicle

Motor Vehicle services are now considered essential and the county can assist customers by mail and through the drop box.  Renewals will be mailed to the customer.  Driver’s License services will remain closed.

Proposed Law Enforcement Center

The Department of Corrections will be reviewing project delays/extensions due to COVID-19 on a case by case basis, no need to submit a letter at this time.


With no further business before the board, Chairman Jon Waibel called the meeting to recess at 9:20 a.m.

Attest:                                                                          April 14, 2020

__________________________________                _________________________________County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson                    Chairman of the Board, Jon Waibel


Commissioner Proceedings

April 21, 2020

The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met for a special meeting on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room. 


Chair Jon Waibel called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Jon Waibel, Buck Nordlof, Cody Hasbargen, Ed Arnesen and Joe Grund.  Also present were: County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson, County Attorney James Austad, Emergency Management Director Jill Hasbargen-Olson, and Mike Hovde.


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the agenda with the addition of tourism under the emergency management update.


Approval to Request Quotes


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the County Engineer request to get quotes for gravel in the southern part of the county.


Emergency Management Update

Public Health/CHI LakeWood Health

A COVID-19 update from CHI LakeWood Health was provided by Kay M. Schell, Public Health Manager, and Jenny Loughrey, Infection Control and Employee Health Coordinator, via conference call.  

Schell commented on how businesses have ramped up cleaning procedures and some are installing plexiglass at their counters. Schell continues to work on policies for COVID-19 and attends meetings to stay updated on the latest COVID-19 information.

Loughrey shared that a universal masking protocol and screening process is in place at CHI LakeWood Health.  She thanked the community for donations of alternative face masks.  A survey, by the Minnesota Department of Health, to monitor processes for COVID-19 in long-term care was conducted at CHI LakeWood Health and no deficiencies were received.



Commissioner Ed Arnesen talked about how to open up tourism safely and the need to have a proactive response.  Jill Hasbargen-Olson said that the next emergency management stakeholders meeting will be on Thursday at 4 pm and invited the tourism board to attend via WebEx.  Meeting information will be sent to Joe Henry. Schell encouraged the tourism board to reach out to herself, Loughrey and Hasbargen-Olson for resources or training needs.



Motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously to approve the opening of all County controlled Right of Ways that provide access along the Rainy River effective Tuesday, April 21, 2020.

Property Taxes

County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson provided the Board with examples of strategies that counties are implementing or considering regarding property taxes. The County does not have the authority to change property tax due dates.  It was requested that property taxes be put on the agenda for the next regular board meeting.



Ted Furbish is working on spring organization at the landfill and communicated that the landfill will be closed to the public on Wednesdays until further notice.  The landfill is open on Saturday for contractors by appointment only. Other dates and hours of operation will continue as previously listed. The recycle trailer will be removed for a short time. The grinder should be delivered by the middle or end of May.

Northern Light Region

Mike Hovde, from the Northern Light Region, questioned a change made to when the state-owned public accesses would open.  Also discussed updates from Hospitality Minnesota, which helped to simplify the executive order by the governor in relation to lodging and tourism.


County Attorney, James Austad, has been in meetings with district court administrators and they are working on a process to reopen courtrooms. Austad will keep the Board updated on the plan.

Add to Agenda

Commissioner Ed Arnesen would like future county spending and website updates added to the next board meeting agenda.


With no further business before the Board, Chairman Jon Waibel called the meeting to recess at 9:49 a.m.

Attest: April 28, 2020

__________________________________ _________________________________

County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson Chairman of the Board, Jon Waibel 

Commissioner Proceedings

April 28, 2020

The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, April 28 2020 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room. 


Chair Jon Waibel called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Joe Grund, Jon Waibel, Buck Nordlof, Cody Hasbargen and Ed Arnesen. Also present were: County Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson, Emergency Management Director Jill Hasbargen-Olson, County Attorney James Austad and Mike Hovde.



Motion was made by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to approve the agenda.



Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the official and summarized minutes of April 14, 2020 and April 21, 2020.




Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the following claims: Commissioners Warrant’s $6,982.47, Commissioners Warrant’s $3,104.61, Commissioners Warrant’s $21,865.91.




Motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously to approve the claims against the County as follows: Revenue $66,450.46; Road & Bridge $53,670.47; Solid Waste $17,142.03;


Warrants Approved On 4/28/2020 For Payment 4/30/2020

Vendor Name Amount

Allstates Pavement Recycling & Stab. Inc 10,366.00

Avenu Insights & Analytics 6,311.59

ByteSpeed, LLC 3,844.00

Mar-Kit Landfill 14,595.50

Mike Motors of Minnesota Inc 28,840.00

Minnesota Ui 3,633.90

Northern Light Region 3,586.43

Office Liquidators Inc. 9,881.00

Quadient Finance USA Inc. 3,000.00

Ranger GM 37,045.00

31 Payments less than 2000   16,159.54

                               Final Total: 137,262.96

Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants: April 15, 2020 for 43,754.64; April 22, 2020 for 10,625.47.

Property Tax


The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and carried unanimously the following:





WHEREAS; the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners declared Lake of the Woods County in a State of Emergency for the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency effective March 16, 2020, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 2019 Chapter 12; and 

WHEREAS; the COVID-19 Pandemic Virus is impacting Lake of the Woods County residents and its’ businesses; and

WHEREAS; Lake of the Woods County desires to provide temporary relief to its residents and businesses within the County that have been directly or indirectly impacted by the economic pressures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; and

WHEREAS; Lake of the Woods County recognizes that due to unemployment, lost or reduced wages and the loss of business income, the timely payment of property taxes will be a major economic pressure for many county property owners and businesses this year; and

WHEREAS; Lake of the Woods County recognizes that not all individual and business property owners may be experiencing financial hardships due to COVID-19, and those who can, are encouraged to pay their property taxes by the due date of May 15, 2020 or as scheduled.  This would also include all who utilize escrow payments and Automatic ACH payments (Direct Payment of Property Tax); and 

WHEREAS; the Lake of the Woods County Board may, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 279.01, subdivision 2, with the concurrence of the County Treasurer, abate the penalty for late payment of property taxes in the current year; and

WHEREAS; the Lake of the Woods County Board finds that imposing the penalty for late payment of the 2020 current year property taxes that would be imposed between May 16, 2020 and July 15, 2020 would be unjust and unreasonable; and

WHEREAS; the Lake of the Woods County Auditor/Treasurer concurs with the County Board’s findings and its desire to abate the penalty for taxpayers for late payment of the 2020 current year property taxes that would be imposed between May 16, 2020 and July 15, 2020.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners pursuant to Minnesota Statute 279.01, subdivision 2, hereby delegates authority to the County Auditor/Treasurer to abate any penalties for late payments made for the first half of current year 2020 property tax payments due in May 2020, and paid on or before July 15, 2020; 

FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners encourages all taxpayers that can pay their property taxes by May 15, 2020 to comply with the due date.

FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners, that this abatement consideration applies only to current year property tax payments originally due in May 2020, but received on or before July 15, 2020, and any taxes paid after July 15, 2020, will revert to the regular penalty schedule.

Snowmobile Trails Assistance Program Resolutions

The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Ed Arnesen, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and moved for adoption: 

Resolution No. 20-04-04

Sponsorship of Snowmobile Trails Assistance Program

BE IT RESOLVED, that Lake of the Woods County will act as the legal sponsor for an application for funding to the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resource for NW Angle Islands maintenance of snowmobile trails managed by Northwest Angle Edge Riders Club. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approval of its application by the state, the Lake of the Woods County may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above referenced project and that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the agreement. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that County Auditor-Treasurer, Lorene G Hanson is hereby authorized to serve as the fiscal agent for the above referenced project. 

The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Buck Nordlof, seconded by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen and moved for adoption: 

Resolution No. 20-04-05

Sponsorship of Snowmobile Trails Assistance Program

BE IT RESOLVED, that Lake of the Woods County will act as the legal sponsor for an application for funding to the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resource for Lake of the Woods Drifters Land and Big Traverse Trails managed by Lake of the Woods Drifters. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approval of its application by the state, the Lake of the Woods County may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above referenced project and that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the agreement. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that County Auditor-Treasurer, Lorene G Hanson is hereby authorized to serve as the fiscal agent for the above referenced project


It was the consensus of the Board that departments visit with the Board before making capital expenditures, even if the item was budgeted for. The Board requested to review Revenue and Expenditure guidelines again.


Website Update

MIS Director, Peder Hovland, contacted other counties to discuss their websites and vendor recommendations.  An updated ADA compliant website could cost $30,000 to $60,000 to build with an additional annual cost of $6,000 to $7,000.  A committee with representation from each department will be formed.  Commissioners would like MIS to get quotes for the updating of the website.  


MCIT Sponsoring Entity Resolution

The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Cody Hasbargen, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and moved for adoption: 

RESOLUTION #20-04-03

Sponsorship of Lake of the Woods Watershed Joint Powers Board for Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust Membership

WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County is a member of the Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust; and

WHEREAS, a current member of the Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust must sponsor a new entity for membership; and 

WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods Watershed Joint Powers Board desires to become a member for the purposes of obtaining liability, property, and workers compensation coverage.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Lake of the Woods County sponsors Lake of the Woods Watershed Joint Powers Board for membership.

Adopted this 28th day of April, 2020


Update County Highway

County Engineer, AJ Pirkl, provided the County Highway update. 

An invitation was extended to Lindsay Krause for the U of M student intern position. Krause will start just after Memorial Day.  

Pirkl is looking into rental options for a Gradall Excavator.  The excavator can travel at highway speed (60 mph) and could increase ditch cleaning capabilities.  There are three dealers in Minnesota, the closest being in Virginia.  Pirkl will have more information for the next meeting.


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and carried unanimously to accept and approve the bid for SAP 39-030-003 Bituminous Seal Coat Project to Asphalt Surface Technologies Corporation (ASTECH) for $332,789.35.

Update Landfill
County Engineer, AJ Pirkl, provided the County Landfill Update. The landfill plans to start operating at full-staff after the road restrictions are lifted. Pirkl submitted the landfill expansion and updated ground water monitoring plan to the MCPA last Friday.


Approval of New Radio Console

Jill Hasbargen-Olson, Emergency Management Director, requested approval for the MCC 7500 Dispatch Console.  The Emergency Communications Networks (ECN) has agreed to cover 44% of the cost, Hasbargen-Olson is also working with insurance to cover some of the cost due to damage from the lightning strike last summer. The quote was for $380,572 (-$167,451.68 from ECN = $213,120.32).  Hasbargen-Olson said that the fire department, ambulance and school buses will be switching to the armor system this summer.  County Highway still uses VHF radios. The County Board suggested to move forward but to work with the County Engineer, AJ Pirkl, to get the County Highway onboard at the same time.

Hasbargen-Olson also talked about 911 equipment in dispatch that is nearing end of life, more information on this equipment will be provided at the next meeting.  The board requested an update on ongoing expenditures in the 911 budget.


Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and carried unanimously to approve the purchase of the MCC 7500 Dispatch Console for Lake of the Woods County at a cost of up to $213,120.00 (after ECN pays 44%). 


Jill Hasbargen-Olson, Emergency Management Director, had nothing new to report on the COVID-19 front and no confirmed cases in Lake of the Woods County. ANI Pharmaceuticals was set to present at the next stakeholders meeting on their COVID-19 cleaning procedures and employee protocols.  Ryan Zemek from Lake of the Woods Economic Development was also asked to provide information.  

Hasbargen-Olson continues to work with public health and reported that the memorandum of understanding has not been received back from the hotels and the arena.  She recommended that the County Board review travel and trainings policies for county employees and consider if those will continue, web conferences for future meetings and trainings was encouraged.  It was suggested to have the department heads meet to plan for reopening the county buildings. Consider having a masking/screening processes in place for employees and a policy template that each department could complete to plan for social distancing and cleaning.  Department heads will be requested to attend the May 5th special COVID-19 meeting. 

Hasbargen-Olson will work with the Northern Light Region to include a Thank You to the community for the masks and support during COVID-19.

James Austad, County Attorney, mentioned that Court Administration is having a meeting to continue plans for reopening the courts.


With no further business before the Board, Chairman Jon Waibel called the meeting to recess at 10:48 a.m.

Attest: May 12, 2020

______________________________ _________________________________

County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson Chairman of the Board, Jon Waibel